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The idea is simple. Add wildcard functionality for numeric application elements, such that we can have more flexible elements which can take wildcard numbers in for example ordinals, ancestor count etc. Currently you have to add an explicit setup for numerical elements, limiting you when invoking the element. If for instance you need to be able to search for just the name of the element most of the time, but once in a while would like to be able to use the same element with a specific ordinal, then you currently need to have 2 different application elements, and along with those two elements you need to duplicate the code handling these elements. It would be much easier if we could wildcard these numeric elements and then the function-invoker could determine whether she/he would like to use the numeric element or not. If they supply a * character to the element, then it's the same as ignoring it, as it could be any value, and if they give it a specific value, then the application modeller will only match against that specific value. Sounds like something that should be simple to implement, and at the same time make all our lives easier in the process - Cleaner code for all!
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For example, if runtime resources aren't available at the time of a scheduled run, but become available later, it will automatically allocate a session. Currently, it can only be achieved by allocating resource pools and repeating schedules. But it will complicate the schedule and increase the operational load. Therefore, I would like you to create a mechanism to automatically allocate sessions by checking the availability of workloads in the work queue and runtime resources. I'm sure that it will avoid execution errors and improve the utilization of digital workers.
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Currently in Blue Prism, if we have set a value based on condition, we will have to use the decision stage and then two calculation stage (one each for True and False Condition). This could be brought down one calculation stage or even directly put in another decision stage if expression editor supported Ternary If Condition. This can be helpful to avoid complex diagrams in case "Nested if" to determine value for a data item.
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Screen: Blue Prism Control Room
Feature Requested: Save all Process Execution Records from Environment Section Description: It would be handy if we have the ability to download all/selected (highlighted) process execution entries from the Environment Section of the Control Room. Currently, we have a "Save - Floppy" icon to save the filter view under "Session Management".
If we can add an export file icon next to the "Save" icon to download the selected / all filtered entries, it would be helpful for reporting and tracking.
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There should be some kind of symbol/indicator in Process Studio hierarchy to show if a process is published to control room or not. Right now if you wish to see you have to open the process and look for the green arrow in the information Stage
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Currently, when looking at the logs of a case, it might include logs from other cases as well, if they are processed by the same process during the same session. Ideally, when clicking at 'view log' on a queue item, I only expect to view logs related to that specific queue item, being;
any unlock / lock events on the queue item
any Update events on the queue item
any logged stages/actions in a process that occur between the locking & unlocking of a process, i.e. what happens during one step of 'process queue' process, which handles queue items
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Currently the access to specific credentials can be restricted by machines, processes & user roles. This leaves a security risk, especially in Development -environments, which potentially allows stealing personal credentials. This could be fixed by adding a new option to the Credential Manager, which would allow selecting specific user(s) who can access the credential. Other option would be allowing creation of user roles, which could be linked to AD user's SID. Currently only AD Group SIDs can be linked to a user role, and companies are not generally happy to create user specific "dummy" AD groups.
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It would be great to have the functionality to create small block of codes that can be saved as snippets and then inserted in processes or objects. That would increase development productivity as with a right-click -> insert snippet, developers would save a lot of time. Currently these kind of functionality general block codes are stored in a template process or object, and then the developers copy and paste those blocks in the process they are working on. That process work at some level but I'm sure blueprism snippets functionality would be a great addition to the tool.
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Not sure if its already raised or Team is working on this but can we create a official power point VBO . I do know that something is available on DX portal but its still not a official VBO with all actions which we can perform on slides .
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The "show latest screen capture" is a great feature. I think it could be enhanced with a simple addition: Show the Exception Message which was triggered at the time the screenshot was taken, perhaps along the ribbon bar. For bonus points.... would it be possible to jump to the relevant screen capture directly from the Log, rather than having to find the Resource in Control Room and right click there.
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We need an auto size and auto layout functionalities which formats the entire BluePrism page similar to what is available in Visual Studio for SSIS job. Perhaps with a notification that reverify any recovery blocks in the page. Surely, I am not the only one who get annoyed by new developers arranging the flow of the process in a convoluted manner.
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When Zooming in process or object studio, it would be a more intuitive experience if the zoom centered on the cursor position rather than on the center of the canvas. The current method requires you to scroll vertically and horizontally to center your point of interest either before or after zooming. Zooming on the cursor allows you to simply position your cursor over the point of interest (something that you do intuitively most of the time) and zoom, removing the need for 3 or 4 additional actions every time you scroll.
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Hi there, I'd like to suggest an idea to improve BP Studio. It is just about the visibility of texts in the BP Process/Object Studio.
If you see the attached screenshot, the selected row’s values’ fonts don’t have enough visibility.
Especially, when we’re providing training sessions to our partners/customers, people who sit down further from the screen are hard/unable to see the texts.
I attached a ppt file to show more cases. Please check the attachment.
Thank you. Seungjei. from Blue Prism Korea
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It would be nice to have a search bar for system settings. Similar to what we have in the studio area to search for any process/object.
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Currently, if you want to know the location of the source file for data you get back from decipher, the only way to do it is to push single document batches and add the filename and location in the batch metadata. I'd like to add metadata at the document level (or at the least track the source file location through decipher so it comes back out the other end into Blue Prism.
This is useful for anyone who needs to manipulate the source file based on the result of the classification or data extraction.
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The ability to add fields and make them mandatory to the save screen when saving a Process or an Object.
We are using Devops to build Stories, record bugs and add new development tasks. Would really like every change in a process or object to be tied back to Devops,
Currently we are writing the bug number in the comment but would it be possible in the future to be able to customise the save screen so that we can force developers to record certain information
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Allow the insertion of images in studio as a note stages. For example, while developing an application object, we could place a screenshot of the screen we're interacting with next to the navigate stage. This would facilitate debugging, many times we need to fix an object that was not developed by us and we might not be sure which element we should be interacting with.
We could also place an image next to a complex business rule to make it easier to understand.
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Currently the steps are listed as one continuous step, which can be broken up by a decision point.
If there are a lot of steps within the process it would be good if these could be broken up into sections within this such as:
Launch and log in to system.
Process steps
Log out of system.
This is to make the layout easier within capture but also to break up visually for the developer as well while looking and working through the steps.
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We would like the ability to mask parameters in logs. Currently you can either show or hide parameters, but hiding parameters can make it difficult to troubleshoot when it could be a data issue (or even confirm you're looking at the correct item in the log). Would ask that you add a third option with 2 selectors. The option should be to mask parameters. The selectors should be to show first or show last and how many characters. So if my data is 123456789 and I say show first 2, then I should see 12*** in my log. If I say show last 4, I should see ***6789. This will allow us to protect NPI but improve production troubleshooting immensely.
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I see in Batch types there is a setting called Validation lists which allows to use Odbc to connect to database. In my case I want to use Excel file. I use following connection string:
Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsm, *.xlsb)};Dbq=C:\Users\JMarkowski\Desktop\test.xlsx;
When I test connection, it says it's successful, however when I go to document form definition I don't see there any data.
Can you please implement this functionality working with Excel in Decipher?
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