When a process is running in Control Room, you can have a look at the log to see if it's doing all the right things. Unfortunately, this log is currently only a snapshot at the time you open it. If you want to see the current state again, you have to open a new log, which again is only a snapshot.
While I do appreciate you cannot have live updating logs all the time, this option would certainly be very nice to have for those problems that require to keep track of what the process is doing as it runs along. For that reason it would be very nice indeed to have access to an new log option that allows for live logging.
Happy coding! --------------- Paul Sweden
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Secure Message Center is another SS&C product that allows us to send sensitive information to customers either through their account portal access or as a single, secure link. We are building Process workflows in Chorus so associates can send message to customers using a Restful Service API for Secure Message. We would like to use Communications to generate those messages, and send that output message to this restful service API for Secure Message Center to deliver to the customer. Note, this Restful Service API is currently under development. Today, we send secure messages through an email relay server. This email relay solution is being replaced by the Restful Service API. We want the enhancement to Communications to work with the upcoming Restful Service. This will probably require some direct collaboration with the Digital Investor team, that owns SMC to determine what format this message can be in to be passed to their API.
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Dear Support,
Referring to the ticket [#251026] Decipher IPD v1.2 - "Decipher Server" Service does not start after server restart. : (blueprism.com), please implement an improvement related to starting services for Decipher IDP v1.2. We want the Decipher services to start in the correct order when starting the server on which the tool is installed. Currently, the services start in a random order, resulting in a problem with starting the tool.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thank you in advance.
Kind Regards ________________________________________ Jan Koziróg Application Support Specialist Smart Automation Team Competence Centre for Business Support and Process Automation Desk phone: 48 42 203 43 24 Mobile phone: 48 884 206 092 PTS phone: 48 42 203 42 77
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It took us some time to understand the intention behind how Active Queue works and I think there are options for improvements that greatly enhance AQs.
The ideas is to enable continuous processing triggered by new queue items and without occupying a runtime resource al the time while doing nothing.
Short summary on how AQ currently work (please see documentation for general description):
The assigned processes have to have a Poll loop that keeps the process active all the time even when there are no queue items available. This is necessary since the runtime resource is removed from the Target Resource definition when the process stops.
Various AQ can share the same Resource Group and resources can be assigned by de-/increasing the number of Target Resources and AQ will take care of starting the correct processes.
The ideas for improvements:
Most important: AQ Target Resource definition does not decrement when a process stops working but stays as it was defined. This removes the need of the empty Poll loop but processes are started by AQ when needed. (And does not use a license for just polling and waiting)
Nice to have: Adding thresholds for parallel processing. Something like 'active one resource for each x numbers of items'. Meaning, if x=100, one resource should be used if there are less than 100 items in the queue. If there are <200 two resources should be used and with <300 three resources asf. This will increase efficiency for low amount of processes and very quick processes. Instead of spawning the process, opening the applications, possible login, or navigating to the correct windows... the resources with all the technical basics already done can focus on business related steps.
Nice to have: Assign Target Resources dynamically. This could be in combination with the parallel processing idea. Here the point is to set a min / max Target Resource value. min would set the number of resources being reserved for this AQ. Although there might no process running on this resource, it will not be used for other processes to ensure the queue will never be blocked completely. max sets the max number of concurrent processes of this queue running in parallel.
Nice to have but tied to the prev point: Dynamic assignment of Resource Groups. The idea is to allow the total number of max Target Resources be greater than the actual available resources. With resources are made available again when there is nothing to process this setting would create an automatic dynamic assignment of resources for most efficiency. All resources not claimed by an AQ (Target Resource min setting) are moved to a common pool. AQ takes resources from this pool in peak times and returns them at off-peak times, making them available for other AQ.
Nice to have but tied to the prev point: AQ prioritization. In times when several queues are processed and there are not enough resources to meet their max Target Resources demands, the AQ with the highest prio should create an event to a lower prio AQ to free a resources. This freed resource then can be claimed by the higher prio queue.
The first point is the most important one that would enable a lot of customers the use of Active Queues.
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Needs More Info
Submitted on
08:31 PM
Submitted by
08:31 PM
Currently you can send batch metadata from Blue Prism to Decipher, however there is no way to reference the Batch Metadata within a DFD. There should be a way to reference metadata sent from Blue Prism to Decipher by use of a Formula or some other way. When a business user goes into a document to validate information being extracted, there may be certain data points that are helpful.
The files/batches could be coming from multiple folders which has a distinct way to handle certain items or based on that folder and the value, a validation list/reference from a table would be calculated.
For example in one implementation, we had client names as the folder structure and based on the folder that the document came from, certain fields could be populated based on referencing a database/table. In an ideal world, we would have just passed that information into the metadata and used a formula to then calculate those other fields but instead, a business user had to manually select the client which then calculated some fields based on the database/table causing an extra unnecessary step.
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We require an application modeler based on active windows, which automatically identifies the types of windows and applications for example: JAVA (automatically identifies or allows testing with the different versions of Java Bridge) and all other SAP, Windows and automatically identifies the type browser (firefox, edge, chrome, opera).
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Submitted on
03:37 PM
Submitted by
03:37 PM
Invesco has identified a loss in functionality from EnCorr. Our processors would like to have the option to save a draft of a letter they are creating, to be able to come back to it, and complete the letter at a later point.
They want this option when it is necessary to gather additional information about the content before completing the letter.
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Submitted on
10:48 PM
Submitted by
10:48 PM
It would be very useful if a filtering mechanism for Credentials , Scheduler , Environment variables are added .Because in Bigger Automation Projects .The schedulers count goes beyond 400+ and Environment variables navigating page is very hard
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Within the Design Form feature provide the ability to see what processes the particular form is used in. This will allow the user to know what processes they are changing when they are updating the form or if the form is used in a retired process that can be deleted as it is no longer a needed form.
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Within Design Forms provide the ability to have a search box at the top where a user can start to type and the forms that start or have those letters in will start to appear below the search field.
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Hi Team, The Problem: Our team maintain ODI for particular processes and a global ODI for all processes. However we face challenge updating these documents as developer spend time on development and testing the automations. As a result these documents are not always up to date and sometimes cause issues with duplicity of objects being developed. The Idea: I would like to request an ODI tab where we can go and see all the objects that are developed for an given application. This will allow us to actively reuse these already developed objects. For this to work we should ask for application name while developing the modeler. So that all the objects are grouped under the same application on the ODI tab, further it should be easy to check the actions and their input output for each tab along with their description. Do let me know if you have doubts or any other solution that can help us. Thanks
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Submitted on
09:10 AM
Submitted by
09:10 AM
With the current version of Capture we can only customize (under User Settings) for example company logo and colors. But is there a possibility to customize the Contents ? Right now when we are finished with the entire recording and want to download the PDD , it comes with a default set of Contents and it is tedious to change and adjust the headings and sub-headings according to the company standards and requirements. If we can set these headings and sub-headings prior to the download just like how we do with the Logo and color under user settings that will save a lot of time and energy.
Default Contents:
Desired Contents:
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The idea is to develop the BP Alerts function, alerts in their current form only show historical events from BP about failed schedule launches, terminations. It could, for example, show in real time such events - a suspended session and alert about it, to have a quicker response - it could also show information about the termination of a process that has not been resumed - once resumed, this could disappear from the alert plug-in (and only appear in the alert history) - it could also show the unavailable machines that are scheduled to be activated in the schedule in order to be able to react earlier - which would help with the non-termination of such a schedule - could detect infinite loops in the log
- could report unplanned problems during the start of scheduled schedules, such as not starting all the machines that were scheduled to be started, - and other similar It would be nice to be able to set these and other functions according to your own preferences - that is to have the option to customise such a plug-in. In my opinion, this would be a added value for the BP as well as for the consumer
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Currently, there is no option to archive Audit logs/Audit events from the System Manager tab. Over the period of time, this DB table is supposed to grow and the team will need someone from the DB team to run a query to clear this table. Instead, we should have the option to delete/archive audit logs similar to process logs in the System tab itself.
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Under Consideration
Submitted on
08:10 AM
Submitted by
08:10 AM
eMail Capture should support the option of creating an email content source with inline images included in the same source rather than separate sources attached to the same work such that the email body with the inline images will be stored and displayed as a single source in Content Viewer. Inline images are currently created as separate sources attached the same work. It is very hard for users to relate the email content to the inline images when there are multiple images and any incorrect reference may result in errors with financial risks. In the example below, one single source (as shown below) should be created instead of 2 sources (1 email body and 1 attachment source for "ABCCo Funds").
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the new idea is to enable to determine the type of field for each column in the table like: text, Date, number, upload, list. and enable to create Regex to the fields in the table.
I need this idea, because in one of process that I work, I need to create form for request medical insurance, and in this form, the person can add any number from his family without certain limitation. and we can use the table for this because no limitation for the number of rows that we can add. but we can not add regex or type for the fields in table.
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there is a client requirements that some fields should be repeated on several Interact form pages. At this moment we have to create such fields for each page which is not very convenient and well managed way of fulfilling such a request.
The requirement is to be able to define a global field which can be shared throughout all the pages in the form but it is just one automation id.
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It would be nice to have a feature to 'copy' runtime resources in Control to the clipboard.
By copy I mean the hostname and/or the FQDN. Basically the '.nameof' method of the runtime resource.
(btw I am not sure but I guess the drop down box in the Submit Idea form naming 'Blue Prism Control Room' refers to web based control room? and Blue Prism RPA Product refers to Blue Prism Enterprise?)
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Dear Blueprism,
I am working as a process controller, not able to clone the calendar. Could you please add the cloning calendar option in the system tab. It would be better helpful. System tab -> System -> Calendar.
Best Regards,
Srinivas Goud Surakarapu.
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Currently, when there is a negative amount in IFAST and IFAST/Chorus integration occurs, the negative amount is passed onto the Chorus form (i.e. Amount field is populated with a negative amount). The negative sign causes work form to be stuck and results to slowness in BI. To resolve this issue, we have to call SS&C to remove the negative sign from the form. Is it possible to give access to users to remove the negative sign themselves? Giving them access will allow for a quicker resolution and thus avoid delays with processing.
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