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Submitted on
08:41 AM
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08:41 AM
Hi Team, Currently, the Outlook VBO on Digital Exchange only seems to support individual user account mail boxes but does not seem to work on shared mailboxes. Can this feature be added as an enhancement since in past also this issue seems to have been raised multiple times on Community by other users
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The cards in Processor WS must be expanded each time you open a work item. As most work forms are longer than the current default card size, users must resize every single work item they open. Cards should open based upon the size of the form associated with the work so users don't have to manually expand them
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Custom Searches in portal that do not require manual building of Stored Procedures. Use Case: As we look to move groups to AWD Portal, the smaller outlying groups they have custom processes that leverage specific Lookups through Viewstation that are not available by default in Portal. Historically creating Stored Procedures has been difficult and there is little to no support from Customer Care, unless you want to enter a Professional Services engagement.
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We need a ‘birds-eye view’ of which Processes, Automation Services and Presentation Services are being used, so that it would very helpful to know if workflows are not being ever traversed through, which will allow us to retire and simplify our ‘code base’. It will be easier for us to navigate and maintain the flows when it gets more and more complex.
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Ability to identify time and effort for manual work processing flows and identify opportunities to reduce processing time.
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Have the ability to have work automatically unlock or reinstate the ability to give user access to management to unlock work – we hear about this often that late in the day a user will be gone and locked to item and then we have to submit a ticket to AWD customer center for item to be unlocked. User may had some issues during the day that locked them to item and they did not know about it until we are doing end of day validation process for checks mostly
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We need a ‘birds-eye view’ of which Processes, Automation Services and Presentation Services are being used, so that it would very helpful to know if workflows are not being ever traversed through, which will allow us to retire and simplify our ‘code base’. It will be easier for us to navigate and maintain the flows when it gets more and more complex.
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Create auto loop function available in services and press flows: • A separate function, where a user could drag over the loop function and pass it an array. • Then it would iterate through the array until it got to the last item. • Other operations in the function could be like Continue and Break. • Continue would move on to the next item in the array and break would break out of the loop • Tangent thought to that would be to allow for creating a variable which is an array type and allow for building arrays ourselves, rather than having to rely on arrays from web service responses.
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Javascript has been created to allow an administrator to reference a URL on a form. The URL can be given a label that reflects its purpose, as opposed to listing the native URL Address. It will display with a hyperlink underline and will have the ability to launch the URL in a separate tab or separate browser window depending on the configuration style.
The Text Element in UX Builder supports rich text formatting and will enable hyperlinks to be added to forms and apps. ()
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Retrieve Object Wrapper is a service that Retrieves children and returns back 5 LOB field values. It makes the return data much more manageable than the baseline retrieve object call.
Retrieve Object Wrapper is now feasible with baseline functionality with Tables and Functions that was introduced in 21.1. This was demoed in the stakeholder meeting for Tables & Loops. (CLARA)
The Enhanced Table Widget displays the lob field values in a table (presentation layer) – The end user can edit the values in the table. The values will be updated automatically on the work item
We do have a lot of enhancements planned for the Table element in the UX Builder for 22.2. (CLARA)
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requesting a change to our Communications tool to allow a client to change the name of the attachments that are sent out via email with their letters. In the height of computer virus and training that tells us not to open suspicious attachments, they are concerned that their clients will not open documents with the name Attachment for fear of it being a virus.
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Unable to locate model after opening the Process in design studio, and after scrolling in all directions. Zoom in / out also does not help locate the model. Morgan Stanley
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When configuring an automated document in the communications cog the designer is forced to use drop-downs to define the document. The designer can not use a variable.
The automated configuration requires a task for each automated letter. BPO has a thousand or more automated letters and forcing this causes the service layer to become extremely complex and difficult to support.
When new letters are added for Automation use we will no longer have to update the service with a new Communication Cog. We would want to require the use of a variable to pass the document name. The service could require some modifications and the current Communication Cog may the ability to be “Refreshed” to pull in any new Data Sources that may be added for use within the letter.
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When opening a CSD, launch a process, run a search, create a relationship, or create work in the modern processor workspace, it always opens to the same default window size, with is generally too small.
A good example of a process that is impacted is the Caller Authentication guided process, which is run by the GIDS phone team for every single phone call. Currently, the associate would have to resize the window for every single phone call.
There appears to be a couple needs here:
Windows for work objects should open to the size of the CSD or workflow form, or maximum window size.
When we resize a work type, it should retain that size for all instances of the same work type. Currently, Chorus only retains it for the specific instance that was resized.
Search results and relationship windows should retain their preferred size for new searches/relationships. Also, the default size should be at least large enough to display 3 or 4 items.
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When is this feature going to be added? Allow users to fill in a form via a table or grid. This feature would allow for quicker user input.
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When is this feature going to be added? This would be a tremendous new feature! Its been close to a year.... Will it be release in 2022 or 2023? I'm forced to use other tools to do this since Interact doesn't provide or support more than 50 characters in a text field This is insane.
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Currently, we can only use the action "Raise Submission" to create a unique form for an individual in Interact. We would like to have the capability to raise a submission for a unique form that can be filled out by multiple users. Our concern is for situations where we need to meet a specific SLA and the individual who the form is assigned to is on PTO and will not be able to fill out the form on time. This proposed feature would allow us to give multiple users the option to fill out the form or for the user to re-assign the form to another user.
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Submitted on
09:42 AM
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09:42 AM
Hi Team, The recent version of decipher is better than the previous version. But i have seen some of the features can be added to the next release. that is if decipher can read the QR code and Barcode that would be very good idea can be implemented. and also mentioning about the Stamps cleaning on some files. that would be great implement can be added.
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Sometime we need a list of environment variables to document (In technical solution Document) but We don't have an option to export the list and everyone don't have access to database. Can we have option to export the variable list directly into excel/CSV
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