In Legacy Processor when performing a search if the LOB "Assigned To" is present the Name of the User and the ID used to display. With the New Processor just the User ID displays and it is hard to know based off the ID who the user is. Requesting an enhancement to add back the feature to present the name and ID. Example below:
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Hi Team, I think we should be having the community version of the product as it will increase the interest of the new developers/students and also good to test the latest/existing features before directly moving for Upgrade. This feature is provided by most of the RPA tools and Blue Prism should also think about it.
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The usability of the scheduler entry will be more appropriate if we are able to change the order of the tasks
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It would be great if there was a Blue Prism branded stencil for Visio in order to create business documentation like infrastructure diagrams. This could be helpful in identifying specific elements. That way we also have a very uniform type of documentation across customers. This would create some sort of good practice and make it easier to read as everyone would be accustomed to them.
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Under Consideration
Submitted on
09:34 PM
Submitted by
09:34 PM
Need the ability to identify the template assigned to the Composition and change the template within the Modify option on an existing letter as needed. Within the new Chorus Communication product when you add a Composition (letter) you are given the option to select the Template, this option is not available when you try to Modify the Composition. This option would be beneficial if the client chooses to change the font or layout of the Composition.
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Needs More Info
Submitted on
09:15 PM
Submitted by
09:15 PM
Need to have a functionality where user can copy rows from excel to interact form and the form fields will get populated. Able to copy data from excel to interact form fields and the look and feel will be same as excel.
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Hyperlinks: There is no ability to add hyperlinks on an Interact form.
The URL will need to be displayed in a textbox on the form. The user would then copy the URL and paste into a web browser.
We will need to use this method when uploading files back to an Interact user.
Not appropriate for the user (business) to follow this below solution to open a link:
Proposed Solution: Copy and paste the link. Next release of Interact might resolve this issue.
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Under Consideration
Submitted on
10:26 AM
Submitted by
10:26 AM
Blue Prism's built-in version control system for Processes and objects is a great feature to allow comparison of code versions and updates. One aspect of it that's not great, however, is rollback. While it's possible to rollback a process or object to a previous version by opening the old version in comparison view, exporting it and then re-importing it, it's not easy to find and it's not intuitive. I'd like to see a straightforward mechanism for version rollback. It could perhaps be a simple right-click option when you have a process or object version selected in the history view called 'Make active version' or something similar. An indicator could then be added to the history view to enable easy identification of which version is currently exposed to the control room.
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Under Consideration
Submitted on
02:08 PM
Submitted by
02:08 PM
Currently the print file copy is available in Communications however; the ability to apply a watermark is not available.
Currently in Encorr, you are able to print a ‘file copy’ of the document that was saved with a watermark of ‘File Copy’ on it.
Communications does not provide a mechanism to selectively print a watermarked 'file copy' of a letter as EnCorr does. To address the shortcoming, the client duplicates the letter makes modifications within the body of the shareholder or dealer letter. It is clumsy as there is no watermark capability & client would prefer the functionality be restored.
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The display language for the Chorus Portal has always been tied to the language set for the browser - the suggestion would be to make this a "user preference" instead, picking from a list of supported languages.
The challenges with tying to the browser language are as follows:
Browser language selection is often wildly inconsistent between users, as is not often locked down by network administrators. We often find that even if a specific browser language is officially mandated, this mandate isn't always adhered to
The user can have a browser language set that isn't supported by Chorus, requiring a fallback to en-us. If instead the user is presented with a list of supported languages this no longer becomes an issue/consideration
Making language selection a user choice also means that the selected language will persist if the user switches to a different browser, e.g. from Chrome to Edge. We sometimes find that users have (say) Chrome set to "en-gb" but Edge set to "en-us"
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Per Microcrosotf recommendation that Azure AD join should be the first choice for new devices, we have deployed new machines to our RPA team, Microsoft indicates that SSO to on-premise resources (like Blue Prism) can still authenticate. These machines are currently not able to SSO into BluePrism [Sign in usng ActiveDirectory button is not present], after working with the BP support team it was indicated that BluePrism is looking for the domain once is executed and not finding the Azure AD machine in the domain. type -AssemblyName System.DirectoryServices $domain=[System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Domain]::GetComputerDomain() Write-Host "Current Domain: $($domain.Name)" We need the BP app to be more flexible as more and more companies are moving towards Azure AD joined machines.
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Under Consideration
Submitted on
03:49 PM
Submitted by
03:49 PM
It would be helpful to have an additional filter on the Digital Exchange landing page. The filter would state 'Only show assets published (or 'deployed') in the last 'X' 'days/weeks/months'. The 'X' would be numeric text entry field, and the 'days/weeks/months' would be a dropdown menu. Conversely, you could make it only 'Days' and put the math(s) on us.
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In Chorus when a user views the work items history the KE/ST steps in the workflow do not appear. This causes confusion for the user if they anticipated a step being done. It is also an audit concern because it is not a true history of everything done to the work item. Moreover, the KE/ST should not only appear in the history, but it should print as well. We print out the history for the purposes of audits to validate processing procedures were met.
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Many VBOs appear to be unnecessarily set to a run mode of "exclusive". If any of these VBOs are used in a process or object that is exposed as an API, we will be limited to a single instance at any given time on that resource. In order for us to advance our callable process/object capabilities, we need the flexibility to run multiple instances on a single machine. The following is a list of VBOs that have an "Exclusive" run mode:
Email - POP3/SMTP
MS Excel VBO
MS Excel VBO - Extended
MS Outlook Email VBO
MS Outlook Email VBO 6.10.4
System - Active Directory
Utility - Encryption
Utility - HTTP
Utility - JSON
Utility - Numeric Operations
Utility - Network
Utility - Screen Capture
Webservices - OAuth2.0
Webservices - REST
I think the MS VBOs could at least be reduced to "Foreground" run mode(as they might temporarily require exclusive use of those applications), but all of the others should be changed to "Background" as there is no discernable reason that multiple instances couldn't be running at the same time. If we need to make them more exclusive, that should be our choice in our local environments, but there's no need to be so restrictive as a platform default setting.
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I would like to be able to change the order of the fields in a collection just like you can in aa Multi Calc stage. Currently when you have a collection and you add a field to it it will always be added as the last column. Even is you add a field in between existing fields, when you close and open the collection again the new field is added at the bottom. With big collections used for reporting it would be a lot easier to have the ability to change the order without having to rebuild the collection
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The ability to reload a object or process after making changes to another or a web api that is connected inside it would save so much time.
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Right now, When adding DLLs to an object, you can either set your relative path to the dll and it will look for the file in the Blue Prism install folder, or you can specify a full path to a file. I would find it useful to be able to set a path in the database as a second place for Blue Prism to find these dlls and not require to place dlls directly into Blue Prism install directory. This will help keeping blue Prism install directory clean and easy to manage over time. Also it will not require enterprise environments to repackage and update a new version of Blue Prism to be sent out for every dll to be added for object usage..
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As Operator I would like to have a column "locked" in addition to "Worked, Pending and Deferred" when viewing the list of queues, making it easier to see if a process is stuck at any point in time as one could compare the prev. no. of worked against the no. of locks in the queue...
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Under Consideration
Submitted on
07:28 PM
Submitted by
07:28 PM
Time functions are a mess. Today() = local date (but it is not documented as so) LocalTime() = local time ! UTCTime() = UTC time ! Now() = UTC DateTime Where are UTCToday() and LocalNow() ? Functions to convert between local and UTC directly in the calculator would be awesome too.
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Under Consideration
Submitted on
06:22 AM
Submitted by
06:22 AM
As per the client's request, there is a need to enhance AWDCapture to enable Chorus to capture the entire mail header using the email capture function. Subsequently, this captured header will be passed to AWD design as an "emailstart" element.
In the workflow design, the client will be able to retrieve the mail header element and capture the sender's address using the keyword "Resend-from".
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