As we develop a process on daily basis. Count of environment variable increases day by day. Although all environment variable store in dictionary format i.e. in alphabetic order. But still its a big task to search environment variable from that long list of pages. We should include search functionality there as same as process and object search in studio tab.
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Can we have an option to view a new process/object without actually importing to our BP database ? Many times we just want to explore some new Dx VBO/Skill/Process without intending to use it in development . This is not possible without importing the process/object first . This creates a long list in studio of the processes/objects which we just imported out of curiosity or review purposes. My proposal is to have either right click option on any xml to view in BP , or to have to an option inside BP to preview without actually importing
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Hi, Studio auto-saves work in order to recover in the event of an interruption in work. I suggest that this auto-save be available until the next successful save. Humans make mistakes, and being able to "undo" them is invaluable. Hitting the wrong button by mistake shouldn't mean losing hours of work when the work has already been saved by studio. It should be as simple as right-clicking on the process/object, and selecting, "restore last auto-save". Of course there are many ways to implement this, but, it would surely be useful to many that have discarded work by accident. Thanks, Mark
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Hi, Recently I forgot my password for Blue Prism Trial Edition product. But there is no direct option to reset password from product itself. It will be really helpful to provide this feature. Thanks. Amin Patel
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Not Planned
Submitted on
08:24 AM
Submitted by
08:24 AM
During the design of any process, there are various instances when the blue prism reports lots of errors which are very small errors and can be auto-corrected by Blue Prism such as the stage is only partially within a block, stage to store in the result doesn't exist etc. The Blue Prism should throw a popup asking the user if he/she wants to auto-correct some of the errors errors by itself or not. This feature will help be very useful in resolving majority of the errors and saves the developer's time.
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When the Interact API is used to create a submission, the response should include the ID of the created submission.
This way, the ID can be used to perform actions such as updating the status from "Submitted" to "Inbox" when additional input is required from end users.
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It is possible to search for the processes or objects to which the object is referred. Conversely, is it possible to find the processes or objects that the process is referring to? When doing maintenance work on a process, I overlooked the fact that the process was referring to objects that I hadn't anticipated before working on it. I want to see a accurate list of objects used before I do any maintenance on the process.
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Hi Team,
I have a suggestion for Blue Prism tool. Currently when BOT is running on a machine, we can't access the machine (If we access then BOT's process fails). It is not beneficial for an organization to procure high number of machines to run BOT specifically for 24/7 which will increase the cost to the organization and also requires maintenance of the machines. Microsoft has launched a nice feature in Windows 10 i.e. "Multiple Desktops". With that a Windows 10 machine can have multiple desktops. Can we do some enhancement in Blue Prism to access this feature? I mean to say that if I have created 2 desktops then 1 Desktop will be used by BOT and second one by me to perform my tasks. This way it is very beneficial to organization and to individual to reduce procurement of machines.
Thank you, Sharmil
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Hi Team,
It would be really nice if we have an option within Blueprism to review our process/object before we deploy in UAt/Test/Production.
So this will really help the Team in reducing the rework and improper Design
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I made a post about this in the product forum, but was lead here. To simplify, I'll paste the text below:
I've used Blue Prism for nearly two years, and there are some features of the product that acts as a daily annoyance. Here's a list:
- Moving several objects at the same time:
When selecting and dragging several object on a page, you'll have to be extremely careful not to end up dragging everything far out to the edges of the page. This makes it really difficult to design the entire page at once, and really should be fixed. I don't think there's ever a time you'll need to move everything at such a speed which it makes us do right now.
- Editing Choice-stages:
When editing choice stages, even if only opening the editor and pressing OK, it will allways mess up the gaps between the choices. Again, not a function I've ever found useful, so I don't think this is made purposely. Also, the choices are placed at random places which can't be accessed if we're moving the choices manually, so again, it's not useful.
- Sizing and resizing the different windows:
If I open any window, like the "View Log", Application Modeller, Calculation editor, or similar, I never get all the details visible, and therefore have to resize it every time. This could be all the columns in the Logs window, or enough details in the calculation stage editor.
Also, if the program would have some form of logical resizing of e.g. Columns, so that when you increase the width of e.g. Application Modeller window, you don't just increase the width of the Values column under Attributes (which is already more than wide enough), but you get a wider colum for the Applications tree on the left side.
The attributes described over are of course nitpicky, but the sum of such illogical and un-userfriendly funcitons really add up to a less enjoyable experience for us developers that use Blue Prism every day. For all I know there are fixes for these, so any tips would be greatly appreciated, but if my assuption is correct. these are just the small things that no one talks about and gets used to. If there aren't fixes I really hope you can fix this asap.
(My version is 6.8.1 at the moment.)
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When hovering the '(n) Errors' button in 'Studio - Edit', it shortly displays a count over the number of errors existing in the process or object you're working in. When clicked, after a short wait the panel 'Process Validation' lists not only all Errors, but also all Warnings and Advices it could find. This list is built ad hoc, hence the short wait.
Wouldn't it be nice if the hover text would show counters for Errors, Warnings and Advices rather than only for Errors?
Happy coding!
Paul van Doorn
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The idea is to have a Data Item exposure such that we can store and update that variable across sessions - its more like an environment variable but to which we can make updates too.
This will help us in storing variables across sessions like flags, data which requires the value from the other session run that currently has to be stored in externally like in excel, notepads, etc.
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Keyboard shortcuts to to pause/resume/finish recording would improve the usability of BP Capture. Ideally, they would be configurable.
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Many organizations have their own PDD templates (logo changes, introductory text, font...). To increase the value of BP Capture, it would be useful to have the option to modify the template, so that the output could be used as-is (or require less updating). With the current situation, Capture is limited to providing screenshots, which the analyst then copies to their PDD template.
As an interim measure, it would be useful to have a technical specification of the used styles, since the style documents are available and could be modified manually.
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Hi there, with the AND and OR operators currently available the following expression throws an error when a flag data item is not set. IsFlag([Flag Item]) AND [Flag Item] Returns Error: ... right-hand-value is empty. If Blue Prism would support conditional logical operators like && and || in C# repectively AndAlso and OrElse in VB.NET the expression in this example would be valid. The evalauation of the expression would stop if IsFlag() returns False becuase the whole expression couldn't be True anyway. We could use a single decision stage only and could use this kind of expressions in choices. Currently there are two options: - always set a default value for flags - break the expression mentioned above up in two decisions and execute the second decision only if IsFlag() = True With choices this cannot be handled easily.
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It would be nice to see in which release package an object is part of. Similar to the existing referenced by feature, just to include releases too.
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During the import process, there should be a warning if an existing object, selected to be replaced, is located in a different group. If a release is created (in dev) with an object (object1) located in a certain group (group1) and this release is imported into another environment (test), a new object will appear (group1/object1). Now create a new group (group2) in the dev environment and move the existing object (object1) there. (=group2/object1). Create a new release with the existing object again and import it into test environment. The result is there are now two objects: group1/object1 group2/object1 Now it is not possible say if those names are references to one object or if there are two independent objects. It would be nice to know at time of import a new reference is created.
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When importing a release it would be helpful if the change date of the objects in this release are compared to the last change date of the existing object. Although the existing object will have the change date of the last import and not the original change date of the object (which would be nice to know even after import) it might still help to decide if an object should be replaced. import object change date < existing obj change date = possibly the same import object change date > existing obj change date = for sure something new Even better would be an internal version number that can be used more accurately for comparison.
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Under Consideration
Submitted on
01:03 PM
Submitted by
01:03 PM
Hi, Can we create video for each default objects which are provide by blue prism. It will be useful for new user to understand very easy way. If anyone stuck with any object and action he can access that video any time and get help without any delay and dependency. Thanks Nilesh
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To implement AA mode for chrome browser -
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