VBO help (i mark) There is a VBO for which there is no description. I'd like all VBOs to include an overview and a description of their inputs and outputs.
VBOのヘルプ(iマーク)先に解説の記載がないVBOがあるため 全てのVBOに概要とインプット、アウトプットの説明を記載いただきたいです。 よろしくお願い致します。
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Under Consideration
Submitted on
08:44 PM
Submitted by
08:44 PM
Can we create a mobile app where we can see all our process , robots , status and can Monitor the process from mobile phone can be really cool.Administrators can now supervise their entire RPA environment from anywhere, at any time, using an iOS- or Android-based device. Complete visibility into your RPA environment, even when you’re not at your desk or in the office .Control room to trigger real-time alerts on the performance of your Robots or provide critical scheduling and licensing information. You can also view detailed at-a-glance dashboards to quickly understand exactly what’s happening in your RPA environment as it happens.!!
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Can we introduce a VBO through which we can call Message Box(Displays a message box with the specified text and button options.) or Request credential (Displays a dialog box with a custom message and title that prompts a user to add his/her credentials, and stores the username and password as string variables, that can be later used to log into other apps)feature . This can be a useful asset when it comes to Blue prism in attended automation. I do understand that there can be indirect ways through code stage but it will be great to have things as VBOs or inbuilt . Customer can dynamically give and change passwords in a already running process and that will change the credential manager too .
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Can we create a feature where if our pending queue item is there in the queue more than the SLA time it sends a alert or mail. I do understand that its possible thorugh indirect ways , bit can we build a inbuilt feature or VBO where we need to give queue SLA (like we have priority or tags) and if that item is pending more then the time of SLA or its about to reach it , it throws a alert to prod team . This can be a great functionality for the production team and can be a asset for business also .
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Can we give a feature to clone a particular completed queue item as once the item is completed there is approx no way we can retry\clone it from control room from the same data . We do can retry any exception item which is perfect but it will be great if we can clone our completed item in Control room itself as it can be a great help while testing !
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It would be helpful to have a button of Copying the evaluated text to clipboard . Sometimes we want to copy the evaluated expression and paste it in some different screen. ( pic attached )
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Release XML exported by new versions are not backward compatible with older versions It takes a lot of time to rearrange the various stages in the whole process which is very annoying Perhaps BluePrism team should create an official DX VBO or tool to fix this issue
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Right now you can't create multiple releases with same name from same package. i could not think of any specific reason behind this limitation. In some cases there might be requirement to create a new release with same previous name from the same package.
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Hope the DB can show the application interacted with as a separate field. Today it is contained within the XML that will need to be parsed but if the DB can show the type such as browser based or mainframe or Windows etc., based on app modeller options and the application parameters can be fields and all of this can be show in a table mapping to the object which can be linked with a process so that we can a process and all the applications that the process interacts with
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It would be very interesting if you could make input and output of a javascript function, in the same way it is done with the .net code. This would give us another more friendly option to solve problems I honestly have not seen this option regards
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Submitted on
09:37 AM
Submitted by
09:37 AM
I think if we provide a internship then everyone know's about blue prism in the world then it'll spread soo fast around the world. so interested people can come forward and also they give good ideas.
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It will be great to add a feature for Browsers to read the "Item Value"(DOM Value) of the selected item in an HTML combo box?
Please find the example below:
I want to read the Item value(DOM Value) which is "/m/02gsvk". This will help in many scenarios where value remains same and the selected text changes according to the local language setting of the site.
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Hi Team, It would be great if we can attend Blue prism certification exam from anywhere after register for the same. It's very difficult to go attend exam in a centre with this new normal. I would like Blue Prism to introduce the same as other tool does the same.
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It would be a good idea that after an Object Studio has been created and published, there is an option in Process Studio to synchronize with Object Studio, Process Studio should always be reopened. Regards
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No automation is complete without Mobile Device Automation. Mobile Devices already make up more then 50% of the market share, compared to desktop computers, and are part of our daily life.
Can we also introduce Mobile Device Automation as part of the platform, supporting Smartphones or Smart-Devices currently on the market. And it should not matter if they are emulators, real devices, or if they are in your local network, connected via USB or in the Cloud - as we leverage appium.io . Something which we can directly interact with trough some VBO or modeller and we can create Workflows the same way we do it for desktop automation, without the need to learn something new.
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I do see we have a Command line "\report" command which gives BP system report and covers -->
"Writes a system report out to the specified file. The system report is a broad overview of the current state of the system - the number of sessions and log entries, the number of queue items, the validation state of the processes etc." Can we break or modify this command limited to a particular process\object . It will be a great thing to have. It can be used to complete "Peer Reviews" and can be automated . If not can we create a new command which does a peer review of a process\object and gives the validations\errors\advice\warning in a text file as they are already stored in .bprelease or database only thing we need to do is attach that to our CMD command .
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BP is installed on 2 Virtual Machines. 1 is Application Server (AS) and the other is Runtime Resource (RR).
Runtime Resource is not logged into but has a windows task scheduler that runs on Virtual Machine START UP.
The task scheduler executes script below and brings up BP:
[Blue Prism Install Location]\automate.exe /resourcepc /public
Login Agent is used to login to the RR to execute a process.
This ONLY works when the process being executed is ran in the background and fails when the process has to run in the foreground.
The script executed by the task scheduler launches BP in the background using specified credentials (if provided).
On login via the Login Agent, it does not own the foreground process (because the task scheduler script owns it)
You cannot run processes in the foreground i.e launching Internet Explorer and capturing details or Notepad.
Work around / Solution:
Run the task scheduler on Virtual Machine startup as per usual.
Run the same script on user login (login via login agent) as a startup task/program in the startup folder. However, you will have to kill the previous process launched by the task scheduler.
Script will live here and will be executed on login:
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp
Example commands for the script with 2 steps (variations also available in Power Shell):
taskkill /IM “Automate.exe” /F
[Blue Prism Install Location]\automate.exe /resourcepc /public
This will allow the user logged in via the login agent to own all the processes in the background and foreground.
Things to consider:
Task scheduler script is required to run on RR boot because it launches BP and makes the resource available to the AS and IC (interactive client) for the login agent to login
Why is this not a common issue? Because most Virtual Machines don’t shut down. If they do, someone physically logs in and manually launches BP (thereby launching it in the foreground)
Why did it happen to us? We’re running in a cloud environment and in order to optimize costs, Virtual Machines are turned on & off on a schedule so they don’t run 24 hours with no workloads
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Ever had to guarantee to Audit that every stage executed is logged so anyone could trace what the robot executed in case of incidents? We know that developers can edit code to not log stages and execute it on debug mode without saving and nothing will be registered, neither the changes in the code, nor the stages executed in debug mode... So... how to justify this? We wouldn't need if we had a configuration for that! It would be great to be able to overwrite any configuration of Stage Logging (code or resource) on an Environment/Instance level. This shouldn't be difficult to implement either. The benefit would be to guarantee stage logging in sensitive environments where every execution of stages needs to be registered for Audit and regulative institutes purposes.
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Sometimes it is useful to use the numbers 1 and 0 instead of True and False. For example, one just needs to add up all variables to know how many are set True. Sadly, a direct convertion of the data formats is not supported by Blue Prism. The calculation 'ToNumber(True)' creates an error. Doing it by hand would be possible, but time consuming and could probably be implemented in a faster way. In this context, the implementation of the signum function sgn(.) would be handy too.
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In processes with several pages , you might not recall which page is calling which page and whats the flow of Process. Especially if you have to work on enhancing a Process which was initially built by different team. There should be an option provided to show at a glance the flow of process i.e what is the flow in which the pages would be executed starting from Main Page. I have tried to create a indicative solution using a mindmap
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