Showing ideas with label Blue Prism RPA.
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Hi, I am wondering why after so long why is BluePrism doing the auto conversion of Date & Datetime to UTC. It is definitly the most annoying thing in BluePrism. It is literally frustrating to work with anything Date related in the software. Why not give the ability to deactivate this conversion that it always does? Even when your datetime is already in UTC time, it will convert it anyway, making your date so out of whack that it doesn't make sense anymore... and don't get me started on collection with date where you need to loop in the collection. You can get them converted a lot and making your process a lot harder to develop because you need to account for those instead of just doing that yourself if you need to. BluePrism should never touch any variable automatically without the dev actually doing something. using DateTimeKind works for the first time when you output but BluePrism clears that after that point so it doesn't really matter what kind it is. Please let user do their things. I know I am not the only one having trouble with that. I saw in another company devs that were using SQL query to get the "Now()" date instead of Blueprism cause it was more reliable. That's not normal to have to do workaround like that for anything. I've been working with BluePrism since version 4 and this is by far the worse thing that has been following us since then. regards,
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It will be great to add a feature for Browsers to read the "Item Value"(DOM Value) of the selected item in an HTML combo box?
Please find the example below:
I want to read the Item value(DOM Value) which is "/m/02gsvk". This will help in many scenarios where value remains same and the selected text changes according to the local language setting of the site.
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The current data item does not have a dictionary type (Associative array) . A single-row collection type can be substituted in some cases, but a smooth conversion to a JSON object can be difficult.
For example, if you try to convert a Blue Prism data item to JSON using Utility - JSON::Collection to JSON , only one data item can be represented as a collection data item, so the converted JSON will also be an array type.
There are many opportunities to map Blue Prism data items to JSON data when performing WebService integration, so I think there is a great advantage to introducing a dictionary type data structure.
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Hi Team , As documentation is a important part of every process journey . Documents like Technical Design , Solution design or Object design mostly contains information which we we are filling in our Blue prism database or is already a part of our .bprelease file(which is indirectly a xaml file). We can make this automated VBO which which can create a skeleton for us containing information like -
Release Details
All Process
All Objects
Work Queue
Environment Variable
System Exception
Business Exception
Description of Processes and Object
Published Process
and many others like this , which can be again looked and corrected by developers if needed . This skeleton(draft) of files using this VBO will save a hell lot of time for any developer.
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The BP DB contains a lot of information that could useful for admin/BAU/audit/upgrade yet much of it cannot be extracted into a report. It would be nice to have a suite of reports made available. For example:
Asset inventory
All objects, pages, input/outputs, descriptions
Top-down dependencies, ie what objects, queues etc each process uses
Bottom-up dependencies, eg what is using each object, queues etc
Credentials - expiry date, last used date, access rights etc
Queue volumes
Asset 'last used date' (eg what is obsolete)
Activity reports
Session history including termination reasons
Change log per process/object/whatever
Activity log per resource (which machines are used most and least)
User reports
Users, roles, permissions etc
Activity per user
Current user activity (who's logged in now, who's got control room open etc)
System reports
All BP client system settings (for comparing environments)
Perhaps users could call stored procedures via Data Gateways instead of having to query tables directly.
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Submitted on
12:51 PM
Submitted by
12:51 PM
I want the Option to have a Button to cklick at Import to set all radio Buttons to "Don't Import this business object" Its a pain if you want to import just one Object from a FullBackup and need to cklick 800 times on the radio button for no import
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Granting users view access to credentials without any write ability would be useful for our team members who do the initial diagnosis of issues but are not responsible for maintaining credentials.
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Not Planned
Submitted on
11:48 AM
Submitted by
11:48 AM
When in a process/object and use the 'Find References' to see where the item is used, the results show processes/objects that have been retired, BUT, it doesn't highlight them as being retired. It would be really useful if it did this.
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Data scraping for a web table or a web table which is having multiple pages is very difficult. I know lot of ways are there but there is no convenient way which can be followed for all the browser or web table with multiple pages.
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My team and I have mentioned several times amongst ourselves that it would be great if BluePrism enabled the creation of folders for Schedules and Packages. Now that our team has been building processes for several years our list of Schedules and Packages has gotten quite large and the ability to folder these processes would be a huge help in cleaning up a large list.
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Would be great to have an alerting for licence expiry or any changes to the allocation, either via the datagateway or an API.
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Submitted on
07:33 AM
Submitted by
07:33 AM
As of now, to manage the code and versioning the inbuilt functionality of BP studio is being used. With that approach it is quite difficult to do an end to end DevOps. It would be great from the software cycle and project management perspective if there was an integration between BP studio and Git hub or svn
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Hi at the moment anything you do in BluePrism you are connected direkt via AppServer to the Database. So you always have a kind of live connection for everything you do. That makes BluePrism kind of slow in Studio. It would be great in Studio to have the option with database and without database. If the developer is done it just needs a button like publish to database and everything is okay. During development he should have the option as well to save under C:\Temp for example. Later with the publish function process is saved in database. Be aware iam just talking about Development Enviorment.
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Hi there, with the AND and OR operators currently available the following expression throws an error when a flag data item is not set. IsFlag([Flag Item]) AND [Flag Item] Returns Error: ... right-hand-value is empty. If Blue Prism would support conditional logical operators like && and || in C# repectively AndAlso and OrElse in VB.NET the expression in this example would be valid. The evalauation of the expression would stop if IsFlag() returns False becuase the whole expression couldn't be True anyway. We could use a single decision stage only and could use this kind of expressions in choices. Currently there are two options: - always set a default value for flags - break the expression mentioned above up in two decisions and execute the second decision only if IsFlag() = True With choices this cannot be handled easily.
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In Blue Prism 6.4 for Object MS Excel VBO, actions Open, close and save Workbook, have hardcoded timeout value of 30 seconds. However, it has very little point to keep this value hardcoded. Instead a better approach would be to have this value as input. In case no value is passed, a timeout of 30 seconds can be initial value.
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currently a detailed guide is not available which will provide information on different attributes that exists in Application Modeler, a detailed guide would surely help in selecting attributes for e.g. what do we mean by Match Index or Class Name attribute etc
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Currently when an element within application modeller is cut and pasted in any node of the Element tree, a new Element ID is generated, invalidating the previous Element ID and all references pointing towards it. When that happens, the following error is displayed by the validation tool: Page: ABC Stage: XYZ Type: Error Action: Validate Description: Failed to find referenced application element in row 1. Element ID is 87188755-42bf-4433-bcaf-33a4f152aeff Repairable: No The only way to fix this is to manually re-point the element within all the affected stage properties. Additionally, this also invalidates the application modeller in all of the historical versions of the affected Object(s) in version history. Given that this can potentially mean several hours of re-work, not to mention serious frustration, please change this to work as follows: - When copying and pasting an element within Application Modeller and the pasted Element ID already exists, generate a new one - When cutting and pasting an element within Application Modeller, retain the pasted one This has been tested on the following versions: 6.4.2 6.4.4 6.8.0
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Not Planned
Submitted on
11:38 AM
Submitted by
11:38 AM
It would be helpful to be able to create and apply templates for user security role definitions in System tab. Additionally to be able to export and import those templates to move from one environment to another. Being able to export security roles in structure format will allow to run security audits on granted permissions (eg discrepancies between template and individual settings). This will support us in our multi team environment with 4 roles x 9 teams (and growing).
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I think 2 very important enhancements are required - a) When we rename or change a data item, we have to manually change the old references for those data item in all the stages where it's used.Instead of doing this manually BP should automatically replace the previous references in all the stages. b) Right now we have to manually select all the required process/ Objects/Env var etc while creating a package. There should be a way that either Blueprism drags everything related to a project item or we should be able to visually see the dependencies while creating packages. Regards,
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Currently, robots can be manually executed only from the terminal where BluePrism is installed, but if there is a web-based console screen, it will not depend on the terminal, so please implement it.
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