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Blog Articles

Blue Prism Product Roadmap

Announcement from:  11-18-2020Want to see what's coming in Blue Prism? We now have our product portfolio roadmap published on the Blue Prism Portal for you to access at any time. Check out the link he...


A new Discover product - Blue Prism Capture!

Announcement from: 10-15-2020We are excited to announce a new Discover product, Blue Prism Capture, launching in November! Capture is an on-prem solution that autogenerates screenshots, step descripti...


Announcing Showpad for Partners!

Announcement from: 07-16-2020 At Blue Prism we want to make sure all our partners are equipped and enabled to build their Blue Prism business to its full potential, and to do that you need to be enabl...


Blue Prism Product Roadmap

Announcement from:  03-18-2020 18:12Please find the link below to the latest Blue Prism Roadmap. This Roadmap details the additional functionality which is scheduled to be added to the product over th...


Want Added Safety? The DX Does Checksums!

When you download an Asset from the Digital Exchange, how do you know that the download was successful? How do you know that there was not some system error that corrupted one or more bits? How can yo...


Need to Monitor the DX?  Try the New RSS Feed

There is no doubt about it, the Blue Prism Digital Exchange is full of lots of useful ready-built objects and processes that will accelerate your Automation success.  We have always said that you shou...


The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. Leave a Review.

The Blue Prism Digital Exchange (DX) is a self-service marketplace of Blue Prism components that will accelerate your building of Blue Prism automations. There are two sides to the DX; those that prov...


블루프리즘-로민, AI 기반 업무 프로세스 자동화 확대 MOU 체결

양 사의 인공지능 기술 및 솔루션 바탕으로 금융권 등 국내 기업 대상 공동 사업 추진 블루프리즘의 RPA 전문성과 로민의 AI OCR 기술력 기반 사업 시너지 기대 블루프리즘과 로민이 AI 기반 업무 프로세스 자동화 확대를 위한 업무협약을 체결했다 워링턴, 영국--(뉴스와이어) 2022년 03월 04일 -- 지능형 자동화 분야의 글로벌 선도 ...


블루프리즘, ABBYY와 통합된 '블루프리즘 프로세스 인텔리전스' 출시

지능형 자동화 분야의 글로벌 선도 기업 블루프리즘(AIM: PRSM)은 기업 내 산재된 데이터로부터 빠르게 최적의 자동화 기회를 찾을 수 있게 도와주는 ‘블루프리즘 프로세스 인텔리전스(Blue Prism Process Intelligence Powered by ABBYY Timeline)’를 출시했다. 블루프리즘 프로세스 인텔리전스는 블루프리즘과 디지털 인...


블루프리즘, AWS와 자동화 속도 높인다...대규모 지능형 자동화 위한 협업 구축

기업 지능형 자동화 구축 위해 다년간 협업 체계 구축AWS와 협업해 블루프리즘 디지털 로봇 지능과 접근성 ↑온디맨드로 대규모 지능형 자동화 솔루션 제공 가능 블루프리즘이 아마존웹서비스(AWS)와 다년간 전략적 협업에 합의했다고 23일 밝혔다. 양사는 각기 보유한 자동화 솔루션을 활용, 기업의 지능형 자동화 구축 실현에 앞장서기로 했다. 양사는 이번 협업으로...


Jerin Jose: Community member of the month - March

We are excited to announce our Community member of the month for March@JerinJose   Jerin started his RPA journey as a BluePrism developer before moving to Platform configuration for BluePrism and re...


Reveal Group BOT Madness - Team Blue Prism

Do you love BOTs and Basketball? Reveal Group split over two dozen developers into teams to create the best bracket-picking robots. Read on to follow Team Blue Prism's March Madness bracket logic and ...


Can't Find the DX Asset You Need? Submit an Idea!

Your Intelligent Automation goal is to streamline your critical processes to make your enterprise more efficient and productive. Your Blue Prism Digital Workers need to interact with your critica...


Acelerador Interact

La manera más rápida de implementar Interact con éxito. El "Acelerador Interact" se ha convertido recientemente en una de nuestras ofertas de servicio más populares entre nuestros clientes y asociad...


Using NuGet with Blue Prism

Not everyone who creates automations with Blue Prism may have come across the term, NuGet. In fact, you may have only come across NuGet if you are a code stage creator or, in effect, a NET develope...


Just Say "Yes" to Multi-Factor Authentication

What is Multi-Factor Authentication? Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is a common technique used by IT departments to secure access to applications.  MFA encompasses Two Factor Authentication or 2FA...


Blue Prism Interact Accelerator

Der schnellste Weg zur erfolgreichen Implementierung von Blue Prism Interact Der "Initeract Accelerator" ist seit kurzem eines unserer beliebtesten Serviceangebote bei unseren Kunden und Partnern. Fü...


Neeraj Kumar: Community member of the month - January

  We're very excited to announce our Community member of the month for January: @Neeraj Kumar Neeraj joined us from the very beginning in 2019 and he hit the ground running from the start! With ove...