Under Consideration
Submitted on
07:35 PM
Submitted by
07:35 PM
Hi Blue Prism Support Team,
We at Best Buy, Canada use CITRIX environment to access our Corporate Applications. Recently, we have deployed Capture 3.2 in our CITRIX Environment and tried to record our business process automations. We noticed that the Process Definition Document (PDD) extracted from Capture was skewed and was missing several steps and descriptions. Also the Blue Prism Release file did not capture all the steps and required several modifications.
We would like to submit an idea to make Capture tool compatible in a CITRIX environment. A lot of clients use CITRIX environment to access Corporate applications and host RPA solutions. Hence it would be a great idea to make Capture tool compatible with CITRIX so that a lot of clients can benefit from Capture tool.
Bharath Murali
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Would be useful if you could simply filter exceptions between Business & System exceptions. In a similar way to filtering in control room for completed, pending and locked - split Exceptions via Business and Pending. I know this can be completed via Tag filters, however would be a nice simple improvement.
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We would like to be able to freeze a group on a form like you can freeze panes in Excel so agents don't have to scroll up and down to see important information.
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When we create a table into Interact Form, by default all columns created are TEXT type. It's would be great to have the possibility of change the type for each columns into the table with BluePrism's Variable Types --> Number, Text, Flag, Collection, DateTime ... Thanks!
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We need the ability to upload documents directly to a Content Mgmt. System. The Client does not want to create the content in Chorus first, then push the document to their CMS via a REST API.
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When using Chorus we want to label the new UI screens like Design with a label to indicate that we are in a test environment and which environment level. Something like "21.2 UAT" in a bold color so that it stands out. This is for safety so that users will not accidently enter Prod data into test or test data into Prod.
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There are a few things that need to be improved in the studio just for development easiness. 1:- Studio look and feel must be improved. 2:- While connecting two stages in Blue prism there should be an option just to click so that they will connect by an arrow or by a mouse hover we can get that arrow. Like we used to get the option in VISIO or 3:- The developer should be able to resize all the stages by selecting on time. For example, all the stages must follow 4 squares or 6 squares then the Developer or user should be able to for one page at once. These are a few suggestions but there is a lot of room for improvement.
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My suggestion is to add an AutomateC command to enable or disable a specified existing schedule. This capability would greatly expand the flexibility of the Blue Prism scheduler.
Currently we have processes that have to be scheduled to run once (or more) every day, mostly just to determine that they don't need to do anything on that day. These superfluous runs create noise in the control room, extra logs, and potentially cause other processes to not run because all licenses are in use at that moment. For example, we have a process that needs to run every 30 minutes but only on one or two specific days of the month. The only way to do this currently (using just the BP scheduler) is to schedule it to run every 30 minutes every day, and either add logic so the process can determine that it shouldn't do anything most of the time or manually disable it for most of the month and manually enable it on the days when it should run.
With the proposed enable/disable AutomateC capability, we could maintain a file (Excel workbook?) containing a list of schedules. Each schedule in the file would have a business day or calendar day of the month and whether the schedule should be enabled or disabled on that date. A BP process would run early every morning and process this file. The BP process can determine the current business day and calendar day and enable/disable schedules accordingly. This would enable more efficient scheduling for processes that only run quarterly, monthly, bi-monthly, or on specific days (whether calendar days or business days).
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In the add to queue action where you place a collection into the work queue there could be a flag option to write only those that dont already exist in the queue. At the moment we need to check each row if it exists in the queue already and if so then remove it and with a few thousand rows this takes a while. If the option existing in the Add to queue action it could add and check simultaneously removing the need for a time consuming loop.
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Currently, we can change the logging for all stages in a process by choosing one of the three options, disabled, enabled or errors only.
It would be great if we can have one more option which is changing all log according to best practices and recommendations. This option can be disabling what needs to be disabled, setting errors only for what needs to be that way and leaving all decision and choice stages enabled. Simply an option that can be used before releasing to production as usually a lot of things enabled while developing which makes the currently available 3 options important but they still require manual work to change the logging for specific stages. In a big process this can be a problem since not noticing some stages can be possible.
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Currently when we have system upgrades & downtime we have to remember to retire our processes so that they don't try to run whilst those systems are unavailable. It would be handy as we often know in advance when these system downtimes are - and they are usually out of hours so we sometimes retire a process a few hours before downtime is set to begin missing out on time we could have used to process cases.
If we can add a timed retire onto the schedule. As in 'retire this process at.... and resume at....' so that it can run in time with these upgrades.
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Currently renaming user roles in Blue Prism is only possible by mouse click. It should be possible to use Windows standard [F2]-key for renaming user role names (similar as it is already possible in Studio with folder/group names). This will also come handy when automating Blue Prism application (as being official suggested since no API is available).
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Access to session log is not an obvious facility in Blue Prism Control Room. From time to time it may happen that due to performance issue and reaching timeout session log does not get displayed at all. In this situation, if we want to find out what were exactly the input parameters thanks to which we can differentiate one run of the same process from another, we either lose this detail or guess it with a higher or lower confidence, for instance by relying on the time of run.
To achieve more readability of in/out parameters, it would be beneficial if users had an opportunity to have them displayed while hovering their mouse over a particular run of process in the Control Room instead of counting on session log being correctly opened and reading parameters from it.
Best regards,
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Submitted on
10:59 AM
Submitted by
10:59 AM
Would be good to be able to stop all schedules from running so that if you want to halt the system (upgrade, urgent service window) you can stop all schedules from running rather than having to go through them all one by one stopping them. Allow them to end gracefully and then be able to restart them all rather than having to start them individually as well.
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Hi, Like we have a standard VBO for excel, outlook etc with Interop, one standard VBO for PDF with Adobe Acrobat DC Interop will be very useful to perform common actions on PDF like read entire text, count number of pages, convert PDF to excel or images, search for a text on a particular page, find page number of particular text etc. Acrobat DC has good library mentioned here - 1) 2) Lot of these functions can be used to create a code based VBO User will install Acrobat DC on their machine like they install Microsoft office.
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To implement AA mode for chrome browser -
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A better password reset mechanism is needed in case the user forgets the password of the BP login. I know there are other workarounds, BP support contact, etc but tool should be able to provide such reset options by using Email ID, Phone Number, Secret Questions, etc many other options are available in tools nowadays.
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As a Form designer I would like to add a new line in an Interact paragraph.
Today I can change the characters in many ways but I can’t insert new lines.
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AWD Viewstation attach docs button automatically truncates the file name to 75 characters. LFG is asking that we develop the same functionality currently available in Viewstation. ServiceNow ticket #CS0014450 was opened as a defect.
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