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Forum Posts

Queue Defering Time

Hi everyone, Im having issues with the below scenario, Im hoping that someone has experienced this and managed to find a fix. I have 2 queues, I have just completed the case from first queue and as the last part of the process, the case will be plac...

How to read the data from table to collection ?

Dear All, I would like to know, how to read the table from website into one collection ? As I know, I would use dynamic match the path to get the value one by one, but I think this is not a smart method, do you have any simpler method to get them ? ...

Schedule not Starting

Hi All,   We have a schedule built out, designed to run every 10 minutes. The issue is that it does not. I can run processes from Control Room with no issue, but for some reason, although the time table gets populated, the schedule never runs and t...

JavaScript Fragments

Hi everyone, i want to use Javascript code to my object.  Ex;  function maximizar(){ window.moveTo(0,0); window.resizeTo(screen.width,screen.height); } Documento sin título   to maximize the ie window. Any idea how should i write it in the d...

Read protected/secured PDF

Hi all! I have several PDF files which are secured, this is, they cannot be copy/pasted. However, they are sercheable since I am able to select the text, search words, etc. Basically, they are Word files converted to PDF files and then protected to ...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Blue Prism UX Ideas

I had some things I noticed/desired from a UX perspective.  They're all pretty small but could be huge time savers! Add If statement to logic function so we can calculate a variable in one stage rather than a decision and two calculations linked b...

WS call

I have authentication problems when consuming my webservice in BluePrism and I am getting error message: "Invalid Username and Password". I am running this from my laptop with my personal credentials. Could you please advise?   BR Dan ...

How dynamic wait stage works?

Hello All, I'm working on a huge web application (meaning really huge number of controls, buttons, textboxes, etc). After Identifying an element in the Application Modeller, when trying to highlight the element, it took 20 seconds to highlight. Se...

MAPIEx Fail to Send Email

Hi, I am trying to use MAPIEx to send email. It sometimes works, sometimes not. When it is not working, it will give a error message: "Failure in Send Mail function of Blue Prism Extended MAPI Automation. Failed to access message store" Shutting d...

EricLiu by Level 5
  • 6 replies