Submitted on
04:55 PM
Submitted by
04:55 PM
Hi, It will be good to have MTE environment implemented for Process dependencies like, Work queues, Environment variables, credentials etc.., Currently it is applicable on Studio for groups and on Control room for differentiate runtime resources. Thanks, Manoj
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Under Consideration
Submitted on
11:01 AM
Submitted by
11:01 AM
Hi, as we have multiple instances of Blue Prism in our enterprise with various license keys, i would be good to have a single license server to manage those keys easier and get a better utilization of the existing bots.
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Can you provide a few sample skills free of cost ? This will help in learning to use the skills concept clearly
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Looking through the vendor provided assets it's apparent that many of them contain published actions, objects, or processes that just won't work. Many of them seem to suffer from really poor in-asset documentation (if it exists at all), unintuitive action definitions for inputs/outputs and flow, and a general absence of any design or code standards. It seems like if there could be some sort of combination of asset "certification" from BP and community feedback/ranking/comment mechanisms it would go a long way toward avoiding wasted time on these.
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I do understand firms trying to sell their services by sharing objects on Digital Exchange. But there are many "Download Links" redirecting to firm's websites where you can get that VBO shown on DE, only if you hire their services. It would be great if Blue Prism can separate them, so that there's completely different Sales and Exchange paths
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