With the start of Blue Prism, it is automatically trying to connect to any server set as default in the ComboBox of connections. This behavior is really annoying when working with multiple environments, as the user needs to wait or cancel a connection attempt if it's set to the wrong server. Also, the preemptive authentication of users is not acceptable at all. Preemptive connections should be avoided as the application should only try to connect to a server after the user confirms it Preemptive connections can decrease the performance if the user wants to connect to a different environment Preemptive connections will result in throwing the error "An active connection has been closed forcible by the server" if the same host runs multiple BP Servers, but BP tried to connect preemptively an a wrong port Authenticating users before they even entered their password is also something that should be changed: Authenticating users after they just entered their username is a violation to IT security standards. I wonder how this passed your audits. Preemptive authentication can tell an unauthorized person details about a user's account (like if the user/password expired) even if the user was not authenticated.
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