It should be nice that a Runtime Resource block any attemp for a new connection WHEN during a schedule execution. What I see in many cases, there is GAP between a process and another in a schedule. This GAP between process in a schedule allows to any other process to run in a runtime resource when this is being used by a schedule. A schedule process can FAIL or stay in PENDING state if there is another season created in the runtime resource. In many cases the PENDING state is never executed.
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Hi Team Sometime for few excel action, we need to write the macro code in excel and call it from BluePrism (excel vbo - run macro) can we add the macro file as a part of release. so that it would be easy to have the macro file handy. this will applicable for SAP also, we have to wright external macro code
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If a process has a high-volume of items to work, allow multiple processes to run the same process simultaneously. This would drastically drive up the savings-per-process, and may give some more meaning to Work Queue prioritization.
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related to following idea, which also provide further details: The idea is to change the system wide setting for browser extension port assignment to be per object/process. It should be possible to set default behavior to dynamically assigned ports but tell BP to use standard port when attaching to running browser instance. Using standard ports when attaching to browser could be new default behavior (since it is obvious dynamic ports won't work).
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Under Consideration
Submitted on
02:34 PM
Submitted by
02:34 PM
Communication/notification tool that provides insight to shareholders/representatives on the status of work – this could be integration between TA/AWD and other CRM tools, etc. This would help reduce status inquiries to Contact Centers, potentially address NIGO work more quickly, and share information across internal departments as appropriate, etc.
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RPA Integration – Similarly to the Rules Integration, I’d like to see the same thing for Robotic integrations. I’d like to see something like Blue Prism, integrated into the AWD UI. I believe this will go a long way to unite disparate RPA implementations all over the organization, and work them into the AWD Process model.
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We need a ‘birds-eye view’ of which Processes, Automation Services and Presentation Services are being used, so that it would very helpful to know if workflows are not being ever traversed through, which will allow us to retire and simplify our ‘code base’. It will be easier for us to navigate and maintain the flows when it gets more and more complex.
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UI Integration/Messaging Marshalling API – We have created several UI customizations for our AWD instance. It is difficult to allow custom UI components interact with other native AWD UI components. For example, I’d like to add a javascript on my form, that with the click of a button, will execute a search and bring up results on the search results panel. A UI API would allow our customizations to interact seamlessly with native AWD, and give a better process experience. It would also plot a path forward for UI customization stability during upgrades.
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Under Consideration
Submitted on
02:25 PM
Submitted by
02:25 PM
Currently, Update access to the Role Profile / User Maintenance screen allows a user to Add roles and Add/Remove users from that role. Certain users should only be allowed to Add/Remove users from Roles. We need the ability to secure these two actions separately..
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New search functionality would be helpful in User Admin, to allow users search by forename, surname, alias etc.
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User Administration: User Info – more info via Admin to show when an ID logs in and logs out. This would be particularly useful now that we’re all WFH.
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Under Consideration
Submitted on
02:16 PM
Submitted by
02:16 PM
Easier service integration with Chorus
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Under Consideration
Submitted on
02:11 PM
Submitted by
02:11 PM
This service provides the ability to retrieve an AWD image and copy it to an external network drive.
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Under Consideration
Submitted on
02:12 PM
Submitted by
02:12 PM
The goal of this project was to develop a SOAP web service that could be called from within AWD's Design Studio that would create AWD Case Management cases and tasks. This was originally developed for use with sales demonstrations; and, once clients showed enough interest in Case Management, it was decided to make the module available.
The standalone CaseMgmtUtility.war file provides a SOAP web service interface. Actions including createCase, addTaskToCase, and AssignTask were implemented with appropriate parameters to call the AWD baseline REST services used by the Case Management user interface (UI) to create cases and tasks. Parameters are read from the AWD Admin Console Configuration Settings Table (WM7U999S) to provide the appropriate logic to use the B2B authorization filter for making the REST service calls.
On the list with other API enhancements, tentatively planned for 22.2 (but may not quite make it into the release). (NATHAN)
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When calling a REST endpoint through an integration service, if there is an error, we do not have access to the error data from within the Design workspace. Often REST services return an errorList data structure with details on the error. We currently cannot access this data structure when the status code is not in the 2xx range. There are a number of cases where we would like to handle an error differently based on the error message or code. Also, it would be helpful to document this information for debugging purposes.
A recent example of this is a restful service I call to search for documents. This API returned a specific error message when there are no documents that match the search criteria. Since Chorus cannot access the error message data, I could only build generic error handling in the presentation flow and could not notify the user their search yielded to results. In this case, we had an internal development resource change the API to accommodate the shortcoming in Chorus and not return an error when there are no search results. Modifying the service is not always an option and is not the most effective use of development resources.
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Under Consideration
Submitted on
02:23 PM
Submitted by
02:23 PM
User Administration: User Info – more info via Admin to show when an ID logs in and logs out. This would be particularly useful now that we’re all WFH.
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requesting a change to our Communications tool to allow a client to change the name of the attachments that are sent out via email with their letters. In the height of computer virus and training that tells us not to open suspicious attachments, they are concerned that their clients will not open documents with the name Attachment for fear of it being a virus.
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Retrieve Object Wrapper is a service that Retrieves children and returns back 5 LOB field values. It makes the return data much more manageable than the baseline retrieve object call.
Retrieve Object Wrapper is now feasible with baseline functionality with Tables and Functions that was introduced in 21.1. This was demoed in the stakeholder meeting for Tables & Loops. (CLARA)
The Enhanced Table Widget displays the lob field values in a table (presentation layer) – The end user can edit the values in the table. The values will be updated automatically on the work item
We do have a lot of enhancements planned for the Table element in the UX Builder for 22.2. (CLARA)
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Problem Statement:
In BluePrism version 6.4.1 to 6.7.1 we don't have option for searching an Object .In most of the cases we need to call the objects from processes using Action stage.
Manual searching and adding action in workflows is tedious and time consuming process.
To overcome this issue we need add search engine for BluePrism which will allow us to search and copy the actions into the workflow.
Created PowerShell script which act as a search engine for BluePrism objects. Search the object and copy the required action to clipboard.
Right click and run the script using PowerShell
Below window will appear
Search for the required Object
Copy the Object
Paste it in BluePrism workflow
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