Showing ideas with label Blue Prism RPA.
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Hi Team, Evaluate the usage of Blue Prism Login agent with Azure Cloud PC with Entra ID using Microsoft Entra joined devices. Current Login agent doesn't support this functionality. Need this feature to work without using ADDS or AD Connect.
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Hi, we would like to have a search bar on the Control page similar to the one on the Studio page. This will make it easier and less frustrating to find a schedule. Is it possible for you to implement this change for us?
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There is a search field in Control to find resources but there is no such feature to search for processes. I think a feature for easily finding processes would also be helpful in Control as it helps in Studio
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Although the setting 'start a personal runtime resource on this machine when users sign in to Blue Prism' affects the whole environment and I assume it is rarely used (why would someone start BP to make it act as a runtime resource that then takes over the workplace?! why not start the process directly in Studio or send it to a dedicated runtime resource?!). By default (at least in 6.9 not sure about 7.3.x yet) each user will register his workplace as possible runtime resource, mixing it with dedicated runtime resources and needs to be removed manually. Having a private runtime resource start when starting BP UI may also cause issues with network ports and other system resources. Currently the only option to deactivate the 'start a personal runtime resource' is to login into BP and change it manually, on each workplace/resource, which can only be done with BP admin rights, so users are not even able to change settings for their own workplace. Some ideas on how to improve the situation: make the 'personal runtime resource' disabled by default make it a system wide setting allow users to change this setting for their own workplace have this setting easily changeable in an automated way. eg via CLI, config file (that can be amended during install process) make it a centrally managed feature of a runtime resource/workplace similar to eg logging levels that can be changed in System\Resources\Management any other possible idea that might help but is not listed here
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We have ~100 resources and it would be very helpful to be able to have filter on the current status of VCI in Schedule. eg to activate the filter to only see resources in status 'warning'. This is especially helpful since groups/folder as collapsed by default (which I think is an improvement over previous version). And there is no easy way to disable 'starting private resources when BP UI starts' for all workplaces. When activating this filter, all resources meeting this filter should be shown. If necessary, groups should be expanded to make resources visible.
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Current behavior: If you add, edit, or delete an environment variable and then navigate away to another tab (away from the System tab) without clicking Apply and then come back to the System tab and go to environment variables, you'll see that your add/edit/delete wasn't actually committed to the database. This is not a great user experience. What makes this even worse is that at least in v7.3.1, you can navigate to another part of the System tab and then come back to Environment Variables (thinking this will have refreshed them), and you'll see your updates are still there. Only when you navigate away from the System tab and come back are you able to identify that the change was discarded. I know someone who once deleted hundreds of environment variables that weren't needed anymore only to find out later that all that effort was negated because he didn't see the Apply button at the bottom right or simply forgot to click it. Suggested new behavior: As soon as you navigate away from the Environment Variables screen, a modal dialog popup should show asking whether you want to Apply changes or not. It would be awesome if it told you what environment variables are affected but that isn't a big deal to me. Secondary suggested new behavior: 6 years ago, someone made a good suggestion here, but that was back before the current version of the Blue Prism Community, so I wanted to bring it here in the Ideas section. The suggestion was to add some kind of indicator next to each environment variable that was added/updated showing that the changes have not yet been saved. I think this would be nice but isn't required, in my opinion. If this suggestion has already been made in the Ideas section here, I couldn't find it.
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Currently when configuring a web api, the response for an action always expects the data type to be text: this proves particularly troublesome when the output is an inline image or binary file, as when such data is saved within a text variable, it cuts off some bytes during the process, rendering the content useless. Can this please be modified to allow selecting the expected data type for the response content when the payload is not in JSON format.
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Currently, for some elements spied in Web mode, the "Element Type" combo box only allows a selection limited to the type spied: This proves to be particularly troublesome when re-spying elements using "Application Navigator", as then the type selected remains the same as it was spied initially, even though the Attributes will be changed correctly. This bug is problematic especially when trying to read the contents of such elements - for example a table. Being unable to change the element type, reduces the actions available for a Read stage... and in the case of tables, does not show the "Read rows" action, unless the element was previously spied as a table. Can this please be amended, so that the "Element Type" combo box allows selecting all of the types available for the spying mode used.
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Submitted on
10:37 AM
Submitted by
10:37 AM
AI and NLP-based automatic expressions should be generate in the calculate stage. For e.g. if I write - Generate expression to convert my local time to UTC time and format it h:mm:ss format. This would be a very useful feature.
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Hello, after spying an element and adjusting the paramaters one wants to use the highlight option to verify the element. I suggest adding a posibillity of delayed hightlight which would mean the App modeler starts looking for the element after i.e. 10 seconds. Why we need this: For some elements like item at dropdown list it is extremely difficult to use normal highlight. I get "no element found" because you need to perform a click or two to make the element present and the app modeler gives up sooner than that. Just to be clear I'm not suggesting to replace the standard highlight, just to add this as an extra option.
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It would be really useful to be able to install Design Studio from the command line with parameters for setting Tenant ID and Tenant Domain, so it can be deployed remotely via say InTune. Or alternatively, allow an installation file to be downloaded that has the the Tenant ID and Tenant Domain already defined.
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As BP 7.2 is moved to 64bit, could you please move Java version on Data Gateway(logstash) to 64bit Java. Currently there is no option to choose latest version on Data Gateways. So please make configuration more robust for updating the version on Java. This will allow to refer any latest version of Java(64 bit).
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Currently it can be challenging to match the active version of a process/object in the production environment with the version history item in the development environment that it was imported from. Please see the post "Cross Environment Version Control" in the Product Forum for more detail. The idea is for the Blue Prism product to display an ID column in the Version History table of each process/object. Blue Prism would ensure that this ID is globally unique. This ID would be preserved when importing process/objects into other Blue Prism environments. Because the ID is preserved it is then simple to say which version in one environment matches with which version in a different environment. This could be implemented in a number of ways: 1. These IDs could be user-inputted as an optional field within the existing with Blue Prism Save dialog with Blue Prism ensuring global uniqueness, or 2. These IDs could be automatically assigned GUID values by Blue Prism
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Would be great to have an alerting for licence expiry or any changes to the allocation, either via the datagateway or an API.
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If other schedules are already scheduled for the same resource on the same day and time, please issue a warning when creating the schedule. I am having trouble because both schedules set to start at the same time for the same resource are not working.
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Hi All, With MV3 introduced in chromium and discontinuation of Internet Explorer, moving automation to Chrome or Edge was a solution. What I see is, you do not have Global Mouse Click (Center) option - even though we have Global Mouse Hover. I am not a fan of UI Spying for time delays and I love how quick is XPATH, but currently I have to - Activate Window Focus Element Send Global Key Events - {ENTER} A Global Mouse Click (Center) is what is needed to Click and Element and also fire events. If an alternative/work around is available, please comment here and share with larger group.
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Currently the enhanced app modeler allows for users to save attribute sets per spy mode so that custom best practices for resilient attribute selections are easier to follow and faster to spy. These saved attribute sets only apply to the user and cannot be saved for the environment itself to enforce best practices across all developers. Adding a feature to save attributes for that spy mode across the environment would allow users to apply changes broadly and enforce best practices.
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Submitted on
06:58 PM
Submitted by
06:58 PM
Blue Prism as a RPA tool has been around for more than 10 years now. We have many RPA enterprise instances that have BP code written by 3rd party vendors, federated units as well as erstwhile employees. Not all of the code components are properly annotated or written following best practices, this makes understanding, maintenance and enhancement of these automations a very difficult task. Since Blue Prism/SS&C has been investing in GenAI research it would be great if we can have a tool that can ingest Blue Prism code [as .bprelease file] and provide an interface to the users. This GenAI tool with a chat interface can provide detailed code docs as well as decipherable insights into the BP Processes. This will reduce maintenance & enhancement efforts and will increase investments into RPA. Blue Prism Enterprise v7 Next Generation
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Next Gen Documentation there is no facility to save PDF guide. Also one of the major issues is that no screenshots or snippets are provided in the online documentation, making it very hard to understand the concepts.
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Hi Team, It's always a challenge for a team to install or upgrade Blue Prism or its associated products for the first time or later on as well. Can there be an easy way by which anyone can install or upgrade easily? I have been using Blue Prism since V5 now it's always been a challenge. Now see the same with new products like decipher and others the same installation or upgrade issue is always there. Please make it simple and proper documentation for trouble-shooting. I don't know if anyone will agree with this point or not but at least as a user, I always face the same.
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