Showing ideas with label Blue Prism RPA.
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It will be great to add a feature for Browsers to read the "Item Value"(DOM Value) of the selected item in an HTML combo box?
Please find the example below:
I want to read the Item value(DOM Value) which is "/m/02gsvk". This will help in many scenarios where value remains same and the selected text changes according to the local language setting of the site.
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Small thing but would be really nice to get an IF statement in the calculation stage. It can be time consuming to set multiple decision stages with calculation stages just to do some basic logic to set variables.
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Currently when an element within application modeller is cut and pasted in any node of the Element tree, a new Element ID is generated, invalidating the previous Element ID and all references pointing towards it. When that happens, the following error is displayed by the validation tool: Page: ABC Stage: XYZ Type: Error Action: Validate Description: Failed to find referenced application element in row 1. Element ID is 87188755-42bf-4433-bcaf-33a4f152aeff Repairable: No The only way to fix this is to manually re-point the element within all the affected stage properties. Additionally, this also invalidates the application modeller in all of the historical versions of the affected Object(s) in version history. Given that this can potentially mean several hours of re-work, not to mention serious frustration, please change this to work as follows: - When copying and pasting an element within Application Modeller and the pasted Element ID already exists, generate a new one - When cutting and pasting an element within Application Modeller, retain the pasted one This has been tested on the following versions: 6.4.2 6.4.4 6.8.0
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Hi All, With MV3 introduced in chromium and discontinuation of Internet Explorer, moving automation to Chrome or Edge was a solution. What I see is, you do not have Global Mouse Click (Center) option - even though we have Global Mouse Hover. I am not a fan of UI Spying for time delays and I love how quick is XPATH, but currently I have to - Activate Window Focus Element Send Global Key Events - {ENTER} A Global Mouse Click (Center) is what is needed to Click and Element and also fire events. If an alternative/work around is available, please comment here and share with larger group.
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Under Consideration
Submitted on
04:53 PM
Submitted by
04:53 PM
The application modeller accepts that different elements in the application modeller of a given BO have the same name. For maintainability purposes, this should be forbidden.
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Hi Team , As documentation is a important part of every process journey . Documents like Technical Design , Solution design or Object design mostly contains information which we we are filling in our Blue prism database or is already a part of our .bprelease file(which is indirectly a xaml file). We can make this automated VBO which which can create a skeleton for us containing information like -
Release Details
All Process
All Objects
Work Queue
Environment Variable
System Exception
Business Exception
Description of Processes and Object
Published Process
and many others like this , which can be again looked and corrected by developers if needed . This skeleton(draft) of files using this VBO will save a hell lot of time for any developer.
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Needs More Info
Submitted on
02:29 PM
Submitted by
02:29 PM
Keeping up-to-date with the latest version is Blue Prism is sensible. However, this does cost time, money and effort on enterprises. Being able to apply patches over existing installations would be beneficial. For instance, the with Google Chrome's frequent release pattern it would be great to apply a patch that accommodates the changes to allow integration rather than going through the full upgrade process.
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Request to have CSS and XPath support added to all browser spying mode, so that element identification (or highlighting) can be achieved using any complex CSS or XPath selector. CSS is widely used in web development and is often the way how modern websites use to implement many UI features via JavaScript. Often a web element can be identified uniquely by the use of a single expression without the use of any other attributes. It can be a much faster way in narrowing down to an element on a very large web page with thousands of elements. It may also bring benefits to pages that are dynamic in nature, e.g. an element may not always appear in the same PATH hierarchy. I am aware that a user may specify XPath expressions against "Web Path" attribute when using Google Chrome and Firefox plugins. XPath however is not being supported by the IE mode.
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When selecting a Business Object from within an Action, it can become difficult to locate the specific one you are looking for if you are in an environment with a high number of objects. It would be extremely helpful if the list items within the Business Object dropdown field could be filtered.
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When you have a larger application model and you're browsing through the element tree it would be nice if the application modeller would highlight the elements on the target application as you select the element. That way it would be easy to find the correct element (if you're not sure of it by the "should-be-self-evident-element-name"). You select the element on the tree, see the details on the right pane and the red rectangle on the application automagically (without pressing the Highlight button). If there's an error in the element attributes, the application modeller could highlight that by changing the element red on the tree view. If recognized, it could also show the conflicting attribute in red. BUT not pop yet another popup that needs to be OK'd before continuing. There's too many popups already in use. 😉
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Needs More Info
Submitted on
03:33 PM
Submitted by
03:33 PM
We need a convenient way to get a report about the utilization of our resources (virtual machines). The report should guide us in the planning of an optimized resource utilization. For example it can give us the time where the most machines are working in parallel (peek) and the time where are the most machines free and lying around (lazy time). With the report we should be able to plan the schedules in a more balanced way.
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The current data item does not have a dictionary type (Associative array) . A single-row collection type can be substituted in some cases, but a smooth conversion to a JSON object can be difficult.
For example, if you try to convert a Blue Prism data item to JSON using Utility - JSON::Collection to JSON , only one data item can be represented as a collection data item, so the converted JSON will also be an array type.
There are many opportunities to map Blue Prism data items to JSON data when performing WebService integration, so I think there is a great advantage to introducing a dictionary type data structure.
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Hi Team, It's always a challenge for a team to install or upgrade Blue Prism or its associated products for the first time or later on as well. Can there be an easy way by which anyone can install or upgrade easily? I have been using Blue Prism since V5 now it's always been a challenge. Now see the same with new products like decipher and others the same installation or upgrade issue is always there. Please make it simple and proper documentation for trouble-shooting. I don't know if anyone will agree with this point or not but at least as a user, I always face the same.
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Rather than have a process on a schedule set to periodically check a queue for data to work, add an optional work queue setting to automatically kick off a process on a designated resource/pool once there are items to be worked. This would remove the need for 24/7 monitoring processes which may quickly fill the various log tables, while lowering the traffic throughput to the controller/database. Work queues can be populated by new and/or existing feeder processes.
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My team and I have mentioned several times amongst ourselves that it would be great if BluePrism enabled the creation of folders for Schedules and Packages. Now that our team has been building processes for several years our list of Schedules and Packages has gotten quite large and the ability to folder these processes would be a huge help in cleaning up a large list.
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It would be great to be able to add a screenshots to the objects for reference and be able to print the object information to a document with screenshots.
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I would like to have a menu setting that can be used to disable/enable the 'Don't log parameters on this stage' option for the selected stages/all stages - similar to the options for the log levels.
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Within Blue Prism, if a user forgets their password, it would be good to enable them to reset their own password by entering some security questions.
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Hi, I think if there is an option to trigger email/Alert from blueprism application incase missing scheduler, it will help to track or look into immediately on that issue.
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I understand that the process and object studio have numerous things to differentiate but what would be more usable is to have some different colors applied to Process and Object studio so anyone can understand in a glimpse that it is process studio and that was Object studio. I understand that most of the time it would be developers who would go to the studio to work on the code but many times we need to show the code to management/Non - technical folks it would be very nice to have there.
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