Showing ideas with label Blue Prism RPA.
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We cleaned old entries in the BPAAuditEvents table and noticed we lost some version history in studio. Now old objects that have been created over one year ago and haven't been changed since then do not have any history information at all. It would be great to have at least some dates and names left in the history after DB house keeping activities. So those objects don't look like they appeared out of nothing.
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We would like to have more granular control of access rights granted to business objects and processes, where a user can be allowed to execute a process or business object and be able to update the 'Current Value' while in DEBUG mode without the possibility to save Initial Values or the process itself. This is currently only allowed through the 'Edit' permission which would defeat the scope of granting execution permissions only to first line of support.
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Hello, We would like to have a Search Bar for the Queues and the Sessions similar to the Resources. This would make our work a lot faster.
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I wanted to quickly submit this as a possible bug or future improvement. Please let me know if the below information is not clear enough for reproducing the issue. Today, we encountered an issue with negative priorities on queue items in a Production automation. We will be adjusting the automation probably to not use negative priorities anymore. I just wanted to be clear that this is not or at least soon will not be affecting us anymore, but it would be good to add this to the Blue Prism Dev backlog if it's not already there. Blue Prism versions tested: 6.10.1 & 7.3.1 -- Same behavior observed in both Description of the issue: Most people only use priorities of 0+, but there are times that you may want to increase the priority of a specific work queue item to be higher than the average queue item. The only way to do that above a priority of 0 is to go into the negative numbers (or redesign the automation so that the initial priority is something like 100 or 200 etc.). What we discovered is that you cannot use the Work Queues Internal Business Object's action "Set Priority" to set a priority of -1. The error you get is "No priority specified". This is the same error you get if you use this action without providing a number. However, you can supply any other (at least 32 bit) negative number such as -2 or -200, and it will set the Priority just fine. Along with this, you can use the action "Add To Queue" and provide any negative number INCLUDING -1. This is the only way I have found to be able to use negative one as the priority is if you set it when initially adding the item to the queue. Thoughts: I don't know what Blue Prism's opinion is on this. My suspicion is that negative numbers were not intended to be allowed. But if that were the case, I would think there'd be an input validation on Add To Queue and Set Priority to require that the number is at least 0, but neither of them have such a validation. So, my request is that these two be made to have the same functionality. Either make them both not support negative numbers, or make them both support all negative numbers including -1. The problem with the first option is that you could be breaking automations for customers that rely on negative numbers in some way. The second option is probably the better solution, and the only change required is to the Set Priority action so that it handles the priority in the same way that Add To Queue does, allowing for -1 to be a valid input. Steps to recreate: To recreate this issue, create a queue item using Add To Queue. There will be no issues at this point no matter what priority you use. 1, 0, -1, -2. All of these work. Next, in some way, get the Item ID of the item you just created. It will be in the output collection of Item IDs when adding to the queue. It could also be retrieved from the output of Get Next Item, etc. Next, using the Item ID of the pending item, use the action Set Priority and give it a Priority of -1. This will fail with the error "No priority specified". Next you could try -2. This should succeed. For BP personnel: Same content submitted in Ticket #299379
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Introduction of new functionality in BluePrism enterprise that uses latest GenAI models to assist in the development, training of RPA processes and objects to accelerate development time. Taking this further at runtime using GenAI models to generate the process and object code based on a set of instructions or procedural documentation etc..for the automate.exe to then execute.
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Currently during the import process about non information is available, like target groups or what are the items causing conflict. It would be great to have some type of preview window showing the contained items and structure similar to what is available in Releases tab. Also nice would be the creation date of the package being part of the release file. Currently the 'create' date shown in Releases tab is the date assigned by the local client, either date of creation when creating a new package or the date of import. This means when moving a release to another environment the creation date of the package there will be different to the creation date of the originating environment. It would make more sense to have creation / modify date static as part of the release and maybe add another column (eg release date) for when the package was last imported/exported.
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When importing an object or release and this asset already exists in BP repository, the import process shows a screen to decide on how to resolve the conflict, with options like: overwrite, new name new ID, ... It would be helpful to have folder/group information, ie the path of this asset in the repository. There are numerous reasons why a conflict may occur and currently only the name of the object is shown. If I would also see the path (eg 'Objects\tmp\' 'Processes\My Private Sandbox\') this may help to decide on the resolution. Although I am not sure how this works with 'linked' assets. Those assets those names are shown in different location in the folder structure but all pointing to the same asset. I didn't check but is it possible to have even different names for those linked objects?! That would make the conflict resolution quite confusing anyways. (Why is there the distinction between 'associated products' versions when submitting ideas? It doesn't make sense to submit an idea to just BPE v6 anyways. And how should I know if this idea will be relevant for BPE v7 only but not for BPE v8?!)
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We have ~100 resources and it would be very helpful to be able to have filter on the current status of VCI in Schedule. eg to activate the filter to only see resources in status 'warning'. This is especially helpful since groups/folder as collapsed by default (which I think is an improvement over previous version). And there is no easy way to disable 'starting private resources when BP UI starts' for all workplaces. When activating this filter, all resources meeting this filter should be shown. If necessary, groups should be expanded to make resources visible.
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Currently the enhanced app modeler allows for users to save attribute sets per spy mode so that custom best practices for resilient attribute selections are easier to follow and faster to spy. These saved attribute sets only apply to the user and cannot be saved for the environment itself to enforce best practices across all developers. Adding a feature to save attributes for that spy mode across the environment would allow users to apply changes broadly and enforce best practices.
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Next Gen Documentation there is no facility to save PDF guide. Also one of the major issues is that no screenshots or snippets are provided in the online documentation, making it very hard to understand the concepts.
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Even though we have capabilities of creating reporting manually through stages and gather queue data one by one, Could it be possible to add capabilities to connect through reporting applications like Tableau directly to the queue data?
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Not Planned
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01:06 PM
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01:06 PM
There should be a queue showing which schedule is currently running and which tasks have been processed or are still being processed. Running schedules should be able to cancel. Currently only server service restart is the only option to kill running schedules
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Currently the Blue Prism Application server cannot be load balanced (use F5 for example). We are required to have 1 server hot and the second cold (service stopped). We should be able to run hot/hot, that is both application servers active at the same time.
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Extend Action Stage to dynamically call OBJECT/METHOD from a BO Use case: An actor validates medical provider licenses are current. To do this the actor must perform browser navigation to different medical board websites depending on state, provider type and specialty. The same data needs to be scrapped from all the websites (Provider Name, license start date, license expiration date). Classic RPA problem. Check If an Action Stage could dynamically call OBJECT/METHOD from a BO, the maintenance of implementing this could be simplified by flattening this (eliminating decision tree) through tabling an interface implementation. Build a Collection with the following columns: Lookup, Object, Method Stage that calls Collection Manipulation BO to get row by Lookup Column Stage that dynamically calls BO using OBJECT/METHOD returned from look up The next question is how to handle input/output parameters of stages that dynamically call OBJECT/METHOD? Pass one row collections (basically list of name value pairs).
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feature to create and save a connection between process and bot machine will help to get rid of dragging processes on bot machine by scrolling through the long lists of bot machines, feature can be introduces as a schedule without any timing, but can be ran manually whenever required
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There is a problem with Blue Prism ver 6.4.2 that the combo box is not recognized as a combo box, and clicking on an item in HTML mode cannot select it.
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When we went through the initial process of being sold Blue Prism we were told that we could slow down our processes so that our customers didn't necessarily need to know that we were using RPA to work their websites. It was only once we went through the initial training that we were told the only way to do this was to build in wait stages throughout our process. Could we not have a speed slider against the process, like we do in debug mode? For external processes we can then slow it down, but without having to factor in wait stages.
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Context: Mechanism to store encryption key (DB and App server File System) and protecting it from system administrator against misuse. Use case: 1 Currently, encryption key and encrypted data both are stored in db, By virtual of Blue Prism design, encryption key can be stored in database or File System (FS) on App Server. No other option is available. 1. DBA access: We can move encryption key to App server and restrict dba access to app server. 2. Wintel / Blue Prism administrator access: They would have access to App server FS, wherein they also have access to Blue prism database (limited access though) for maintenance activity. This is causing issue. Requirement:The requirement is to store encryption key in any other tool (like IBM PIM - Product Information Management), where administrator should not have access to. Use case 2: When user navigates to encryption key using Blue Prism user interface, the log is also not recorded. Requirement: I believe this is essential for any audit compliance.
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