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Forum Posts

Login Agent Not working

I had a PC on which login agent was running successfully. Suddenly out of the blue scheduling the Login of the login agent does not work. Get the error "Task: Login threw an exception:Resource Pc11111: Timed out waiting for valid connection". I  look...

CR by Level 4
  • 7 replies

Blue Prism Cloud

Hi all,Given the recent announcements within the market and some exciting upcoming news on the new products being made available - I wanted to open up a thread on the subject of Blue Prism Cloud (formally Thoughtonomy).I look forward with working, co...


Naming Conventions

Are there any particular naming conventions for Blue Prism?  I've been using normal casing for all data items and collections. Does it make sense to use any other conventions?  Ex: Collection Name or collectionNameAddress or txtAddress  What do you f...

OLEDB Query execution from data item

Dynamically generating a query and placing it within the data item.When trying to run the Data - OLEDB --> Get Collection and calling the data item, i get the below error message.Could not execute code stage because exception thrown by code stage: Sy...

Multiple Files Of Same Process

Hi Folks,For Example I have a Process - P1 in a folder called "Invoice Creation". Then I moved it to Production with the structure how it is Development server.Now I made some changes in Development and changes the  folder name to "Payment creation"....

Open process or object in view mode

Hello, how can I open a process or an object in view mode (read-only) when no-one is editing it? I want to view processes and objects, but do not interrupt developers, do not lock them for editing. Thank you

Resolved! Process level access v6

Blue Prism added new feature in it's v6. In this it says we can add process level access to particular user only. How to do this ?

Robot account

Hi,Is it possible to use several Robot users accounts to 1 machine? I'm wondering if this could be used instead of creating a separate machine for each user. Then you could install all the underlying application without thinking about accesses, inste...

How to take a screenshot and store it in blueprism

Hey everyone,I think the subject title says it all. I am creating a process in which I am trying to take a screenshot from a website. However, I am not quiet sure as to which procedure I should take in order to do this as there does not seem to be an...

Copy and paste through Surface Automation

Hi Masters,I am looking for little from from you Blueprism professional. I am stuck in my development and unable to do a job.I have connected to blueprism machine and from this machine through Remote desktop connected to another machine and I have to...

License Expiry Notication

Hi all,Hope you are doing well.My Client just asked a question on "Does Blue Prism have any feature to notify him any of his license is going to expiry".I know that if "all" of the license is expiring, there is a message in the application.Are there ...

object and process developer or all in one

​Hey Guys,i have a quick question how you do your developments.Do you habe object and process developer or are your developers all in one?In my company we have right now all in one. I dont think its that good of an idea, but i wanted to know from the...