We would like to request a file upload status progress bar or spinning wheel to the Create and Link Attachment window when someone is uploading an attachment. When uploading larger files, we have seen users click the 'create' button multiple times as they cannot tell the file is still trying to upload. This causes multiple sources to create for the same file and can impact response time for the application.
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The Custom Search option for Processor Workspace is a very welcome enhancement. However the Saved Searches show at bottom of a list and when large amount of Searches this makes Custom Searches less helpful than they should be (because need to screoll through 30+ searches to get to Custome Searches). Could we have Custom Searches show at the top of the Search list?
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Printing AWD history from view station generated a .pdf file which could be presented to auditors for review. History exported from Portal is presented as a .csv file and is editable prior to printing to .pdf. Clients feel this is a shortcoming, a potential audit finding.
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Currently in AWD 20.3 the max length of a manually created variable is limited to 75 characters. Client has need where they enter up to a 750 character variable text that they need to be included in letter. Within Communications - Data Source Setup, created variable with field type of "textarea" but length cannot be set beyond 75 characters. Has this been addressed in later release? On horizon? If not then this is desired so larger text variables could be passed into Word during letter generation.
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Needs More Info
Submitted on
08:29 AM
Submitted by
08:29 AM
The possibility to have an overview of what logging levels are used within the script, besides the information how much % logging is used. As an example, it is not interesting for us to know how many activities have the status "errors only". However, it is important to know how many activities have the status logging enabled, so that we can minimize the impact on our databases.
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Under Consideration
Submitted on
08:10 AM
Submitted by
08:10 AM
eMail Capture should support the option of creating an email content source with inline images included in the same source rather than separate sources attached to the same work such that the email body with the inline images will be stored and displayed as a single source in Content Viewer. Inline images are currently created as separate sources attached the same work. It is very hard for users to relate the email content to the inline images when there are multiple images and any incorrect reference may result in errors with financial risks. In the example below, one single source (as shown below) should be created instead of 2 sources (1 email body and 1 attachment source for "ABCCo Funds").
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We would like to be able to make words on forms bold/bigger/darker color as some of our agents have trouble seeing the words being so small. Especially in read only fields.
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The ability for Chorus Admin users to easily unlock specific objects that are locked to "System" would eliminate the need for self-hosted Clients to engage IT to release objects. Hosted Clients could save time/effort since they would not be required to open a ticket for SS&C Hosting to complete the unlock.
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It would be beneficial if we had the ability of exporting credentials from one version of BP such that they can be imported into a newer version of BP. Issues were experienced during our migration from V6.8 to V7.1 such that it was strongly advised for us to do a migration of automations over a few weeks, instead of over a weekend. Our migration required about 190 bots to be migrated. Future migrations could be double or more. Having to extract the password from BP by running get credentials once per user and then manually keying those across to 7.1.2 was very time consuming and annoying.
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I would like you to create a BluePrism reference book at the beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels. ================= ご担当者様 BluePrismの参考書を初級、中級、上級レベルで作成してほしい。 自宅で勉強する際や、ちょっとした調べものをする際にも参考書があると便利だと思います。
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It would be great if Blue Prism can provide one or two months free trial or license for it's cloud products. Because most of us we don't know how it looks and how it works. Every organization does not have license for cloud products. SO it would be great if we can see it in future.
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Presently, you can only influence the request URL through variables. There are web services that have a very dynamic capability to their URL query parameters. Being able to execute a section of code to build the query parameter string, similar to how we can execute code to build the body of the request, would be very beneficial.
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Code Stages currently only support older language levels of .NET languages. Especially C# is currently only supported in v. 5.0, which was released in 2012. Modern constructs like initializing auto-implemented Properties were introduced in later versions but are features expected by programmers to be available per default. As BP is using the native .NET framework to compile Code Stages on runtime into dynamic assemblies, the latest version supported is C# v. 5.0. More recent versions can easily be supported by using Microsoft's Roslyn compiler platform, which is provided as a NuGet package: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform/ It should even be possible to configure the language level dynamically so old code can be compiled in the same way as it currently is.
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Hi Team, I think we should be having the community version of the product as it will increase the interest of the new developers/students and also good to test the latest/existing features before directly moving for Upgrade. This feature is provided by most of the RPA tools and Blue Prism should also think about it.
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I have a client, Ohio National, asking for a Find and Replace function to be added to Communications.
The business case for this client, is if a phone number is used in various content and the number needs to be changed, they were thinking a find and replace as a possible solution.
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It would be really helpful to have extract feature for Environment variables within Blue Prism. Right now the only way we can do is from SQL Server and playing with raw database is not safe. So built-in functionality to extract env variable table would be great!
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Can we create a generic VBO for actions on Images . Actions like Resizing a image , Zooming , Cropping image , Compression , Converting format , resize etc can be included in a generic VBO.
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When you have a larger application model and you're browsing through the element tree it would be nice if the application modeller would highlight the elements on the target application as you select the element. That way it would be easy to find the correct element (if you're not sure of it by the "should-be-self-evident-element-name"). You select the element on the tree, see the details on the right pane and the red rectangle on the application automagically (without pressing the Highlight button). If there's an error in the element attributes, the application modeller could highlight that by changing the element red on the tree view. If recognized, it could also show the conflicting attribute in red. BUT not pop yet another popup that needs to be OK'd before continuing. There's too many popups already in use. 😉
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The situations we confront on a daily basis needs more indeep material to be provided by BP. This material is not for advanced users. Only for kids who want to play. How you can run a class that has to write in console a string, while you can't bend the console with BP from the code stage like you say in the doc. You can run the cmd and inside cmd you can type arguments etc. The doc from your site is SF.
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