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try {PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(source_file);PdfReaderContentParser parser = new PdfReaderContentParser(reader);FileStream fs = new FileStream(destination_file_path+"//"+destination_file_name+".txt",FileMode.Create);StreamWriter sw=new StreamWr...

Decipher Result Extraction -Training Model

Hi,I am extracting the processing metrics of a batch of 400 documents but I am only getting back 2 entries. Can someone please explain how does the SQL stored procedure returns these metrics and how can I get the result of all 400 documents?---------...

Reading Arabic

Hi,I tried to process some Arabic documents but Decipher only seems to want to read the image in English. I wanted to ask if decipher can process documents that are in Arabic.------------------------------Mohammed areeb------------------------------

Decrypt Data

Hello everyone! I'm trying to decrypt an encrypted data usind Utility Encryption. As Input I'm using the public key provided by the application supplier, the encrypted password and RSA as algorithm. When I run, I receive an error about invalid syntax...

Blue Prism Dashboard

Hi,Can you tell me more about published dashboard.? Where it is used? how it is used.? How its different from power BI/Splunk or any external monitoring tool?Also could you tell me who are the targeted audience or users for BP dashboard? In business ...

Decipher - Batch Access

Is it possible in the Decipher tool to restrict access to some batches of files for a dedicated group of users?  For example, i want team A to only be able to see and verify only batches of type A and team B only batches of type B. I do not want memb...

Decipher User permissions

Hello allI have additional question regards to Decipher and didn't found any answer. We're working to implement Decipher and I have a question regards to the User Permissions, which is very important to implement Decipher within my Organization: If "...

Decipher Result Extraction -Training Model

Hi,I am extracting the processing metrics of a batch of 400 documents but I am only getting back 2 entries. Can someone please explain how does the SQL stored procedure returns these metrics and how can I get the result of all 400 documents?---------...

December 24H Challenge "Let's party!"

Hi everyone! We are happy to announce our third and last standalone 24 hour Challenge of the year! Our upcoming Challenge, "Let's party!", kicks off on December 6th and is open for a maximum of 15 teams of five people.Registration open last week and ...


How to duplicate worksheet in excel with out spying?

Hello,How to duplicate worksheets with out spying the I have a worksheet with lot of conidtional formating and have different color with out reading and writing is there way we can exactly duplicate the worksheet but with out spying?-----------------...

Resolved! SQL query to fetch running automations in control room

Hi Team,Can we fetch the status of the current automation process status using SQL query? For example process xyz running in a control room now and process, abc is in pending status.What we are interested in fetching is the status of the control room...