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Forum Posts

The browser extension was not detected

Issue: "The browser extension was not detected, please check that it has been installed and enabled. For more information, see the browser extension user guide." I oft...

Good practise quick question?

Hello team, A quick question. Is it good practice to call the Blue Prism DB tables to pull certain information? I know changing something on this tables certainly pose a huge risk but I'm talking about just reading something out of this tables like s...

Resolved! Sending meeting invites in Outlook

Hi: I have a requirement to send meeting invites via Outlook but did not see an option under the Outlook VBO, Does anyone know if this can be done? Thank you in advance, Tak------------------------------Tak KwokSr. Data AssociateSP GlobalAmerica/New_...

Interact Installation error.

Hi, We are trying to install Interact 4.7, but we are below getting error during installation, which we are not able to identify can any help us on this error. Error ErrorText:Info: Trying to get value by key - INTERACT_SECRET ...Info: Trying to get ...

New Field Flag in V2.2

There is a new Field Flag added in Decipher V2.2 but I do not see the description for it in the user-guide  documentation.  Where can I find more information on it? ------------------------------Meghana Patil------------------------------


Using Scroll Bar to scroll down

Hello, Im automating a process to input appraisal info into our ESR application (this is a java based application) The scroll bar cannot be picked up using java spy mode so i have used surface automation to spy the scroll bar and i have also used s...


Get variable data from a XLSM file

Hi, has anyone tried to get the variable value embedded in a text box control from an XLSM file? I tried several times with the default Get Cell Value action, but it doesnt detect  the existence of the variable, anyone has any ideas about how to mana...


Blueprism Database change

We are changing the clusters and pointing it to a new server. What are the steps in Blueprism I need to do and in SQL database to point it to the right location.------------------------------Ajithran Balasubramanian------------------------------

Schedule to run only on weekends and national holidays

Hi, We need to schedule a certain process to run on weekends and national holidays hourly. We have one calendar to define Korean business days as below Scheduling processes to run only on business days is possible, on the other hand, we can't let ro...

YunaLee by Staff
  • 2 replies

Question on use of Credential Manager

Good vday Team, I Have a Question on the use of a credential manager, that I cant seem to get to work as expected and assume I am doing something wrong. I have a requirement to store approximately 20 to 30 vendors credentials in a Retailers Credenti...
