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Forum Posts

Unable to send mail using PoP3/SMTP

I have tried to import POP3/SMTP VBO for email automation but when i started to execute its simple task it is not executing below is my execution. ------------------------------Pranith Pashikanti------------------------------


Resolved! Program is not executing

Below is the image which contains the program to call an api to get exchange rates and store it in a respective variable i created.when i started the program it starts with START button and directly skips to the END button. --------------------------...


Decipher minimum requirements: performance problems

Hi,I am facing a performance problem with decipher, which provokes the web server to respond very slow during manual Data Verification, sometimes losing the connection with the server and the unsaved progress of the verification. We use Decipher to e...


Attach Issues Edge IE mode v6.10.5

Hi all,We are facing an issue as we cannot attach to Edge IE mode. The same logic works fine in 6.5 on a daily basis, but when testing it in version 6.10 it always fails on the second case (although it is the same page as the first case). We have tri...

Not able to Spy Scroll bars

I am working in an Web Application, Where there are two scroll downs are present in the web page. When i passed the key stroke as "{PGDN}" "{DOWN}" through global send keys only the outer scroll bar is moving down.  Need help to scroll down the inner...

How to skip an item in queue?

Hi, my process is processing about 2000+ records, which is scheduled in control room. I notice after some time, one item is still in progress. I want to skip this item so bot will proceed to process the next item in queue. How do I do this without in...

Getting error in copy paste range of excel VBO

Hi, Please help me with the following :Error : "Failed to copy worksheet: You can't paste this here because the Copy area and paste area aren't the same size.Select just one cell in the paste area or an area that's the same size, and try pasting agai...

Resolved! Manually writing values in Data Verification

Hello, We have some problems with checkboxes in Decipher because it does not always identify them correctly (True/False checkboxes) when the annotators are selecting the region of the checkbox. My question would be if the annotators will select the r...

Excel - Pivot Table Pop Up

Hi Guys,I have been facing issue with Excel Pop Up when i am trying to refresh pivot table.The thing is, i have my raw data in sheet 1 and i have pivot table for that data's in sheet2. My requirement is after  pasting  some data 's in sheet 1. I need...

Using a web API through BluePrism

Hi! For a project, we are trying to utilize a web API to approach a specific application.  The API seems to work, but we are having some trouble getting started on how to use this API through BluePrism. How should we go about this? We've found the fo...

Resolved! Upvote an IDEA - Folder for Environment Variables

All - I stumbled upon one of Ideas from Ideas portal about grouping environment variables into a folder by @MallikarjunaDon  - I personally feel its a great idea and would trim down lot of pain in messed up environment Variables Tab with 100s of envi...