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Forum Posts

Regarding of PDF Reader

Is there any PDF VBO for converting PDF into a Word File, Please let me know about that and Thanks in Advance. If there is no PDF VBO , then why Blue prism cannot develop that VBO.


Hi All, As I mentioned in Subject, i am connecting Excel as Database my query is "SELECT [Sheet1$].[ID], [Sheet1$].[name], [Sheet1$].[Email], [Sheet2$].[ID], [Sheet2$].[name], [Sheet2$].[Email] from [Sheet1$] inner join [Sheet2$] on [Sheet1$].[ID] =...

Integration with external password management system

Hi, I work for a financial entity and we have a centralized system to store credentials of all non-unique (system) user-ids, and have built APIs with Java, .NET and python to retrieve passwords while a system needs to present passwords to other syste...

BluePrism sends empty values to webservice

I am having a Problem sending values to a webservice. I got These values from Fiddler: even though I am sending a filled collection (please see attached). Does anyone has any ideas why this could be? Thank you!

Internal Object - Credentials

HI, I am exploring Internal Business Object "Credentials". There is one action "Generate and Set". New Password is generated using this action stage. Since it is stored in [Password] data item, so not readable. I used Internal Business Object Encry...

Automate.exe has stopped working

Hi We have a particular process which occasionally causes the error; 'Automate.exe has stopped working'.  This causes the process to stop and the virtual machine to freeze. The resource shows in the Control Room as 'Not Responding' and must have ma...

Selecting multiple worksheets

Hi All If any one help here.   How can I select multiple worksheets?   Example: I need to select more then one work worksheet and need to send Ctrl + p Keystroke.   How can I achieve this scenario in Blueprism   PFA     Thanks Salman Ahm...

MAPIEX get mail reads in HTML

Hi, I am using MAPIEX get mail VBO to read the contents of email from Outlook. for some reason the content ( body ) of the mail is read as HTML not as plain text. ( attached screenshot for reference ) . The output variable 'Message is HTML' is true....

Handling of "File In Use" Message in Word

Hello Blue Prism Community I have one Process Automation, which have to open an Word Document to gather information from the Word Document. Unfortunately, some of the business users forgot to close their Documents after they provide the documents to...

Getting exception while spying in 6.4

Hi All, First time I am using 6.4 in my machine I am getting below exception while spying Adobe Acrobat Reader window: System.ApplicationException: The window spied was not found in the model    at BluePrism.AMI.clsAMI.Spy(clsElementTypeInfo& eleme...