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There is no functionality to save filters on the work queues screen. For example, if one individual is working on only portfolio CS_CABSLF - we would like to have the ability to save custom user filters so that when that user opens up the work queues dashboard, they will automatically see their respective funds
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Filter functionality is currently set to only one filter per data field/column. We would need functionality to apply AND/OR filtering at numerous levels within a particular data field. For example, if the user works on portfolio's CS_CABSLF and CS_ALPEN then we would like the ability to filter the 'Item Key' data field to be CS_CABSLF OR CS_ALPEN. There should be no limit to the number of levels we can filter a particular field for. Again, if a particular user works on 12 different funds, we would have 12 levels of OR filtering within said column/data field. There is no functionality to move columns around within the view in a different order. We are referring to drag and drop functionality on screen. Column width appears to be pre-defined and user does not have ability to expand or shrink a particular column based on underlying data length. If the underlying value in the column goes out further then the current column width, the UI merely adds '…' and we cannot see the entire value. For example, item key 'CS_CABSLF - 1/8/2024 - Rerun 15014…' or Exception Reason 'Max Retry Reached - GoCheck Ticket 10...' or Tags 'Exception: Max Retry Reached - ...' - there is no ability for the user to see the entire wording on screen within the UI. Ideal solution would be to introduce the wrap text functionality per column. User should have capability to retrigger a process within the Work Queue screen. For example, item key 'CS_CABSLF - 12/21/2023 - Rerun 193554
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Blueprism HUB Auto refresh is not saved as part of the custom view that the user creates/saves
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Almost all actions that you carry out on a document during verification are accessed via the right-click menu. the menu is a long one, but unless the document you're working on is scrolled right to the top of the list, part of the menu disappears off the bottom of the screen. Only if you're right at the very bottom of the screen does it re-position to open 'up' from where you click, so the whole thing is visible.
Rather than having to use the right-click menu at all, it would be much better to have a toolbar at the top of the verification screen with buttons for all possible actions.
At the very least make the menu render fully visible regardless of where you click on screen.
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Our printserver service occassionally fails, causing documents to be manually printed from the Communications error queue. The JVM Heap Size is at a max of 1 GB. To increase it to 2GB, we need a 64-bit JVM. However, the current printserver service only allows for a 32-bit JVM.
We would like the printserver service for 64-bit JVM so that we can have an increased JVM Heap size so that the printserver service does not fail
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Issue observed in: HUB and Decipher
Business Impact: An attacker can connect concurrently with a user without indication that their account has been compromised.
The application allows multiple connections simultaneously with the same authenticated user account. This is demonstrated by logging in with two separate browsers without restriction.
In this case, the application allowed the admin user to sign into the application using two different browsers at the same time.
Supporting Evidence: A high privileged user logged into the application from two different browsers at the same time.
Reproduction Steps
1. In Chrome, log into the application with a high privileged user
2. Perform the same action as step one, but this time using the Edge browser
3. Attempt to navigate to any other page within the application using both browsers.
4. The application does not log the user out of either session
• The application should restrict connections so that a user account can only create one session at a time to the application. This will create a condition that alerts the user that their account has been compromised.
• If there is a business case for concurrent user sessions, then some form of indication should be given to the user that their account may be compromised. This can be done with a message that occurs alerting that there is another login from another location.
• It can also be strengthened by displaying a message indicating the last time a login occurred.
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Every week or two (or maybe more), I sweep through the Digital Exchange, basically looking for updates to the assets are deployed in our organization. It can be a bit tedious. It would be really helpful if two elements were added to the tiles shown on the DX landing page:
The date that this asset was (re-)deployed/published
A very brief description of the purpose for the deployment. Examples might be:
New Asset or New Deployment
Adding New Functionality
Correcting Issue/Error
Aligning Version Number
Republishing (No Changes)
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There is no way to retrieve the batch name once the batch is opened, it would be great if the batch name can be seen once the batch is opened.
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60 mins session timeout is a ridiculous setting which will restrict the automation for user
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Hello, In the Control Room: - if you have a list of items which does not fit into dedicated window part, - if number of items on your page is lower than maximal quantity per page, when you move the scrollbar to the fair bottom, still some entries are hidden and you have to manually scroll down via arrow keys. Is it possible to fix it with newer versions of Blue Prism? Best regards, Paweł
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WS are vital in integration, lacking native supports for REST causing delay in developing. Below enhancement will be very helpful. 1. Option to generate Proxy client from WSD file, instead limiting it with only WSDL URL. (Most dev environment the SSL certificates are self signed or invalid) 2. SOAP client be configurable to follow redirects ( 3. Allow Java/Jar based WS integration. being a Java based team , we have a lot of WS integration developed using Java. Since BP doesn't support java Lang we are redeveloping in C# to integrate it natively. It would really beneficial to provide us java support or workaround.
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Testing Blue Prism Decision it showed an error message. Something like "Something went wrong" was too vague. If I were a customer, I wouldn't know what to do. It would be nice to have Error Message and Diagnosis manual, which helps save troubleshooting time.
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In Application component , Access and permission functionality is not yet implemented
Cannot Modify or delete the Wire frame that was used to create Objects
Cannot be used for code maintenance
Cannot be used to create test scenarios and map test cases
No Inbuilt tool to capture the screens
No provision for defect management
No provision for change management
Cannot be used to interact with Blue prism components apart from creation of object using wire framer
Wire framer functionality creates only the high level object with no elements
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Hi All, In line with many improvement techniques (i.e. Poka-Yoke), one of the most efficient ways to improve customer satisfaction is to remove the possibility of making errors. Allowing groups to be created without any restrictions in place can lead to many usage errors (not to mention drop in performance of the environment)and thus customer dissatisfaction with the product. This being said, it would be great if all the Groups, or at the very least the Process and Object groups would not allow setting a new group name the same as an existing Process or Object.
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We have support for Oauth2.0 from the default provided BP VBO. Can we extend the same for Oauth1.0 authentication ? Have seen a lot of ask for this in community .
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Provision to download or export the 'Control' Tab, 'Environment' Window data. the columns - ID + Process + Resource + User + Status + Start Time + End Time..... The access to Blue Prism database is usually restricted and is not something which everyone has especially the end users who often need this data.
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Due to change in security concerns and prioritization of browsers by organizations. Provision of easy migrations from one browser to another browser instead of repeating complete development from scratch. This would help faster migrations and efficient Support operations which could be beneficial to Business users and also IT teams.
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We are often forced to identify some tags, formats and patterns within a data item containing numerous characters, I believe that it would be nice to increase the amount of supported languages, not just text, SQL, XML, but perhaps a JSON, and VB that also are widely used in implementations, this would facilitate the day to day
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Adding Attended Automation features with the help of Blue Prism 7.x APIs and allow connectivity from Microsoft Office products like Excel/Access VBA Forms or Add-Ins. These features will add more scope to automation functionalities particularly when the process is being executed by human or would need decisions to be taken in between the process.
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