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Convert jpg to pdf

heips,I have a process which saves the view using print screen (only way to really get the correct form/window - print screen to PDF will mess it up the overlapping windows).But how to convert the JPG -files to PDF -files ?

annukka by Level 3
  • 2 replies

PIVOT Tables Creation in Excel

Hi Team, How to create Pivot tables and add the rows, columns and values to the PIVOT tables in excel? So we have any actions available in  MS Excel VBO? Need your help on this------------------------------SYED FAHEEMRPA DeveloperDAR-MEAsia/Kolkata--...

#BPTechTips - Empty Collection Test

Hi all,A quick and simple way to test if a collection has any rows is to use a Loop stage without hooking up the loop end. If you continue on from the loop start then there is at least one row in the collection. Otherwise if you exit out of the loop ...


Determine Categorization in Outlook

Hi Everyone,Do you have any ideas/workaround on how I can get the current categorization of an email in Outlook.For example, in the screenshot I need to check if it's tagged as For Processing. I'm using Get Received Items action which can give an Ent...


Resolved! Using the IsDateTime function regardless of locale

Hello everyone, I am currently trying to make the validation step of a process, in which I need to check that a date obtained through an excel is correctly formated. However, the target format is "dd/mm/yyyy", while my machine's is "mm/dd/yyyy", ther...

Is RabbitMQ still required in Decipher v2.3?

Dear Connections,I would like to check if decipher v2.3 still require rabbitmq.If yes, what is the road map for decipher to support newer version of RabbitMQ? We had RabbitMQ v3.11 installed when we did the installation of decipher v2.2. However as p...

uncki2 by Level 5
  • 1 replies

Importing CSV files

Good Day Team,I am experiencing an issue when importing data from a CSV, Comma delimited file.In the CSV file I can see values like:,05.78,     ,20.00,    ,07.50,How ever when the import is done the collection shows values like:5.78        20        ...

BPPI - Version issue

i can see below version in my BPPI tool which is 2.1.2 but if i look at documentation, i noticed that this version release notes are missing. refer snip below. i believe this need to corrected in documentation.

Neel1_0-1721197967311.png Neel1_1-1721198059595.png
Neel1 by MVP
  • 0 replies

Resolved! Cross Environment Version Control

Suppose at some point in the past a business object was developed in our Blue Prism Development environment and then imported into our Blue Prism Production environment. Also suppose that this object was edited and saved many times in the Development...

How to attach image in body of the mail.

HI,We are trying to insert a image within the body of email using Email-POP3/SMTP VBOWe have tried these logics in body of the send message action:"<html><p><img src="&[Attachment Path]&"> name </img><p><html>" and also "<html><p><img id="&"ImageID"&...


How do I insert an image in the body of an email?

I've attached the image "Return Mail Image Header.png" as an attachment to the email. However, I want to show this image in the actual body of the email. I tried using CID in the body like this, but with no success. How can I accomplish this? Is ther...


Could not open target process

Hello,Recently updated to BP 7.3.1 and updated the browser extension for Chrome to 7.3 as well.Ever since then any time my process needs to restart the chrome browser, when it tries to relaunch it it runs into this error.I have already went through t...


Chrome and Extension Not Detected

Hello, We are on BP Version 7.1.2 with the match extension version. In a schedule, we have 3 processes in a chain and all 3 use Chrome. The first two processes work great however, when we get to the 3rd process. The process fails due to the Extension...

Resolved! Formatting Data Item

Hi everyone,I have a data item in Blue Prism that contains multiple codes stored as follows:1236718V981A876287672087740767I need to format this data item so that it appears like this: '12367','18V98','1A876','28767','20877','40767'.How can I achieve ...