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Please introduce a basic functionality of session variables that can be changed in control room when process is running on a pool. Currently this is only available when session is running on runtime resource outside of the pool.
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When a Tool property window is opened, it is located in the windows default location which is in/near the top-left hand corner of the monitor. On a larger monitor, or a two monitor system, this causes a lot of unnecessary mouse movements when the process/object studio are located on the right side of monitor 1 or on monitor 2. Especially since because property windows are open so often when Designing processes and objects. A very useful option would be similar to the StartPosition found in winforms .Net which allows a window to be open in the default location, Center parent, or center screen.
This would save a lot of mouse movements while allowing you flexible location of the process/object form.
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When exchanging experiences with the team of another (non-RPA) automation tool we got an idea that might improve how BP identifies (web) UI elements.
Currently BP seems to use the absolute path of an element for identification and has to parse the whole UI / HTML page to find this element again. The identification consists of the 'path' to the element and the attribute of the element.
The disadvantage is the increased time to parse the whole document (therefore using matchIndex can bring big improvements) and failures in case the actual path to the element differs to what BP expects.
An alternate approach is to use the hierarchical organization of element. The difference would be:
absolut path might look like: /HTML[1]/BODY[1]/MWD39-MODAL[1]/DIALOG[1]/DIV[1]/NG-COMPONENT[1]/DIV[2]/DIV[1]/FORM[1]/DIV[1]/SELECT[1]
If any order changes (eg DIALOG changed from 1 to 2) the element will not be found.
The alternative would be to identify the element in steps with each step would be able to have its own identification. eg go to MWD39-MODAL, find DIALOG as defined by..., find DIV with NG-COMPONENT, ....
This way it would not matter if DIALOG (or any other part of the path) is [1] or something else since it is identified by more attributes than a simple number.
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Blue Prism API is a great feature. It would be great if we could manipulate credentials via Blue Prism API - sometimes credentials expire and need to be changed from time to time. We wanted to be able to update the credentials directly via integration, and the Blue Prism API would be the best way to do it.
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Utility for Code Updates with Administrative Privileges.
Scenario: There is a requirement for a utility that can update parameters and data values for various objects, specifically utility objects. This can be achieved by providing inputs such as:
- Type: Process/Object
- Page name or action name
- Stage name > parameter name and its corresponding value
- Parameter/data item name and its corresponding value, and so on.
Problem Statement: Frequently, the browsers used for 90% of automation processes undergo updates, which are beyond Blue Prism's control. These updates often lead to the disruption of automation processes. For instance, the default settings of Edge and Chrome browsers in version 117 disable Active Accessibility rendering the command line parameters used in the application modeler or passed through the Navigate stage ineffective. In large-scale enterprise organizations where hundreds of automations are running concurrently, making code changes to each automation simultaneously becomes a nearly impossible task.
This situation highlights the need for Blue Prism to develop a solution that addresses such scenarios, providing a competitive edge in the automation platform industry. If Blue Prism were to offer a feature allowing inputs like process name, object name, parameter name, and its value to be supplied, this capability could be executed by platform administrators or individuals with administrative rights. They would be able to directly make changes in a production environment, efficiently managing automation processes in response to browser updates and other similar challenges.
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Please include a new action in MS Word VBO to download attachments(different attachment types such as word, pdf, excel, ppt, eml, etc) present/embedded in a word documents in future version updates. It helps us in downloading embedded attachments without needing to write custom code as it is little tricky.
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AutomateC has an option to export (/export) work items from a work queue using a custom filter (/queuefilter) configured in BP UI.
The filter by default includes 100 items (controlled by "Rows per page" at the right bottom corner). The maximum value is 10K.
This means CLI has a limit of exporting 10K items, and no ways to export items from 10001 onwards. The BluePrism UI has no such limitation and has an option to export currnt page/all pages.
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In version 6, when moving from the Studio tab to another tab, the state of the folder tree is auto-saved. Give users the ability to toggle this setting themselves.
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Ability to read the images dynamically into the image type data item would help in reading data from dynamic image paths. Currently a single hard coded image can be used.
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Hi Team,
We are currently using 6.8.1 version of BP and in the process of upgrading to 7.2. Most of our current processes in production using "Microsoft Excel 6.4 Version VBO" and we had to bring that version even after our upgrade because some of the actions such as " Open workbook with timeout", "Save workbook with timeout" etc are not available in default excel VBO's for newer version. Only option we had is to bring 6.4V VBO to the upgraded version or download and import the "MS Excel 10.1.7 VBO" which is available on portal.
It would be great if we can have all the functionalities/actions in single/Master VBO so we don't have to worry about missing items and that will avoid having multiple VBO for excel.
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Currently failed posts to Splunk by Data Gateways/Logstash are dumped to the Dead Letter Queue and left there to accumulate. These can be resent using the Logstash API; however, this should be provided by the Data Gateways platform and represents a blindspot in the tool.
... View more Certification exam codes are not mentioned on these exam details pages. Can we please include the exam code in the certification details as well? On the Pearson portal, we can see the below codes -
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In BP Client (v6.9) / System / Licenses, an overview of installed licenses are shown with various types of information. It would be nice to be able to select what columns are shown so non-essential information can be hidden (eg Processes, Resources, Alerts is always unlimited for us). Column should be resizable so longer owner names can be read Background: we have several environments with dozen of license keys and have to sometimes shuffle license between dev/prod and inbetween. Owner name in a license file is up to 25 characters with the last to characters being the sequence number of the license. (A central license management across all environments would be best though)
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Hello currently BP Desktop is compatible with version 7.1 and above. this idea is for backward compatibility of BPD with old version of BP.
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When we run process from process studio and if there is any exception then it will bubble up to main page recovery (assume - no handling on subpages). There is option to find which stage given exception but if you restart from that step then process will again throw exception on END stage of sub-page. it should continue with flow before exception.
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On the communication between Blue Prism enterprise and Active Directory, must be a good idea to implement what we call "A DC Locator". This feature enforce the Blue Prism Enterprise product to always first try to contact Active Directory controller domains that are in network level close to the application server. Reduce the latency. Improve the Active Directory performances Avoid issues. Below is a code example that can be implemented : $cp = [System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters]::new()
Add-Type -Name 'NetApi32' -Namespace 'NativeMethods' -CompilerParameters $cp -MemberDefinition @'
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
public string DomainControllerName;
public string DomainControllerAddress;
public uint DomainControllerAddressType;
public Guid DomainGuid;
public string DomainName;
public string DnsForestName;
public uint Flags;
public string DcSiteName;
public string ClientSiteName;
[DllImport("Netapi32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Auto, SetLastError=true)]
static extern int DsGetDcName
string ComputerName,
string DomainName,
[In] int DomainGuid,
string SiteName,
[DllImport("Netapi32.dll", SetLastError=true)]
static extern int NetApiBufferFree(IntPtr Buffer);
public enum DSGETDCNAME_FLAGS : uint
DS_PDC_REQUIRED = 0x00000080,
DS_BACKGROUND_ONLY = 0x00000100,
DS_IP_REQUIRED = 0x00000200,
DS_KDC_REQUIRED = 0x00000400,
DS_AVOID_SELF = 0x00004000,
DS_ONLY_LDAP_NEEDED = 0x00008000,
DS_IS_FLAT_NAME = 0x00010000,
DS_IS_DNS_NAME = 0x00020000,
DS_RETURN_DNS_NAME = 0x40000000,
DS_RETURN_FLAT_NAME = 0x80000000
static public DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO GetDomainInfo()
const int ERROR_SUCCESS = 0;
IntPtr pDCI = IntPtr.Zero;
int val = DsGetDcName("","",0,"",
return infos;
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The action of hovering over the comments bubble results in a "Preview - User Comments" screen, which only displays a limited number of the most recent comments. The request is that this screen be changed. Rather than a "Preview" -- which only displays some --not all-- of the comments, the request is to just show all the comments & a scroll bar, if it is necessary to scroll up & down through all of the comments. We are on Chorus v21.2.4.7. If this improvement has been applied to more recent versions of Chorus, please let me know.
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Some of our users like to work the cases/searches in the Pop-Out mode. Others do not. A suggestion has been made by users to build out the 'Preferences" menu to include an option to enable/disable pop-out mode so every card opened by the user is opened in the style the user prefers. We are currently on Chorus v21.2.4.7 -- so, if this functionality has already been applied to more recent versions, then just let me know.
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Hello, It will be outstanding if there was a way to 'export' any BP automation (process and related objects) from studio in a way that a non-technical business analyst could understand. For example, if we have a new hire business analyst who needs to understand how the solution works and compare the steps in the code to that in PDD document, can he/she export the solution into auto generated SDD or any other form. Thanks! Alisher
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We are on Chorus One of our users reported a concern; she indicated that when she created new work or opened a new window, occasionally the new work would create behind the other open case cards that she had open. In other words, the card she was actively working would create behind cards not actively being worked. The extra shuffling of cards this causes isn’t ideal from a user experience, of course. I am going to recommend the user "minimize" unused cards. However, I would like to ask this forum: Shouldn't the action of creating new work should result in the New case card opening on top of all other case cards. Is this something that can be improved upon OR has it already in (v22, v23)?
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