Not Planned
Submitted on
12:52 PM
Submitted by
12:52 PM
HTML parsing is ridiculously slow, causing huge performance issues for interacting with web applications. Identifying a single element can take up to 15 seconds even though "Match Index" was activated. Still, there seems to be a very ineffecient HTML parsing going on and a bad implementation of how to filter elements with the selected attributes (selecting more attributes will increase the identification time, which makes no sense unless the whole HTML is parsed again for every filter).
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I would like you to create a BluePrism reference book at the beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels. ================= ご担当者様 BluePrismの参考書を初級、中級、上級レベルで作成してほしい。 自宅で勉強する際や、ちょっとした調べものをする際にも参考書があると便利だと思います。
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When debugging in Process Studio (or Object Studio), it's rather tedious to go to the debug speed toolbar button, open it and drag the speed slider to a new position. It would be great to have a keyboard shortcut (e.g. CTRL+ and CTRL-) to speed up or slow down.
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Under Consideration
Submitted on
05:09 PM
Submitted by
05:09 PM
1. Capture - MS Teams Integrations: It would be a great option if capture integrates with major communication tools to write down the transcription in PDD, it will be helpful for people who doesn't have necessity to produce code with Capture. (Reference:
2. Capture Hearing: While customer using capture and speaks about process and logics capture should listen and should write them down in PDD.
3. Capture Upload: Capture creates document once we upload the recording into it. Again it will be a good idea for who only want PDD without doing updating settings every time.
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Hi, when you design a form with many fields and the fields are depending on various conditions (based on the user choosing the value from combo box for example) we have to define hidden, mandatory condition for each field. If you have many fields it is becoming a nightmare as the number of conditions is growing significantly. Would it be possible to create a virtual element or group to which I assign the fields and then I build the condition on that virtual element or group. That means instead of 10 or 20 conditions for each particular field I will have only one for that virtual element or group. Regards, Zdenek
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Currently the maximum limit of tabs (i.e. documents that can be opened inside the CV) is set to 15. The initial thought was to optimize the performance when processing attachments in runtime prior to us introducing the node clustering feature in HTML CV 1.4.1 to support higher volume of transactions. We currently do not have an option to change the max no. of attachments that can be opened. Comment from PS team:- Document Splitter (based on the same Snowbound Virtual Viewer code) does allow the number of tabs to be varied. This was at the explicit request of Lincoln Financial, who partially funded that effort. BUT, IMO many more than 15 tabs quickly becomes unmanageable from a user perspective. I believe that the count of "15" was directly ported from the desktop CV code.
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When setting up a business object in the action stage, I want you to be able to open and close (+-) the tree structure of the pull-down for each group or object. It will be more likely to find the action. ===== ご担当者様 アクションステージのビジネスオブジェクトを設定するプルダウンのツリー構造を、項目ごとに開く閉じる(+-)ができるようにしていただきたいです。該当のアクションを探しやすくなります。
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It is in fact the age of the dark background, and while maybe that is a step too far for Blue Prism though I would love it, I would at least love to have something that isn't the white light of Blue Prism studio/control room burning into my retinas ~5 hours a day. Some ability to control background would be nice, even just to mute the white light a little. Even better would be a good dark mode
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Needs More Info
Submitted on
09:32 PM
Submitted by
09:32 PM
The Assigned Work Search in Chorus doesn't bring up old work items. For example, a user has old work items in the work list. If for some reason, this user has to be deleted from Chorus, system doesn't allow deletion since there are old items in the work list. Doing the Assigned Work Search only brings up work items for a recent date parameter. The date parameter for the Assigned Work Search needs to modified to include all items that are in the user's work list.
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I would like to be able to extract information from a process that would tell the build of that process. Steps, pages and the Objects used.
See question here:
Simplifying doucmentation of processes | Blue Prism Product
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When developing a Decipher automation, business users may be created, and groups configured specifically for that project. Recreating them in the production environment can be time consuming. I suggest adding a method to migrate specified users, except for the password, and user groups to cut down on the time needed to recreate them in Production.
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We are currently storing a lot of detail around the emails ingested by Capture in the Chorus database (AWD061/62/63) but there is no current mechanism to display this information holistically within the Chorus Portal. This means that the data are currently only available by SQL query (the GetCapturedEmail operation oh the AWD Email Service returns info from those audit tables, but only for a single email at a time). The main use case here would be an indicator of "failed" emails so that remedial action could be taken. I think the view would just need to be a filterable, pageable tabular list of ingested emails.
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Submitted on
11:57 AM
Submitted by
11:57 AM
In the release notes of every blue prism version you can find fixes and changes. That's fine if you want to look backwards only. But normally a release has to be kept for some time and needs a valid decision. There is no list of open unfixed bugs and issues. But especially that list would be very helpful for platform operators to verify which version will be the next release candidate for rollout. Example Use Case: If there were such an information about the broken Scheduler in v5.0.18 we would have skipped that version. Without the information we stepped into that trap. 😞 So please publish a list with all known open issues. As minimum information it should contain the following columns:
Unique Reference Number (ticket number or bug number or ...)
Affected Blue Prism Version (ie: 5.0.18, ...)
Impact to the business (for example: Scheduler unusable)
Status [new, confirmed, fix planned (with target version/date), won't be fixed (with reason why not), fixed (with traget version), ...]
The list should be searchable and filterable. Thanks in advance
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If a Collection is a Single Row Collection, a grey dot shows on the Data Item - very handy indeed! Unfortunately, it does not show if a Collection is has defined fields or not - this only shows when opening its properties. Find a way to make it visible on the Data Item if a Collection has defined fields or not.
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Today, Login Agent and Credential Manager are setup in the way that only single windows account is allowed to login and run processes on a particular PC. This is not optimal if your organization cares about Digital Worker separation of Duties. Let's say you have one worker performing HR duties and the other Finance. HR worker runs payroll on the weekends and Finance worker runs Mon-Fri. In today's world, we need to standup two VMs to accommodate. My proposal is to modify Login Agent and Credential Management to allow any number of windows accounts to login to a single VM one after another ( not at the same time ). This will allow for more efficient use of hardware and not affect licensing or RPA operations.
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The supplier of the webservices we are consuming have a lot of custom headers in the HTTP call itself, not in the HTTP Body where the SOAP headers lie. In the current functionality you can add username and password to the HTTP headers, but this doesn’t suffice for our need. We need to SHA256 hash the entire body and add this as a header, then we need to add several identifying headers like an organizationId, a userId, the IP we are sending the request from, a timestamp, the target destination, etc. Then all the headers must be packed into a string and RSA SHA256 signed and added as a final header. This is an implementation of this HTTP signature standard with a few specialized extra headers. If we don’t sign our http packets we don’t get through the security features of the back end system and are not able to run the soap webservice.
When I’ve been researching this I’ve found several forum posts that need something similar, i.e. this one but your support has confirmed to me that this isn’t possible. The solution we have chosen is to make a program and import it as a dll that acts as our own proxy that does all of this and sends the http call for us and return it into blue prism as a string. But then we must run the wsdl through an external tool to make our own SOAP calls, and parse the resulting soap xml ourselves and make our own error handling each time. This is time consuming and error prone, so it would have been very nice if we could have added these headers to the HTTP call similarly to how we can do it for REST APIs. Preferably we would have wished that you implemented the signing standard directly, that would have saved us from even more work.
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Currently, Blue Prism API feature doesn't support client certificates.
We need to migrate our open Web Api Services (Ex MS Graph) to a perimeter gateway where TLS (Certificate) Authentication is required.
There is no way to load the certificate on the request object from the Setting tab's Web API Services.
This feature would enable more security options for using Blue Prism Skills.
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We should have a stage where it will Prompt as a popup window and user need to fill in the real time value. This can help with unattended automation and where user need to enter value during the run time.
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Currently it is possible to enable logs for all stages only via Edit Menu Menu : Edit > All Stages > Enable logging. Idea/Suggestion. It would be helpful (time saving) , when its possible to do the same for a porcess, via command prompt using AutomateC.exe. like ... AutomateC.exe /ProcessName /enablelogs To enable / disable logs for lot of processes at once, especially in different test environments, command line operations are simple and time saving.
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