Showing ideas with label digital exchange.
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It would be nice to have a small table of historic releases in DX for VBO. This may show the date of release, version number, release notes / summary edit: Link to current discussion on this topic: Digital Exchange Updates (general) | Digital Exchange ( Also as mentioned by Wagner Vasconcelos, it would be a great addition to the search function to have the 'change date' as field to search and filter in DX
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Not Planned
Submitted on
07:29 PM
Submitted by
07:29 PM
Since the core utilities and objects no longer included when you install Blue Prism (BP), I think it would be very helpful if the DX tab in BP could display the core utilities for download and provide an option to import them directly, rather than redirecting you to the Dx platform. I'm aware that the Blue Prism team is constantly adding features and fixing bugs in the core objects. Therefore, showing the last update of the core object that the client has and providing the option to update to the latest version would be a significant improvement. I work in different environments using BP 7.1, but some core objects are from previous versions (e.g., 6.2) and have not been updated. When I requested the installation of a new Core object (such as the MS Word VBO), they complied. However, I then noticed there were approximately five different core objects with the same name. Which one was the latest? It's unclear until you examine each object individually, searching for the required action.
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In Blue Prism 6.4 for Object MS Excel VBO, actions Open, close and save Workbook, have hardcoded timeout value of 30 seconds. However, it has very little point to keep this value hardcoded. Instead a better approach would be to have this value as input. In case no value is passed, a timeout of 30 seconds can be initial value.
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Needs More Info
Submitted on
09:36 PM
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09:36 PM
It would be great to have a detailed examples for to try out and showcase the demo to business teams
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Is it possible to Integrate share point libraries in blue prism such a way easily navigate the files from one library to other libraries?
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Can you provide a few sample skills free of cost ? This will help in learning to use the skills concept clearly
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Hi I see few Blue Prism VBO's like (MS Excel VBO, Utility - Collection Manipulation etc.,) has empty/missing description in input/output parameters. This VBOs are downloaded from Blue Prism Digital Exchange. It would be good if the description is available in BP provided vbo's as it will be helpful on how to use it for any solution designer. Regards, Praveen
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Looking through the vendor provided assets it's apparent that many of them contain published actions, objects, or processes that just won't work. Many of them seem to suffer from really poor in-asset documentation (if it exists at all), unintuitive action definitions for inputs/outputs and flow, and a general absence of any design or code standards. It seems like if there could be some sort of combination of asset "certification" from BP and community feedback/ranking/comment mechanisms it would go a long way toward avoiding wasted time on these.
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I do understand firms trying to sell their services by sharing objects on Digital Exchange. But there are many "Download Links" redirecting to firm's websites where you can get that VBO shown on DE, only if you hire their services. It would be great if Blue Prism can separate them, so that there's completely different Sales and Exchange paths
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