Showing ideas with label Chorus: HiTL.
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Processors are finding it difficult to search for currency values with Quick Search because the lookup is comparing the user's search value to the raw database value. E.g, if a LOB field is defined with a max length of 15, a user wanting to search for $500.50 would need to enter 000000000050050. Since processors don’t have access to field definitions, they don’t know how many leading zeros to add. Suggestion: Check for currency fields and trim leading zeros on the backend.
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Hi, We have been rolling our Chorus users to the New Processor Workspace (from Classic and Legacy) and the Screen Image Capture (SIC) feature garnered some excitement, but there was some disappointment that it didn't also include the feature to actually perform the Screen Image Capture itself (unless we've missed something)? Users therefore have to use the Windows "Snipping Tool" or "Snip & Sketch" and perform that step in those applications and then paste the result in the SIC, making it more effort. It would be amazing if there could be a button directly inside the SIC that provides the same ability. I'm sure users would find this feature much more intuitive and simpler. Thanks for listening. Chorus BPM
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As a user, I want to be able to “pin” one or more comments so that they always display first. This way if a comment contains important information, it can be seen quickly.
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