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A tool to check imported components for errors for e.g. missing object references or missing links, this tool can be immediately run after importing a release file into PROD environment and report generated can help controllers to correct the errors.
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As a developer we need ease of creating web service connection and action based on endpoints available . we are looking for step by step wizard which can help to automatically load all the methods or endpoints in a given web service, be it REST or SOAP, as long as the provided link includes the services' definition - Swagger or WSDL. Once loaded select from which endpoints or methods to automatically create actions under Web service window instead of creating them one by one. Something similar already exists in UiPath and other platforms.
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We can add a setting to have default Block color in system manager. E.g. If I set to grey, whenever I'll drag and drop block it'll come with that default color. This setting can added.
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There are dozens of Excel functions that are not included in BP out-of-the-box but can be added with the use of a simple enumerator in the code. For example 'Save as CSV' changes wb.SaveAs(filename) to wb.SaveAs(filename,6) Explode the number of actions available to users by including these enumerators as variables in the interface or passing the variable to the action OOTB - rather than forcing users to re-code the VBO statements individually.
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This can add more flexibility while developing if the tool allows the developer to open different pages of the same process in different windows.
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Blue Prism API is a great feature. It would be great if we could manipulate credentials via Blue Prism API - sometimes credentials expire and need to be changed from time to time. We wanted to be able to update the credentials directly via integration, and the Blue Prism API would be the best way to do it.
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Right now in Blue Prism 7.0, you can filter for sessions in the Control tab, but you can't view all the results. There is no 'next page' button or way to see results that do not fit on the first page of results. The best you can do is change your sorting between ascending and descending, but if the result you want is in a middle page (not the first or last page of results), you can't access it. Others have suggested more custom filtering on the Control tab, which would also solve this issue. At the very least, I am asking for the ability to click through multiple pages of results when I filter for sessions in the Control tab.
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Not sure if its already raised or Team is working on this but can we create a official power point VBO . I do know that something is available on DX portal but its still not a official VBO with all actions which we can perform on slides .
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Can we create a feature where if our pending queue item is there in the queue more than the SLA time it sends a alert or mail. I do understand that its possible thorugh indirect ways , bit can we build a inbuilt feature or VBO where we need to give queue SLA (like we have priority or tags) and if that item is pending more then the time of SLA or its about to reach it , it throws a alert to prod team . This can be a great functionality for the production team and can be a asset for business also .
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I do see we have a Command line "\report" command which gives BP system report and covers -->
"Writes a system report out to the specified file. The system report is a broad overview of the current state of the system - the number of sessions and log entries, the number of queue items, the validation state of the processes etc." Can we break or modify this command limited to a particular process\object . It will be a great thing to have. It can be used to complete "Peer Reviews" and can be automated . If not can we create a new command which does a peer review of a process\object and gives the validations\errors\advice\warning in a text file as they are already stored in .bprelease or database only thing we need to do is attach that to our CMD command .
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When a breakpoint is reached in Design view, I typically need to start stepping through the stages after it. I need be able to see the stages immediately surrounding that stage. Having to manually drag the breakpoint notification out of the way every time gets tedious.
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In Studio, you have to open a Process or Object in View or Edit mode to check what Pages it contains. In many cases it would be very nice to be able to see a list of Pages without first having to open the Process or Object in View or Edit mode. Add a Right-Click option on Processes and Objects in Studio that shows a list of Pages the thing contains.
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Just now I wanted to find some information if there was a known issue for a particular problem and for what release and if this issue was resolved in one of the later versions. Unfortunately the documentation for 6.x and 7.x are split and the searches have to be done at least twice for each major version, but this is OK. However, the search did not bring any useful results as the search brought up three pages of any type of document about any topic. Since I am not able to know what is the exact search term for a possible issue, I have to try several words and phrases and view all search result pages. I also just now tried to search for a specific issue (BP-5825) but could not find it in which makes sense as this issue is documented here: Support Center | Blue Prism Portal 1. it would be nice to narrow down the search to known issues & their fixes to be able to easily verify the status 2. it would be nice to have one place to look for known issues and enhancements
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There is a Refresh Button in control room but hidden inside a menu bar. There are no other options and only refresh button is there. So we can have Refresh button directly sitting on home page of control room, instead of putting it inside menu bar. This thing makes no sense. I think this should be immediately resolved.
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Would be nice to have a possibility to select if inputs are Required or Optional in Start stages of Object Actions (with, for example, a checkbox).
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Provide column sort on all the available columns on the screen - Package overview screen in Release tab, Environment variable screen
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We would like to have the 'Retired' functionality extended to Work Queues and/or Queue Management. When processes are retired, work queues associated to them still appear in Queue Management and the Control Room. This provides a less than ideal user experience as users now have to manage queues that are no longer in use as well as active queues. This also poses an additional problem as RPA scales - the Queue Management and/or Control Room will continue to look busier without the ability to retire queues.
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Currently in BP, we have given access to credential manager for all developers, this will allow every developer to allow and modify all the credentials. we need a mechanism to restrict the specific credentials to specific users to overcome this issue.
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When exchanging experiences with the team of another (non-RPA) automation tool we got an idea that might improve how BP identifies (web) UI elements.
Currently BP seems to use the absolute path of an element for identification and has to parse the whole UI / HTML page to find this element again. The identification consists of the 'path' to the element and the attribute of the element.
The disadvantage is the increased time to parse the whole document (therefore using matchIndex can bring big improvements) and failures in case the actual path to the element differs to what BP expects.
An alternate approach is to use the hierarchical organization of element. The difference would be:
absolut path might look like: /HTML[1]/BODY[1]/MWD39-MODAL[1]/DIALOG[1]/DIV[1]/NG-COMPONENT[1]/DIV[2]/DIV[1]/FORM[1]/DIV[1]/SELECT[1]
If any order changes (eg DIALOG changed from 1 to 2) the element will not be found.
The alternative would be to identify the element in steps with each step would be able to have its own identification. eg go to MWD39-MODAL, find DIALOG as defined by..., find DIV with NG-COMPONENT, ....
This way it would not matter if DIALOG (or any other part of the path) is [1] or something else since it is identified by more attributes than a simple number.
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When opening System / Archiving in manual mode, there is a time frame to be specified that limits the shown logs currently in DB. It would be nice to have the Start date being 'open' in order to query all history until End date. There might be some logs in 2019 and I would never know (or maybe in 2018? 2017? you get the point :))
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