Our users would like to have displayed the number of items in the queue on the minimized card in Chorus Processor Workspace.
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Currently, the model name of the created process, presentation flow, automation service can not be changed. The more customers use Chorus, the more inconvenient and confusing it becomes by not being able to change the name. Could you make it possible to change the name?
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Currently the communication function in Chorus can Not detect an e-mail send error. therefore, we can Not execute appropriate follow-on processes depending on the send status using the communication. It seems Send mail function has this ability but Communication is much easier to use and we'd like to have the same ability in the communication, too. We'd appreciate if you make an enhancement in the communication, soon.
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My client (on 23.x) having the following suggestion on the new Process workspace. For the child Sources under the parent Work, suggest to have a new drop down function (action menu on the Work object) to allow user to download all (selectable) child Sources in one go. Now need to go to HTML CV to save as one by one.
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Currently the enhanced app modeler allows for users to save attribute sets per spy mode so that custom best practices for resilient attribute selections are easier to follow and faster to spy. These saved attribute sets only apply to the user and cannot be saved for the environment itself to enforce best practices across all developers. Adding a feature to save attributes for that spy mode across the environment would allow users to apply changes broadly and enforce best practices.
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Next Gen Documentation there is no facility to save PDF guide. Also one of the major issues is that no screenshots or snippets are provided in the online documentation, making it very hard to understand the concepts.
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We have identified a potential risk in the EQM emailing capability which we’d like to mitigate by requesting an enhancement. With regards to emails being sent out via Chorus in the Non-Prod environments during testing, if the user incorrectly provides actual production data (e.g. a client’s email address) there is no system level fail-safe to prevent test case emails from being sent out unintentionally to these parties. We've been advised that it is possible at a process level, but we would prefer this to be configured at an environment level instead as a over-arching fail-safe. We’d therefore like to request that a new field be introduced (possibly in the AWD Configuration Console where the mailboxes are captured). This field would allow us to capture, at a system/environment level, an override email address(es) that will always be used when sending emails, instead of the ones provided in the Chorus work items. Field: Override Email Address Format: semi-colon delimited text values of the email addresses which should always be used when sending emails for that mailbox (e.g override1@email.com;override2@anotheremail.com). in the Production environment, either the field would be left blank, or alternatively you could provide an explicit checkbox to indicate if it should be used or not.
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Hi, We have been rolling our Chorus users to the New Processor Workspace (from Classic and Legacy) and the Screen Image Capture (SIC) feature garnered some excitement, but there was some disappointment that it didn't also include the feature to actually perform the Screen Image Capture itself (unless we've missed something)? Users therefore have to use the Windows "Snipping Tool" or "Snip & Sketch" and perform that step in those applications and then paste the result in the SIC, making it more effort. It would be amazing if there could be a button directly inside the SIC that provides the same ability. I'm sure users would find this feature much more intuitive and simpler. Thanks for listening. Chorus BPM
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In Document Splitter, all annotations on pages added to new subdocuments or compound documents are preserved, i.e. copied from the original documents. In some customer implementations, these annotations need to be deleted manually each time a new document is created. An option on not copying the annotations in creating new documents is required. The option default (copying vs not copying) should be set at the system level or even at the user level.
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As a user, I want to a rules engine that can:
Can handle rules at scale
Tech-savvy BA’s can partner with IT to author and maintain rules with min developer involvement
Source control and change management to see what was changed and by who, and to test in lower environments
API integration
Can handle complex rules outside of code
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As a user, I want to be able to “pin” one or more comments so that they always display first. This way if a comment contains important information, it can be seen quickly.
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Having the ability to export roles and permissions from an existing Active Directory user account and then import them into a Native user account would indeed be beneficial. This feature would streamline the process of managing access rights and ensure consistency across different user accounts. Having this functionality, Blue Prism admins could efficiently transfer permissions, maintain security standards, and simplify user management. It’s a practical enhancement that aligns with best practices in access control.
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Blue Prism v7.3 provides dual authentication feature. Native user authentication. Active directory authentication. It would be very useful to have a functionality, which can help clone an existing Active Directory userid to Native userid, providing the same Roles and Permissions as of the Active Directory userid.
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There is no functionality to save filters on the work queues screen. For example, if one individual is working on only portfolio CS_CABSLF - we would like to have the ability to save custom user filters so that when that user opens up the work queues dashboard, they will automatically see their respective funds
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Filter functionality is currently set to only one filter per data field/column. We would need functionality to apply AND/OR filtering at numerous levels within a particular data field. For example, if the user works on portfolio's CS_CABSLF and CS_ALPEN then we would like the ability to filter the 'Item Key' data field to be CS_CABSLF OR CS_ALPEN. There should be no limit to the number of levels we can filter a particular field for. Again, if a particular user works on 12 different funds, we would have 12 levels of OR filtering within said column/data field. There is no functionality to move columns around within the view in a different order. We are referring to drag and drop functionality on screen. Column width appears to be pre-defined and user does not have ability to expand or shrink a particular column based on underlying data length. If the underlying value in the column goes out further then the current column width, the UI merely adds '…' and we cannot see the entire value. For example, item key 'CS_CABSLF - 1/8/2024 - Rerun 15014…' or Exception Reason 'Max Retry Reached - GoCheck Ticket 10...' or Tags 'Exception: Max Retry Reached - ...' - there is no ability for the user to see the entire wording on screen within the UI. Ideal solution would be to introduce the wrap text functionality per column. User should have capability to retrigger a process within the Work Queue screen. For example, item key 'CS_CABSLF - 12/21/2023 - Rerun 193554
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Once in the work queue for a particular item key - we would like to have the capability to drill into the details of that item. For example, item key 'CS_CSNOVA(LUX) - 1/8/2024 - Rerun' has a completed status, but we need to be able to click into it to see all the underlying processes within that item. Our idea is to have the capability for the user to click on the item and have the box expand detailing all underlying processes using the same format as the current view/layout. To minimize the user would click on the item again to return to normal summary view.
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Blueprism HUB Auto refresh is not saved as part of the custom view that the user creates/saves
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Entitlements need to be added to Blueprism HUB as users should only have access to the clients. HUB control access to Business team level. Example: Business supposed to see only their process and queue details in control room
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Almost all actions that you carry out on a document during verification are accessed via the right-click menu. the menu is a long one, but unless the document you're working on is scrolled right to the top of the list, part of the menu disappears off the bottom of the screen. Only if you're right at the very bottom of the screen does it re-position to open 'up' from where you click, so the whole thing is visible.
Rather than having to use the right-click menu at all, it would be much better to have a toolbar at the top of the verification screen with buttons for all possible actions.
At the very least make the menu render fully visible regardless of where you click on screen.
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Our printserver service occassionally fails, causing documents to be manually printed from the Communications error queue. The JVM Heap Size is at a max of 1 GB. To increase it to 2GB, we need a 64-bit JVM. However, the current printserver service only allows for a 32-bit JVM.
We would like the printserver service for 64-bit JVM so that we can have an increased JVM Heap size so that the printserver service does not fail
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