Can we give a feature to clone a particular completed queue item as once the item is completed there is approx no way we can retry\clone it from control room from the same data . We do can retry any exception item which is perfect but it will be great if we can clone our completed item in Control room itself as it can be a great help while testing !
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Can definitely say its very frustrating when stepping through a project and you accidentally click step out because it is RIGHT beside it. would really like a 'debug mode' or some feature when the functions can be suspended so they don't get clicked accidentally. it's so frustratingly easy to misclick those buttons
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As a GDPR regulated business I need the ability to fully automate (STP) the deletion of objects in Chorus BPM on a regular schedule so I can protect the business against the risk of GDPR breaches and associated regulatory fines.
As a GDPR regulated business with continual need for BAU deletions of data to comply with regulation, I need the ability to schedule configurable times and frequency for the automated executions of data deletions.
As a GDPR regulated business I need the access and control of data deletion activities to be business configurable, and executable with access to deletion administration and execution managed using Role Based Access Control.
As a managed service customer, in need the ability for audit of data deletion executions to be available to the business on a self-service basis, i.e. without a dependency on IT, professional services or the managed service provider to access machine logs or database etc.
As a GDPR regulated business I need the ability to delete all data for identified customers to comply with GDPR, i.e. needs to additionally include Communications, Capture and Analytics data and any other customer data tables not yet covered by DID deletion.
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Could Blue Prism create APIs or AutomateC command line functionality allowing registering & unregistering + retiring & unretiring of runtime resources (VDIs) directly in BP DB.
These would help us work more efficiently with runtime resources while operating with non-persistent cloud VDIs whilst using them as BluePrism robots.
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Currently I can do a selector such as this $.[?(@.drawerName == 'Clients')].drawerID to get just the drawerID with the name of Clients. If I could instead replace Clients with a defined parameter for the API I could run the endpoint and more dynamically return the needed value without having to parse the output later.
All this lacks is the ability to make use of what's already there.
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Submitted on
12:50 PM
Submitted by
12:50 PM
I want to have the Option to Export and Import a Calandar to anoter BluePrism Instance
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Enhance data transformation/ETL (extract/transform/load) capabilities in Blue Prism. Users are currently limited by collection limits, out of memory exceptions and inefficient loops when working with large data sets. A drag and drop transformation tool would be extremely beneficial, users are reluctant to use Blue Prism for data transformation due to limited capabilities currently offered.
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Proposed Enhancement Request: • Add a new tab within Access Rights tab in Security - Credentials for Users. This would allow the specific Active Directory or Blue Prism Native user that owns the credential to be specified. • Within Studio or Control Room, if a Credential has Access Right set for specific user(s) then that credential will only be accessible if the runtime resource user matches the user(s) given access to the credential.
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Needs More Info
Submitted on
08:51 AM
Submitted by
08:51 AM
Hi, We'd really appreciate an option within Blue Prism itself to delete Resource Screen Captures that has been generated on the Runtime Resources.
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As service now is a common integration used by every company can we instead create a generic VBO for achieving the same . I do see the below activities can be included for the same. Native ability to manage (Create, Get, Update, Delete) ServiceNow objects, perform bulk insert/update operations, and manage attachments.
· Get ServiceNow Record
· Insert ServiceNow Record
· Update ServiceNow Record
· Delete ServiceNow Record
· Search ServiceNow Records
· Add Attachment
· Download Attachment
· Delete Attachment
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I believe that we could have registered in the bank of each event in which the resource / process entered notice when executing, this is just before the execution time. Storing this information can provide important insights for decision making.
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It should be nice that a Runtime Resource block any attemp for a new connection WHEN during a schedule execution. What I see in many cases, there is GAP between a process and another in a schedule. This GAP between process in a schedule allows to any other process to run in a runtime resource when this is being used by a schedule. A schedule process can FAIL or stay in PENDING state if there is another season created in the runtime resource. In many cases the PENDING state is never executed.
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I would like to see some tools included in blue Prism to enable and facilitate procedural code reviews. Code reviews are an essential part of most development work and in the traditional software development world there are a multitude of tools to help people review each others code to spot bugs or suggest improvements. The majority of these tools can be used for text-based code regardless of language but do not allow for use with low-code development products such as RPA platforms. This is doubly an issue with Blue Prism as a lot of tools work through integration with source control systems such as GIT and SVN. As Blue Prism does its own version control, this precludes the use of even those parts of the code review mechanism. So, it would be good to either see a way of integrating one or more of these solutions with Blue prism, or providing tools within Blue Prism to allow for this. That would include things such as :
Notifications to predefined users on changes to business objects or processes.
Options to enforce (or not) review and sign-off on changes before code can be published or promoted to production
Commenting tools (and not just the note block) which allow for actions such as @mentions to other users, replies and closing of comment threads
Identification or tagging of issues that are critical vs comments that are for info only
There are far more features that could be included along the lines of those included in traditional development code review packages or even along the lines of the review tools found in Word
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Active Directory database conversion is useful for credentialing users that are not all tied to the same domain, but can make maintenance a pain. The fact that it is not reversible OOTB means to manually revert you will need to perform the following: 1) (have a db backup from before the conversion) 2) Export all changed components since the backup 3) Restore the DB from backup made in (1) 4) Import the components exported in (2) 5) Reconfigure AD groups/roles as needed An enhancement to the tool would remember AD group/role assignments, and allow re-mapping of AD groups to those roles in the event a reversion is desired. A list and prompt on what to do with unmapped Users could help determine if ready to revert.
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Hi, In the v6.8 of Blue Prism we've noticed that Environment Variables of the Flag Data Type are auto-selected to True when highlighted even though the Current Value is False. This is also the case for the Evaluate Expression functionality within Studio. When using Evaluate Expression on Flag Data Items they are always set to True regardless if the Current Value is False. We'd much rather see that the Current Value is used in these type of scenarios. We haven't encountered the same case anywhere else but for Environment Variables and Evaluate Expression. Hope the change can be reverted in future updates. Thank you! Kind Regards, Joakim
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Remove the need for sessions and session replication and make the application server stateless.
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Is it possible to Integrate share point libraries in blue prism such a way easily navigate the files from one library to other libraries?
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It would be helpful to have a button of Copying the evaluated text to clipboard . Sometimes we want to copy the evaluated expression and paste it in some different screen. ( pic attached )
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Reset Service account Password for App Server and DB Server Automatically using code. Target is to avoid manual intervention and also to avoid restart of machines and services.
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Problem Statement:
In BluePrism version 6.4.1 to 6.7.1 we don't have option for searching an Object .In most of the cases we need to call the objects from processes using Action stage.
Manual searching and adding action in workflows is tedious and time consuming process.
To overcome this issue we need add search engine for BluePrism which will allow us to search and copy the actions into the workflow.
Created PowerShell script which act as a search engine for BluePrism objects. Search the object and copy the required action to clipboard.
Right click and run the script using PowerShell
Below window will appear
Search for the required Object
Copy the Object
Paste it in BluePrism workflow
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