Showing ideas with label Decipher.
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Hi This is Hongjun Shin working at Blue Prism Korea. One of our BPK customers manages 50,000 batches. With 50,000 batches, trying to view the history of a batch on the DecipherIDP web page takes a very long time. In addition, a lot of data is stored in the DB, and there comes a point when DB management is required. I've opened a global ticket about this, Currently, there are no query statements to manage DecipherIDP's DB. Also, when I submit batch files to DecipherIDP, if I submit a large number of batch files, it uses up all the transactions on the DB server, preventing other applications from using the DB. Therefore, I would like to have a feature that allows users to set a quantity limit when uploading batches to Decipher. I also asked the global support team about this, but they told me that there is no such feature at the moment. Do you think these two features would be an improvement? 1. Decipher DB cleanup query statement 2. the ability for users to set quantity limits when submitting batch files to DecipherIDP
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Currently, in Decipher there is no option to see the submitted batches, which can be helpful for what the user has verified and helps to understand if there is any mistake done by the verification user.
There should be a tab available in Decipher with all the submitted batches and once we click on the particular batch it should show the data as like the Data Verification screen with 3 panels for that batch with Page overview, fields, and mapped/verified data. The batches should be grouped with that specific unique identifies for the template as like if it is Purchase Order then it should have to group with the Document Type and then if the multiple PO templates from customer 'ABC' then batches has to be grouped with that customer name with the timeline of the batch.
From this we can achieve the machine learning capability of the Decipher to train that particular document type and update the way of document training through verification.
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Needs More Info
Submitted on
08:31 PM
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08:31 PM
Currently you can send batch metadata from Blue Prism to Decipher, however there is no way to reference the Batch Metadata within a DFD. There should be a way to reference metadata sent from Blue Prism to Decipher by use of a Formula or some other way. When a business user goes into a document to validate information being extracted, there may be certain data points that are helpful.
The files/batches could be coming from multiple folders which has a distinct way to handle certain items or based on that folder and the value, a validation list/reference from a table would be calculated.
For example in one implementation, we had client names as the folder structure and based on the folder that the document came from, certain fields could be populated based on referencing a database/table. In an ideal world, we would have just passed that information into the metadata and used a formula to then calculate those other fields but instead, a business user had to manually select the client which then calculated some fields based on the database/table causing an extra unnecessary step.
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Hi, Please provide more useful options in Decipher IDP Misc Parameters., for example: 1. If I don't want to read a header/footer in a pdf file, an option should be available where i can select On or Off for decipher to not capture the info. 2. if I have a table with 4 columns and I only want to read column 1 and column 3 then should have option of which I can set the columns which Decipher shouldn't identify the regions. 3. Provide proper examples with description for all the available options (Format Expression, formulas etc.,)
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Please change 'Link to Asset' to link to the latest version of Decipher's assets. I would also like the content of 'Getting Started' to be compatible with the latest version. (The latest version is 2.3, but "Link to assets" will take me to the 1.2 page) The relevant page on Digital Exchange is below: The sample process and documents are not compatible with 2.3, so I am having trouble figuring out how to use VBO to build a process in 2.3.
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Hi Team, It's always a challenge for a team to install or upgrade Blue Prism or its associated products for the first time or later on as well. Can there be an easy way by which anyone can install or upgrade easily? I have been using Blue Prism since V5 now it's always been a challenge. Now see the same with new products like decipher and others the same installation or upgrade issue is always there. Please make it simple and proper documentation for trouble-shooting. I don't know if anyone will agree with this point or not but at least as a user, I always face the same.
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The application passes sensitive parameters in the URL line of many of the requests. BUSINESS IMPACT: Sensitive data could be disclosed unintentionally through transmission in the URL. Description The application uses the URL to pass sensitive data from the client to the server. Data passed in the URL can be exposed because data passed in this manner ends up in unintended locations. These locations can include server logs, local browser history, and proxy logs. Reproduction Steps Using Burp Suite, navigate through the application. The application passes sensitive parameters in the URL line of many of the requests Affected Locations HUB v4.7 and Interact 4.7 Decipher v2.3 Recommendation When sensitive data is sent, it should be ensured that POST requests are used instead of GET requests. POST data is not treated the same way as URL data is when requests are sent through systems and do not typically get cached or logged. If there are technical constraints that require data to be sent in the URL then strong encryption should be used to encrypt values. It should be ensured that part of this encryption scheme contains protection against data replay so that captured cryptographic values cannot be replayed back to the server. References Information exposure through query strings in url | OWASP Foundation A02 Cryptographic Failures - OWASP Top 10:2021
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