A MAD Day on the Blue Prism Community - Community M.A.D. 2022 Recap

Community Team (Retired)

The Blue Prism Community has the best community members around! And that’s why we held our first Community Member Appreciation Day (Community M.A.D) to say thanks! 

As many of you know,
the Blue Prism Community has won 3 awards this year, and we couldn’t have done it without you - our amazing, highly engaged, and knowledgeable group of members who make our community the helpful, inviting, and vibrant place that it’s become. So, if you missed our Community M.A.D, or just want a recap of everything that took place, read on for an overview of the celebration! 

Live Event 

As part of the day’s festivities, we held a live event where all of our members could meet face-to-face and have a bit of fun! We had over 40 members join live on the event to chat, get to know each other, battle for the top spot in a live quiz event, and win some awesome awards for their contributions to the Community! 

Nice to Meet You, but Get Ready to Be Outsmarted! 

The event included some time for our community members to introduce & get to know each other, share their social media, and connect. We heard from lots of our highly engaged members who talked through their experience with Blue Prism & gave thanks to those who helped them in the Community.  

We also had a live quiz held by The Quiz Team where everyone on the line was able to compete to answer questions on general knowledge and Blue Prism facts to see who would prevail as the quiz master. The top 3 winners took home prizes, and @GopalBhaire was our overall winner, who took the top spot by a stunning margin! We also had an at-length discussion about our favorite desserts, and an all-dessert-themed quiz was proposed for next year’s Community M.A.D event :D. 

Check out our photo from the event! 



Our Community Rockstars Win Big! 

For the big finale of our live event, we had an official awards ceremony to recognize some of our most engaged and helpful users over the past year. These users have helped to shape the culture of our community through their fantastic engagement, and we wanted to give back by recognizing their contributions in several different categories. We had 10 categories overall, and 4 of those were open to voting by the larger community to determine the winner – we had over 200 votes in total, so thank you to everyone who shared their voice and helped us pick the true rock stars over the past year. And a BIG CONGRATS to our winners, below, who have been an amazing part of our community over the past year – each winner will receive a Community M.A.D award winner ribbon on the Community, a certificate of achievement for their win, and a $50 Amazon gift card. 

Community vote winners:
Friendly Face - @Srihari Kodi 
Helpful Hand - @Jerin Jose 
Engagement Expert -@Pablo Sarabia 
Local Legend - @Jesse Tutt 

Community Engagement winners:
Product Pro - @Emerson Ferreira 
Creative Contributor - @Walter Koller 
Innovation Influencer - @Vipul Tiwari 
Dev For Good - @MuraliKrishna Kodi 
Biggest Piggy Bank -@Neeraj Kumar 
Top Contributor - @Devneet Mohanty 
You've all been such an important part of our Community culture in the past year, and we appreciate you! 
Special shout out to our nominees, who have also been amazing contributors over the past year. These users will also be receiving prizes as a thanks for their engagement. 
Friendly Face -@Tejaskumar Darji@Shikhar Mishra
Helpful Hand - @Jerin Jose, @Dave Morris 
Engagement Expert -@Ritansh Jatwani, @vinod chinthakindi 
Local Legend - @Eric Nguyen​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​, @Genold Bañares 

And that sums up our live event! To view a recording of the entire session, click here.

Community Fun 

For those who weren’t able to attend the live event, we had a number of fun activities that took place on the Community throughout the day. 

Thank You For Being a Friend 

In addition to all of our efforts to recognize and thank all of our great members during Community M.A.D, we also wanted to give you a chance to recognize a community member who was especially helpful to you! And we were ecstatic to see several people chime in and give thanks on our Say Thanks! thread that went live the morning of the 21st. It was great to see so many of you giving thanks to your peers and recognizing their efforts. But if you missed out on contributing on the day-of, it’s not too late! Please keep this thread alive and leave a comment thanking any Community members who have gone above and beyond to help or have been a friendly face at any time! It’s never too late to say thanks!  

A Little Confetti Never Hurt! 

Did you catch our easter egg on the Community during Community M.A.D? You may have noticed a suspicious banner telling you to DEFINITELY NOT CLICK IT! For some of our more mischievous members who clicked anyway, you were greeted by a confetti party and a message thanking you for making our community special. As you can see in the screenshot below, I REALLY love confetti, and may have clicked it maybe a little TOO much! 😊 


Our Most Animated Members 

You also may have noticed that some of our most active members had some very special avatars starting the morning of Community M.A.D. As a thank you to our Community MVPs, we had the very talented Tom Ward design some custom illustrations featuring the MVPs favorite selifes and colors. Didn’t they come out great? Read below for a collage of all the awesome avatars and some info about the very talented Tom, and check out our Community MVP page to see the illustrations live on the site.  

Tom Ward is a London-based Illustrator working as a 2D artist for Games company, Firefly Studios. He's masterful at creating concept art, illustrations, interface screens, icons, and logos for a range of medieval castle strategy games. When Tom isn't creating art, you'll find him with a lamp painting Warhammer models to his heart's content; which you can find on his Instagram @TomWardDraws. Tom also creates his own adventure and loves to explore the woodlands near where he lives with his four-legged friend Bear. 


A Shiny New Badge! 

As a thank you to everyone who took part in our very first Community M.A.D., we’ve created a fun new badge that will be awarded to everyone who participated in our live threads or attended our event on Community M.A.D. 2022. If you were a part of the fun, keep an eye out for the badge below on your profile in the coming days.  


And that’s it for our overview of Community M.A.D 2022! If you enjoyed our very first Community M.A.D celebration, please let us know what your favorite part was in the comments below!  

And if you have any suggestions for next year, the planning is already beginning, so we’d love to hear from you!  




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