It would be really helpfull to have a filter on the tree parts of the session management, another in the queue management and another in the scheduler reports and Schedules. We got a lot of queues, bots and scheduler and it's really a time consumming task to navigate in the control room. A global filter will also be usefull
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The below tables grow ginormously on a daily basis, I believe that from an Production operations perspective, these tables should be compressed. 1) SessionLog NonUniCode Table 2) WorkQueue Table 3) Scheduler Table 4) Audit Events The base schema uses simple data modelling with no advanced RBDMS features incorporated to the base schema. The design needs an enhancement.
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Hi, I am using Blue Prism from past year and found that releases are created for backup etc multiple times for export/import purposes within environments. But Releases section does not provide any filer to search specific releases, search bar not available same as Processes section. Also Sort Column feature must be available on columns in releases section. It would be very difficult to scroll to find each release created. User will surely save time and it is easy to implement feature for Releases section. Thanks. Amin Patel
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AWD Viewstation attach docs button automatically truncates the file name to 75 characters. LFG is asking that we develop the same functionality currently available in Viewstation. ServiceNow ticket #CS0014450 was opened as a defect.
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We run several independent BP instances to serve multiple development teams. Information about usage, status, schedule, licenses, ... is hard separated and has to be evaluated for each instance independently. It would be nice to have one common supervisor server, which at least makes meta data available conveniently. This could also serve for central license management. This could also be seen as big step towards multi tenancy.
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In Control Room we can add an option to rerun the terminated session with the same input params. This way user will not have to create a new session and fill up input para again with the same values. If the user wants to change the input para value then they can drag-drop a new session as usual.
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HI team, The GUI does not provide an ability to reset the Archive logs action if it already been triggered and due to some reason if the archive fails. System Admins should have the ability to reset the Archive Flag as large organizations do not grant access to the Database due to security limitations.
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Needs More Info
Submitted on
11:24 AM
Submitted by
11:24 AM
As a Chorus user I need to be able to print all attachments related to a Case to comply with legal review and FOI requests.
As opening and printing each attachment in Content Viewer is time consuming, I would like:
To be able to print from the attachment context menu in Processor Workspace (this was a documented option for Legacy Workspace on Chorus 20.1 but not implemented).
To be able to print option from the work item context menu in Processor Workspace, with an option to select which child attachments to print.
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It would be nice to have a way to automate the import/export of Batch Type, DFD, or training data in Decipher, similar to the BP AutomateC command-line utility.
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Client is looking to replace Knowledge Enabler jobs with Automated Services using interoperability. They need the ability to assign work in those services as they can do currently with KE. This is a gap with interoperability.
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Under Consideration
Submitted on
09:02 AM
Submitted by
09:02 AM
Currently updates to assets in Digital Exchange are shown only in the notification sections (/bell icon) inside of DX portal.
It would be nice to receive either or: real time, daily, weekly notifications/newsletter via mail on which asset was updated, based on to which asset I am subscribed to.
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Under Consideration
Submitted on
09:56 AM
Submitted by
09:56 AM
Electronic communications with customers (as PDF attachments) are often sent password-protected, requiring the customer to enter a piece of data known only to them.
This enhancement potentially prevents/reduces the potential for fraudulent activity should a customer communication end up in the wrong hands. For email communication, there is the concern that emails could either be intercepted in transit or opened by someone other than the intended recipient.
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We would like the ability to automate the hopping of in-flight work to the latest deployed version of the process model associated to the Business Area / Work Type. In seeing how each user task within a process model is associated to a back-end identifier (GUID), there would be a match for the same GUID on any newly deployed version of that process model. All active work on the previously deployed version of the process model to be transferred to the corresponding GUID on the latest deployed version of that model.
The Scenario:
A business request is received to update/fix an existing process model with a change to routing attributes (for example).
The process model is updated with changes to a particular gateway and deployed as the newest version to that BA/WT.
Given Statements:
All the work objects created prior to the deploying of the latest version remains on the previously deployed version.
The changes to the gateway on the newest version do not apply to any active work objects created on the previous version.
The only options at this time:
inform the business that the latest changes to the process model will only apply to newly created work objects (date-specific) and that any in-flight work is to remain on the old process model.
or the workflow administrator can manually hop (pause existing tasks on previously deployed process model version and resume on corresponding task on the latest deployed version)
Some Limitations:
There are some restrictions to manually hopping (pause/resuming via Monitor) work from old to new:
Once a work object is "paused" by a workflow admin:
any pending timer expiry attributes are lost
any suspension activate attributes are lost
any user assignments are lost
For larger process models that have numerous user tasks, this task of manually hopping could be resource intensive (although it depends on the scenario as well). A monthly deployment cadence where process models could be deployed once a month is not as bad.
For process models that have nested sub-processes (could be various levels deep), the manual process of hopping work objects from tasks within a nested sub-process out to the same user task that is nested in a different version of the process model is also labor intensive and requires a methodical approach (where to pause on parent process prior to resuming, etc.).
The Ask:
Provide functionality within the Monitoring tool (or elsewhere) to automate the hopping of active work objects to the latest deployed version of the process model associated to the BA/WT.
Hop work from and to the same user task (as identified by the GUID) on the newest deployed process model version (if a GUID match is found).
For each work object that is hopped, as applicable:
retain and reapply the timer expiry attributes
retain and reapply the suspension activate attributes
retain and reapply user assignments
For work objects on the old model that are in a user task that does not exist on the newly deployed model (no GUID match), these work objects are left as-is on the old model and is flagged to the workflow admin (via report or through the Monitor interface, identifying those that were not hopped, requiring manual review/action).
Provide the ability for workflow admin to select which processes to apply the hopper automation as there may be situations where hopper automation would not be required, for example, the newly deployed process model is a complete overhaul (user tasks deleted, etc.).
Prior to our upgrade to Chorus (previously on AWD SP8.8), we had an in-house SQL script that would fulfill the above functionality. With each month's release, we would include the execution of the process model hopper within our deployment runbook. For the past decade, this script executed without flaw and workflow administrators did not have to manually hop work from previous to newly deployed process model versions with each deployment. The "Active" tab within the workflow admin suite would have the list of all process models deployed, and all work would be always on the latest deployed version (providing ease of work object maintenance as well).
However, with the move to Chorus, due to the changes to the back end database tables for work objects, our current scripts utilized with AWD is no longer compatible, and would require a re-write/mapping of GUID, process model version comparisons.
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We would like to have the ability to restrict a user’s ability to use the reply to a comment feature. The risk is that users reply to an old comment and that reply is missed by someone in a subsequent step. Some clients may prefer not to use the feature and prefer only to use standard comments.
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Currently if you send a Composition by email and the address is incorrect, the email will move to Error Status. The client would like the ability to "Cancel" the email (would prefer to change email address and resend, different request) and move it to the Cancel Status so that it is apparent the item was reviewed and error caught.
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It would be helpful in the future enhancement by adding version history for App modeller changes.
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Issue - Nothing happens when clicked on a custom button (which triggers communications element within an automation service) on dynamic form at run time. No errors in Developer console as well. Attached the screenshot for reference. Description - the server code for the Communications task has some limitations around being invoked outside of the context of a Presentation Flow, which is the case here when the Automation Service that contains the Communications task is being called from the Dynamic Form.
The communications task is designed to run from an automated service in a presentation flow, not to be called from a form. Hence creating an enhancement request to overcome the limitation.
We have tried it with Normal form and is working fine for it., but not for Dynamic form.
Murali has created 2 models and tested it in the environment you are using i.e. Comm Creation Dynamic Form Flow Comm Creation Normal Flow
Please have a look at those models.
Please refer the screenshots for better understanding. Client - AI4 Process Ltd. Client Env - Dev
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1.Multi tenant environment - allow for search across multiple business area.
When servicing multiple clients users often perform search across multiple business area (e.g searching for order requests pertaining to specific advisor across multiple business areas)
Enabling this functionality will reduce the number of searches user will need to perform to retrieve the information they are looking for. As a result the number of requests submitted to the database will be reduces as well, overall resulting in better performance
2.Search criteria on card - Add scroll bar to search criteria section. For search forms that have multiple rows of fields user is unable to navigate to all fields that are on the form
3.FVD(field value domain) - Enhance functionality to allow FVD values to be displayed on search forms for AWD fields (e.g. Worktype, Status, Queue)
4. Search Resource access control - Enhance functionality to mimic behavior in classic workspace and allow management of resources that are showed on list of searches for user
In instances where search resource is used in design process , user will need to have access to the resource to perform the search in design , however the resource does not need to be listed on search card under available searches for the user to manually run on demand.
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When editing the schedules in control room it would be nice to see the edit history similar to what we currently see in the studio tab for processes and objects, or the releases tab. Being able to quickly see when it was updated and who it was updated by would assist greatly when updating schedules if there are any issues. Attached is a mock up of the screen might look like with an edit history similar to the releases page.
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Email - POP3_SMTP > List Messagesでメールを取得したところ、
送信したメールの件名にスペースが追加されてしまいました。 長い文字数の件名の場合に発生するようです。 SUPPORTに問い合わせたところ、開発チームでも再現されたと伺いました。 今後もメールの件名の長さは制限できない場合があり、長い件名でも取得できるよう改善いただきたいです。
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