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Forum Posts

Trying to find version 6.9

Hi everyone. I am trying to get the 6.9 or 6.10 version. Can anyone help me to get it, please.------------------------------Mopidevi Livenkumar------------------------------

Resolved! BP 7.1 edge extension problem

Hi, I have a problem with integrating BP with EDGE. In my company we have upgraded to 7.1 as we can no longer use IE.Unfortunately I can't get BP to work with EDGE or CHROME.When I launch the web based application, BP returns the error "The browser e...

Query on upgrading Decipher 2.2 to 2.2.1

I see that we need to just install one of the component for this upgrade to take place which is Decipher Web Client. But I'm unable to find the installer file in the Decipher downloads. @Ben.Lyons1 can you help with this or anyone is aware where is ...

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Facing issue with Get Verified Document process

Hi,I have completed batches in Decipher but when I run process 3 Get Verified Document, I am neither getting Batch ID nor Documents. And also Flag 'Batch Available' returns False. Need help to resolve why it's happening. My QueueSuffix name is same a...

Timed out waiting for all sessions to start

Hi, few weeks back we upgraded BP to 7.1.2. Since that time occasionally schedulers are not triggered properly.In a scheduler report there is an error: Task: [taskName]: Timed out waiting for all sessions to start Scheduler starts tasks on multiple r...

Spy Mode

Morning everyone. I am busy with the Consolidation Exercise of the course. I have a problem with spying some elements. I do highlight the element it is fine but once I run the process I get the error message the states no element matched with the que...

Misc Parameters for Table Items

Hi Ben,Please guide me the following Misc Parameters when to use it with one scenario for Table Items. The parameters are 1)TopStop2)BottomStop3)BottomStopPhrase4)BorderTable=OnAnd also for which header of the table I need to assign this parameters?F...

BP Generate locks in Database

Hello Everyone, I hope that you're well. So, I receved of my infrainstructure one warning that my Blue Prism is generate locks in my database, I never saw this case.  My BP Version: 6.10 The Query that is creating the lock in DB : update BPAAliveReso...
