Showing ideas with label Blue Prism RPA.
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In Blue Prism 6.4 for Object MS Excel VBO, actions Open, close and save Workbook, have hardcoded timeout value of 30 seconds. However, it has very little point to keep this value hardcoded. Instead a better approach would be to have this value as input. In case no value is passed, a timeout of 30 seconds can be initial value.
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Code Stages currently only support older language levels of .NET languages. Especially C# is currently only supported in v. 5.0, which was released in 2012. Modern constructs like initializing auto-implemented Properties were introduced in later versions but are features expected by programmers to be available per default. As BP is using the native .NET framework to compile Code Stages on runtime into dynamic assemblies, the latest version supported is C# v. 5.0. More recent versions can easily be supported by using Microsoft's Roslyn compiler platform, which is provided as a NuGet package: It should even be possible to configure the language level dynamically so old code can be compiled in the same way as it currently is.
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Needs More Info
Submitted on
07:12 PM
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07:12 PM
The BP API dialog box builds html pages for each object selected from the dropdown. This is based on object contents. I suggest BP builds an API website (perhaps hosted on the local server) with foldering to match the Object studio folder structure, and have it automatically update documentation upon save/import of objects. Including referenced components in API (or allowing further customization) would be a plus, but a self-updating API website would be very useful especially for larger/federated teams.
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Needs More Info
Submitted on
08:14 AM
Submitted by
08:14 AM
Our schedulers are starting at 05:30 AM every day. We come in the office at 08:30 AM. Sometimes a resource was not available at 05:30 for several reasons and the scheduler has not started. Becasuse we are living in the time of knowing everything at the time of when it happens via push messages on our phone, we would like to have this option also for the control room and the resources. If there can be an app via your smartphone (or another solution) that sends you a push messages when a resource is down for longer than an amount of time or for no reason, that would be helpful. Maybe this could be done for the proces status also? When one is in status of warning or teminated.
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Needs More Info
Submitted on
05:57 PM
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05:57 PM
We are using BluePrism v6.4.2 currently and as per our observation we found that Event Logs from Event viewer has same Event ID i.e. 0(zero) for different level of error levels(Critical,Error, Warnings and information). It would be really helpful if the Event ID are different for different log level to configure easily for monitoring tools like BMC Patrol, Splunk and other monitoring tools to set-up automated alerts
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Not Planned
Submitted on
11:38 AM
Submitted by
11:38 AM
It would be helpful to be able to create and apply templates for user security role definitions in System tab. Additionally to be able to export and import those templates to move from one environment to another. Being able to export security roles in structure format will allow to run security audits on granted permissions (eg discrepancies between template and individual settings). This will support us in our multi team environment with 4 roles x 9 teams (and growing).
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It would be really helpful to have extract feature for Environment variables within Blue Prism. Right now the only way we can do is from SQL Server and playing with raw database is not safe. So built-in functionality to extract env variable table would be great!
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When you open the process studio or object studio By default, the font is set to Segoe UI and the size is set to 10. Is it possible to change this default setting? For example, when you open the project studio or object studio by default, I want the font to be Meiryo and the size to be 14.
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Presently, you can only influence the request URL through variables. There are web services that have a very dynamic capability to their URL query parameters. Being able to execute a section of code to build the query parameter string, similar to how we can execute code to build the body of the request, would be very beneficial.
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Not Planned
Submitted on
12:38 PM
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12:38 PM
It would be great when testing a process/object in debug mode, if it showed you, maybe by colour coding, which path has been taken through the code. You could then easily see what parts of the code hasn't been tested.
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Not Planned
Submitted on
07:56 AM
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07:56 AM
At this moment when a task in a scheduler is no longer relevant, we change the on complete of the previous task. The not-relevant task will still be visible in the scheduler and this is confusing en messy. I understood that removing a task is no option because of the existing archive logs. We would like to have the possibility to retire tasks from the scheduler that are no longer relevant so that the task is not visible in the scheduler anymore.
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Ability to use colors on lines and anchors as well same as we can do now with actions calculations ect.
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Currently when opening Help it is not possible to use the Interactive Client at the same time. Please modify the Help window so that it is not an overlay. This would allow a user to work in Blue Prism's Interactive Client while referencing the Help document.
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Currently, the fact that a process is exposed as a web service is not a part of the release package. As such, it needs to be changed manually on import to a new environment. It would be better if exposure status was stored within the .bprelease file itself, in the same way the "process published" flag is stored within the release.
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Some of our clients request that their scheduled jobs respect daylight savings time changes. At the moment, we have to shift them manually, but if Blue Prism could make that easier - for example, with a field in the schedule where we can input daylight savings dates for a year+ and have schedules automatically shift accordingly, that would be nice. I realise you can achieve this with multiple schedules, but with many jobs, less schedules is cleaner. Thanks.
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When retiring a process there should be a warning if the process is referenced by a schedule. When using the find references function on processes the referencing schedules should be shown.
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Many dynamic applications are tough to be automated and while Xpath is more reliable than HTML Path, there is no such option to interact with the elements using the Xpath.
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In addition to the idea to group and filter environment variables the multi team approach should also be applied here with having access rights on (groups of) environment variables
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Not Planned
Submitted on
11:40 AM
Submitted by
11:40 AM
Release management is one of the key activity when it comes to manage the processes versions. we create packages and we take release from it as and when required and we need to name the release manually every time with own naming convention. it would be good if an automatic version of the each release can be generated while taking the release prompt a pop up which allows to accept/reject the release version. if accept then create a release with same as process name with version automatically. also the pop up will give a area to add the description to that release, why that version is generated where reason is added to justify it. example: PID_001_Process_Order_Creation i create a package with name UAT_PID_001_Process_Order_Creation similarly for PROD_PID_001_Process_Order_Creation as i need to take multiple releases as and when changes are done, blueprism can just create a release with a version. Example: UAT_PID_001_Process_Order_Creation_0.1 Desc : initial release for UAT UAT_PID_001_Process_Order_Creation_0.2 Desc : bug fixed and changes added as per the business requirement in order status. PROD_PID_001_Process_Order_Creation_0.1 Desc : initial prod release it saves time of the developer and will not mislead if there are too many releases in backup. this automatic versioning will be maintained automatically by allowing auditors to track, when and how many releases are taken and the reason of it by looking into the description and version number. Looking forward to hear back from team on the same. will be adding more details to it if this idea is worth. Thanks
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Not Planned
Submitted on
04:50 PM
Submitted by
04:50 PM
The BP compare tool (BP 6.5.0) is currently unable to compare the application modeller part.
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