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This idea is related to feedback received by our executive staff regarding the HUB/Interact authentication landing page. Users are finding the authentication landing screen confusing specifically the picture of the doorway. In many cases, we have been advised that users were unsure where they landed and if they were in the correct website for Interact. We would like the ability to add branding to clearly communicate that the site is for HUB/Interact and allow customer/company branding to prevent user confusion.
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My client feedback on the Comment box of the Processor workspace is too short, suggest to enlarge the comment box so that it is easier for user to enter multiple lines.
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Have the ability to customize the bubbles to different LOB fields. The bubbles that are set right now are for the Process Step and the Status. The Status isn't used a lot in our processes but the queue would be very valuable to see. Would also like to have it in all caps/uppercase like the other fields. All information in our taglines are in caps/uppercase and it would look better if it matched or could be adjusted.
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Please add functionality to worklist to move assigned suspended items to the bottom. Also, add functionality to be able to view only suspended or non suspended items in worklist.
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When debugging in Process Studio (or Object Studio), it's rather tedious to go to the debug speed toolbar button, open it and drag the speed slider to a new position. It would be great to have a keyboard shortcut (e.g. CTRL+ and CTRL-) to speed up or slow down.
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The idea is to have a list of weekdays (Mon-Sun) to select from when specifying the time plan for a Schedule. This way it is easy to let a Schedule run eg every Mon, Wed of a week. This is an enhanced version of the current 'weekly' time plan, where only one day can be selected. Currently (BP v6.9 for us) there are two options to achieve several runs on different weekdays: - create weekly schedule and duplicate for each weekday - create a new calendar and select the wanted weekdays only Both ways are not very intuitive and more difficult to maintain
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Hi, Recently I forgot my password for Blue Prism Trial Edition product. But there is no direct option to reset password from product itself. It will be really helpful to provide this feature. Thanks. Amin Patel
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Blue Prism should include recommended Process/object templates when we do fresh installation of blue prism. So that Users/Entry level developers will understand how a process should be designed. Other Vendors has already these type of templates eg. Background process Template, Robotic Enterprise Framework. It would be great, if blue prism provides these similar templates as per their standards.
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Hi Team, Scenario: The bot is throwing a warning message if the particular task exceeds warning threshold. After that we are unable to stop or terminate the session. The bot will stuck completely. We manually login to the bot VM's and terminate session. Moreover the warning status is not updated in session info table in the BP database. Please try to add the warning status in the session info table and we can delete the session from the back end. We tried all the work around and no luck on this issue. Its a maintenance overhead for bot controller. This is the reoccurring problem since I start using blue prism from 2016. Please fix the issue in next release.
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Currently, the import switch in AutomateC does not put in an Edit Summary while importing into an Environment. The option to put in this customized text will allow users to manage command line imports much more effectively.
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There is a Refresh Button in control room but hidden inside a menu bar. There are no other options and only refresh button is there. So we can have Refresh button directly sitting on home page of control room, instead of putting it inside menu bar. This thing makes no sense. I think this should be immediately resolved.
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Currently in BP, we have given access to credential manager for all developers, this will allow every developer to allow and modify all the credentials. we need a mechanism to restrict the specific credentials to specific users to overcome this issue.
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In our shop, when we are ready with a process adjustment, we do the 4i check and the 'Process Comparison' window helps us with that. After the approved 4i check we can deploy the changes to production. This time, I got a change count exceeding 300 and spread all over the place. At that point the 'Process Comparison' window becomes less useful, if not useless. This has happened before when doing major overhaul on a process stretched over longer time. In these cases, instead of the compare window, it would be much more helpful to present the differences in a report, say XL or CSV. I can then filter and highlight the relevant changes and present only these in the 4i meeting. Happy coding! ---------------- Paul Sweden
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Please add ability to delete multiple environment variables at once (in settings tab). Overall managing environment variables is one of my least favorite things about blue prism. I can't help but feel like there's a better way.
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Please shown the number of selected items when selecting Queue items In the Control room queue View. This would help counting occurrences without playing with filters.
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As many web automation developers know, Blue Prism is not ideal/very fast in regards to web elements, especially on certain frameworks. Chrome itself is not ideally handled in Blue Prism at all, especially the need for specific versions etc. All this can be resolved simply by creating a new mode specific for Chrome with the use of the Puppeteer library. I believe, this would open the door for Blue Prism into web RPA using Chrome where people need fast speed, which is not possible with current Blue Prism capabilities.
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When working on your process or object in Studio, all tools you need are on the screen - tools on the left, buttons and menus on top. This is a great arrangement as long as you're developing or maintaining your processes. However, when you are testing or doing a demo, all that stuff gets in the way and limits your real-estate on the screen. You need to have access to as much space as you can. Typically, you don't want to maximize BP as other apps the process interfaces with are also on the screen. Wouldn't it be nice if you could click away the toolbar on the left and the menus on top? Customizing in style with Office, Eclipse, RDi, Visual Studio, ... - all other IDE's! Now, you might argue that if there's too much on the screen it is about time to split some of it off into new pages. Correct, I agree to that. Unfortunately, we still have to live with the legacy stuff that was made in the early BP years and we're not supposed to re-factor everything we see when we're only going to do a smal tweak to the process. Also, for a demo it would be nice to have a clean screen only displaying the process itself, without all the extra's in order not to divert the attention from what you're trying to demo.
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Hi Team,
As AS IS process is a important part of our RPA project and sometimes can be more time taking and not very interesting task for a BA, Why not automate this ?
Can we create a BP Process Bot(Say BP Documentor) which when running on SMEs machine can allows you to capture AS IS process in a form of step-by-step manual with screenshots and text instructions.
A BOT which silently is running as a background process monitors actions of the subject matter expert and his team and generates word or PDF or video file containing screenshots, data or keys used or the attributes or differences if they perform while doing some task and of what is happening on the screen. After exporting, you can save the session in a document for further editing to be done by a BA or PEX or create a skeleton of a Blue Prism Solution with detailed notes for the developer who would be afterwards implementing the solution.
The same Bot can be running N number of a times for a single process but with different Project Team members making sure it captures all the running steps what all team members are performing and find out if they are performing some steps which are different in between.This can be make sure to minimize miscommunication when capturing the process to be automated. Rather than doing workshops and listening to the customer, you can give him/her a tool that would listen for you.
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It is in fact the age of the dark background, and while maybe that is a step too far for Blue Prism though I would love it, I would at least love to have something that isn't the white light of Blue Prism studio/control room burning into my retinas ~5 hours a day. Some ability to control background would be nice, even just to mute the white light a little. Even better would be a good dark mode
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