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Developers can open, edit and run codes with stage logging disabled in debug mode and leave no traceability. In development environment, this does not represent any risks, but in environments connected with live data as pre-prod or as emergency environment as it is called where I work, this represents a risk. A developer can open a code, edit it to her/his will, execute in debug mode with logging disabled, then close the code without saving. The described steps would allow a developer to influence a process outcome with live data with no traceability, and that should be seen as a vulnerability of the application even though it can be prevented via administrative procedures and privileges limitations, but Blue Prism itself states to expose the code to live data for final adjustments before going fully live, where people will understand that it is "ok" to have live data and a developer making final adjustments. Organizations acknowledging this risk, will resort to administrative efforts to cover it as applying 4-eyes principle for interventions that includes live data, but then, if there was a way to create this guarantee of traceability, it wouldn't prevent the impact, but it would enable organizations to find out who was responsible for such actions, and as it would be in place, would be one less reason for someone to think about creating harm. Conclusion, the idea is: create a way to force stage logging in debug mode in the Blue Prism instance/environment, independent from code configuration.
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It is possible to search for the processes or objects to which the object is referred. Conversely, is it possible to find the processes or objects that the process is referring to? When doing maintenance work on a process, I overlooked the fact that the process was referring to objects that I hadn't anticipated before working on it. I want to see a accurate list of objects used before I do any maintenance on the process.
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It would be really helpful if Blueprism can provide an interface to present Consolidated view of all the components (like Environment Variables Credentials, Queue, Schedules Subprocesses, Objects etc.), linked/referred by a process with Edit option As number of environment variables, credentials, schedules etc. increases, it become difficult to locate and change components associated with a process
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Hi, We have experienced process stoppages many times due to sudden Windows update pop-ups or security or Antivirus or other kinds of pop-ups appearing on the screen while the processes ran. The Windows support teams may not be able to block all of them permanently due to security and other issues. So it's better we have APIs to block system pop-ups when the process starts and reset as it ends, something similar to APIs that are there to change system resolution when the process starts. Please help me understand if I'm missing anything or if it's already there, please ignore. Thanks.
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Permitir por perfiles el uso del control room a los usuarios finales debería incluir la posibilidad de visualizar únicamente las workqueue de su proceso.
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Hi Team, What I would request to create a platform or community where we developers can give input if there are any issues or not for any new release of blue prism after use of some days. And product team can have a look into this also once they will go for review. Now the problem is we need to raise ticket every time and they are asking to put stuffs in idea panel which is always unnoticed. Its betterment for BP because we want to be good product. Hope Blue prism team will look into this.
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Blue Prism exclusively restrict access for importing or exporting the objects and processes under User Roles level.
It does not restrict access from importing or exporting the objects and processes under folder levels individually. We are facing multiple issues with this limitation that we can't restirct the import access rights at folder level. Example: Developers should be allowed to import process specific objects or processes only. They should not be allowed to import reusable objects/Processes/VBO's
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Can we introduce a VBO through which we can call Message Box(Displays a message box with the specified text and button options.) or Request credential (Displays a dialog box with a custom message and title that prompts a user to add his/her credentials, and stores the username and password as string variables, that can be later used to log into other apps)feature . This can be a useful asset when it comes to Blue prism in attended automation. I do understand that there can be indirect ways through code stage but it will be great to have things as VBOs or inbuilt . Customer can dynamically give and change passwords in a already running process and that will change the credential manager too .
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Hope the DB can show the application interacted with as a separate field. Today it is contained within the XML that will need to be parsed but if the DB can show the type such as browser based or mainframe or Windows etc., based on app modeller options and the application parameters can be fields and all of this can be show in a table mapping to the object which can be linked with a process so that we can a process and all the applications that the process interacts with
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Sometimes it is useful to use the numbers 1 and 0 instead of True and False. For example, one just needs to add up all variables to know how many are set True. Sadly, a direct convertion of the data formats is not supported by Blue Prism. The calculation 'ToNumber(True)' creates an error. Doing it by hand would be possible, but time consuming and could probably be implemented in a faster way. In this context, the implementation of the signum function sgn(.) would be handy too.
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In processes with several pages , you might not recall which page is calling which page and whats the flow of Process. Especially if you have to work on enhancing a Process which was initially built by different team. There should be an option provided to show at a glance the flow of process i.e what is the flow in which the pages would be executed starting from Main Page. I have tried to create a indicative solution using a mindmap
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Can we give a "Only visible if" functionality to process start up parameters. Say for an example i have 6 startup parameters for a process, but when i run this process from control room i can only see 3 of them and other's are only visible if i set the 2nd parameter to TRUE or so . This can be perfect thing so that we can only show the mandatory and the most obvious used ones to the control room team or the developers.
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Hi Team, I see that there is a bug in our current BP license file , which should be fixed on priority. When we see a license file say dated (oct2018- feb2019) one can still use those license files by changing the date of there machine and then blue prism works as normal which should not be a ideal case! Can we make this resolved !
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In Excel VBO a slight change would allow the application of password to workbooks, when saving them. Currently a pwd can only be used, if the original file contains one already. Module: Save Workbook As 1. Add as new input parameter in the Start stage: i_pw_WbkPwd 2. Add the same in the code stage as input parameter PWD 3. In the code of the code stage change: wb.saveas(filename) to wb.saveas(filename,,PWD) That's it... Kind Regards Martin Reuter PS: this would mean that we can use the standard version and do not have to customize it for ourselves... Thank you.
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Currently when Blue Prism DB is created via command line it is not possible to specify authentication type (SSO, named users, mixed) and mixed more is assumed automatically, which might not be what is needed or even working. There is also a huge difference between pure SSO authentication in Blue Prism and mixed mode, where authentication is delegated to SQL DB. This needs additional user management (AD + SQL Server), which is not even possible for us because of clearly defined user create & management processes, responsibilities and effort allocation.
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Hello and thank you for your attention. At my company, "import" is not allowed. We need to convert BP 6.8 pages to BP 6.0 without using Import tool. I know when you copy a page, it's actually a .xlm file, as below shows.
And when this same simple Page is done in BP 6.8 or 6.0, there are some synthax differences.
BP 6.8 syntax vs BP 6.0 syntax
For example, "displayX, dirsplayY and displayZ" from BP 6.0 are equivalent to "display x, display Y, display Z" in BP 6.8.
This messes up when copying BP 6.8 stages to BP 6.0, the stages are transferred correctly linked, but coordinates are messed.
Example copied from BP 6.8
Copied to BP 6.0
Would it be possible to please have a tool to convert syntax? I know IMPORT and EXPORT tools already might do this, but, as I said, they are not allowed at my site. Thank you very much for your help in this question. Regards Eduardo
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Some time we need to take release from upper version(6.8) and import it in lower version (6.5). At this time everything mess up after importing due to XML format change. There should be an option for version choosing when we will take the Release.
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An error occurs at the write stage in the following environment.
SAP :GUI740 Patch3 BluePrism :v6.4 Error Message :Failed to perform step 1 in Write Stage 'XXXX' on page 'XXXX' - Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
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Can Blue Prism dev team incorporate a configuration that customers could turn on - it would strictly enforce TLS 1.2 communications only. In order to allow customers to interoperate with their insecure applications , this setting could be set to 'Disabled' by default.
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Have the ability to capture, track and transfer end user and/or terminal details for traceability • I.e... Requirement via Interact for example to capture; end user details (Human Agent Application User ID who triggered or submitted the process), IP address, date and time of submit requests, browser details etc etc and also have the ability to transfer these details or make these available within Blue Prism through the life of the automated process This is required for Audit & Internal Fraud purposes
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