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It would be really helpfull to have a filter on the tree parts of the session management, another in the queue management and another in the scheduler reports and Schedules. We got a lot of queues, bots and scheduler and it's really a time consumming task to navigate in the control room. A global filter will also be usefull
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Hello currently, Process exception section in PDD is always empty by default (post recording and after editing in capture GUI) and there is no way as of now to update from capture.
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Presently we are capable of accessing the screen capture related to the latest exception stage via the control room per RPA Bot.
In a practical environment where the Bot's are executing queue based items, the exception stage is handled. Therefore the bot moves on to the next queue item available.
When all the items in the queue completes a report is generated to the admin stating the status of each item. Therefore if more than one queue item raise exception stages, then at the time of inspection by the system admin, only the latest exception stage screen capture per Bot is preserved. The admin will not be able to have a graphical state of the the system or the environment for the exception stages raised by previous queue items executed by the same bot! The snapshot of the environment will definitely lead towards quickly identifying the issue a bot is facing in most occasions. Therefore it will be greatly beneficial to have a way of preserving the exception stage related screen capture per item key (historical screen captures)
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Data scraping for a web table or a web table which is having multiple pages is very difficult. I know lot of ways are there but there is no convenient way which can be followed for all the browser or web table with multiple pages.
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Currently, Known issue list across BP version do not include date when the issue is added to list. Issues are keep on adding as they are coming late as well and users do not come to know which issue was added at what point of time.
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Hi Team, The Problem: Our team maintain ODI for particular processes and a global ODI for all processes. However we face challenge updating these documents as developer spend time on development and testing the automations. As a result these documents are not always up to date and sometimes cause issues with duplicity of objects being developed. The Idea: I would like to request an ODI tab where we can go and see all the objects that are developed for an given application. This will allow us to actively reuse these already developed objects. For this to work we should ask for application name while developing the modeler. So that all the objects are grouped under the same application on the ODI tab, further it should be easy to check the actions and their input output for each tab along with their description. Do let me know if you have doubts or any other solution that can help us. Thanks
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As of Blue Prism Hub 4.6.0, having multiple users with the same email is not supported and is explicitly prevented by Blue Prism Hub with an error being thrown. There are valid circumstances under which multiple user accounts may have the same email, for example, a user having one account for non-admin access, and one for admin access. We do this today with the Blue Prism Application itself without issue, but are unable to integrate Hub, Auth server, and thus API into this approach due to this limitation preventing use of different accounts with the same email. In addition, Active Directory does not treat the mail attribute as unique or a primary identifier, so multiple users can have the same email without issue. If this is merely an arbitrary limitation the idea would be that the check is removed or configurable. If Blue Prism uses it determine uniqueness or for lookup, the idea would then be to use something else that should be truly unique, such as the username.
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Currently, user has to select in Import menu whether they want to load release or object/process. Blue prism should internally decide once the user selects the file. Depending on XML, BPRELEASE, BPPROCESS, BPOBJECT extension tool should automatically Import accordingly. This adds ease of use for customers.
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the new idea is to enable to determine the type of field for each column in the table like: text, Date, number, upload, list. and enable to create Regex to the fields in the table.
I need this idea, because in one of process that I work, I need to create form for request medical insurance, and in this form, the person can add any number from his family without certain limitation. and we can use the table for this because no limitation for the number of rows that we can add. but we can not add regex or type for the fields in table.
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Cant we add a feature to export all blueprism settings somehow. This would be greatly helpful to migrate to other environment or while changing/upgrading the system.
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I recognize that the scheduling of "Login Agent" should be "Task (1): Login → Task (2): Business Process → Task (3) Logout". As a best practice, is it correct to "when the login process moves, if the robot is logged in with the appropriate user, execute the task (2) (Business Process) as it is, and terminate the schedule if the login is by an inappropriate user"? I think, "When the login process moves, if the robot is logged in with the wrong user, it would be nice if I could log out and log back in instead of failing the schedule itself." I would like you to consider using this as a best practice. ===== ご担当者様 Login Agentのスケジュールの設定についてですが、タスク①ログイン、タスク②業務プロセス、タスク③ログアウトとすべきかと認識しております。 ベストプラクティスとしては、『ログインプロセスが動いた際に適切なユーザーでログインしている状態であれば、そのままタスク②へ続き業務プロセスを実行する。不適切なユーザーの場合はスケジュールを終了する』というのが正しいのでしょうか。 と申しますのも、希望としては、不適切なユーザーでログインされている場合にスケジュール自体を失敗にするのではなく、ログアウトを行ってログインし直せたら良いなと思うのです。難しいでしょうか。
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This is probably somewhere in the connection of the Process and the Control Room, but it would be nice to set some 'Startup' parameters as required (must be populated before the Process can be started).
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I want you to create a VBO that deletes the duplicate data in the collection and stores it in a new collection. ========================= ご担当者様 collection内にある重複するデータを削除して、新しいcollectionに格納するVBOを作成してほしいです。
現状だと重複を削除するプロセスページを作成する必要となり、時間がかかります。比較的多用する機能であるため、標準のVBOに取り入れて頂きたいです。 以上、よろしくお願い致します。
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We are using 6.9 and more recent versions of BP might have different possibilities.
In 6.9 the configuration of Archiving is limited to specify a target directory.
There is no option to define the preferred RR the archiving should run.
There is no option to specify the Windows account that should be used
And there is no possibility to specify the date/time when automatic archiving should start.
This causes certain challenges in a multi RR, multi BP instance, multi Windows account environment.
.) The target directory is only set per RR. We have to set the directory on each RR to ensure the files are saved in the same directory.
Each BP instance / environment has to have its own target directory otherwise restore will very likely fail or will be wrong. When moving a RR from one environment to another environment also the local archiving directory has to be set manually local on the machine.
.) Preferably, all archiving files should be saved in the same central location and not local on each RR. This can be achieved by having a network share mapped on all RR.
Since we cannot know what user is currently logged on to a RR when archiving kicks in, all robot Windows accounts have to have the share mapped and have to have full access to those folders.
This rises security concerns as logs needed for audit purposes can be altered by anyone who happen to have access to robot Windows accounts.
.) There is no information and no check if the target directory is the correct one since there is no information that would uniquely and easily identify the environment.
In case archiving was done to the wrong target directory, correcting the error needs huge amount of manual effort. (basically going through all directory tree as RR is at the very end of the structure:
- Year - Month - Day - Process name - Runtime Resource name
It is always much more difficult to configure something like archiving on workplaces as they tend to be more volatile than servers. The best solution would be to have archiving executed as part of the application server service.
But also the RR side way of archiving could be greatly improved by:
storing target directory not RR local but centrally in repository
being able to specify the RR that should be used
being able to create schedules (intervals, start times, ...) to run archiving
Another general improvement would be to add environment information to the archiving folder / files. Either more like for informational purpose when connection name is used or some new information as not-changeable name for the BP instance / repository. (I will create another idea for this identifier)
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Granting users view access to credentials without any write ability would be useful for our team members who do the initial diagnosis of issues but are not responsible for maintaining credentials.
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I would like to improve the logging in Blue Prism. I'd rather see that there were the log levels emergency, critical, alert, error, warning, debug, informational, and notice, which is one of the most normal set. These levels should be able to be set on each stage, and then on object and/or process level, you can set which level should be logged, and therefore changed by just altering this value, which stages is logged. By this, we could easily have a fine level of logging on development and debugging, while on normal runs, we could set this on only emergency or critical to lower logging volumes.
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In Control Room we can add an option to rerun the terminated session with the same input params. This way user will not have to create a new session and fill up input para again with the same values. If the user wants to change the input para value then they can drag-drop a new session as usual.
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Some objects that are created in or exported from Blue Prism 6.9 cannot be imported into Blue Prism 6.8. Cause/Way to reproduce:
Create a new Web-based object (such as for Chrome).
Drop a Navigate stage onto the action/page.
In the Navigate stage, choose the root node and select the dropdown action 'Terminate'.
Save and export the object.
Before importing into 6.8, rename the file from .bpobject to .xml so that 6.8 can see it.
Attempt to import into 6.8. An import error will occur saying 'AMI did not recognise the action type 'WebCloseApplication'. This occurs at least for Terminate, Hover (which wasn't available in 6.8 so it makes sense), and Get HTML.
Workaround: Delete Navigate stages or change the action inside to something else temporarily. Then once imported into 6.8, choose actions that are equivalent. Suggested fix: I don't know if there's a way to fix this since it's an issue with an older version or versions. So, maybe provide a converter to clean up XML files exported from 6.9 that will change ID names of actions to what 6.8 and earlier would expect. Reference this Community post for more info: Blue Prism Community Post
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I think the control room should be re-designed completely so that it loads only a specific process or specific session that the user wants to run. At my organization, it takes a lot of time to load the control room. All I need is to run a single process and it takes at least 2-3 mins to load everything. These filters are great and every developer knows how to filter them.
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