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Today Image Retrieval throws an error retrieving sources created with 'screen image capture (PNG format).' Sources must be all PDF or all TIFF. Business users regularly create sources in the PNG format. IR should convert the PNG files to TIFF or combine the PNG documents into a single file.
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Sorry if this idea is duplication of existing idea but we are now going to upgrade to 7.3.2 and noticed again the nice feature of being able to show details of a resource in Control. It would be great to have at least local FQDN and server FQDN selectable so we can copy the values.
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Our organization sets most GDL mime type files to open in HTML Content Viewer (Word, Excel, PDF). We appreciate all images opening in tabs within HTML CV rather than downloading the files and having multiple native applications open in separate windows. We do have one issue: When HTML CV fails to display a file we have no way to view it. We need a way to download the file when HTML CV is unable to display the image / file. This can similar to how HTML CV handles unknown file types or password protected files. A prompt opens allowing the user to download the file. Alternatively the user might be able to select download from the source menu.
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Allow a user to open up and interact with WORD documents while editing a letter in Communications. Clients often have to refer to multiple documents when creating a letter to be issued, Currently having other WORD docs open when editing a letter in Chorus Communications results in unpredictable behavior e.g. edits being lost.
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In blue prism, while in control room, it would be great to be able to filter available processes when trying to manually drag and drop one onto an available resource. You can currently filter by resource, but not process, so you are always left scrolling to find what you need.
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Chorus is not able to send a dynamic JSON array (that contains the object keys to delete). The length of the array is defined at design time, so in runtime there is no apparent way to populate an array with a dynamic number of object keys to delete. That is, there is no dynamic array capability within Chorus which presents a challenge for batch Chorus objects deletion.
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On the communication between Blue Prism enterprise and Active Directory, must be a good idea to implement what we call "A DC Locator". This feature enforce the Blue Prism Enterprise product to always first try to contact Active Directory controller domains that are in network level close to the application server. Reduce the latency. Improve the Active Directory performances Avoid issues. Below is a code example that can be implemented : $cp = [System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters]::new()
Add-Type -Name 'NetApi32' -Namespace 'NativeMethods' -CompilerParameters $cp -MemberDefinition @'
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
public string DomainControllerName;
public string DomainControllerAddress;
public uint DomainControllerAddressType;
public Guid DomainGuid;
public string DomainName;
public string DnsForestName;
public uint Flags;
public string DcSiteName;
public string ClientSiteName;
[DllImport("Netapi32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Auto, SetLastError=true)]
static extern int DsGetDcName
string ComputerName,
string DomainName,
[In] int DomainGuid,
string SiteName,
[DllImport("Netapi32.dll", SetLastError=true)]
static extern int NetApiBufferFree(IntPtr Buffer);
public enum DSGETDCNAME_FLAGS : uint
DS_PDC_REQUIRED = 0x00000080,
DS_BACKGROUND_ONLY = 0x00000100,
DS_IP_REQUIRED = 0x00000200,
DS_KDC_REQUIRED = 0x00000400,
DS_AVOID_SELF = 0x00004000,
DS_ONLY_LDAP_NEEDED = 0x00008000,
DS_IS_FLAT_NAME = 0x00010000,
DS_IS_DNS_NAME = 0x00020000,
DS_RETURN_DNS_NAME = 0x40000000,
DS_RETURN_FLAT_NAME = 0x80000000
static public DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO GetDomainInfo()
const int ERROR_SUCCESS = 0;
IntPtr pDCI = IntPtr.Zero;
int val = DsGetDcName("","",0,"",
return infos;
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Users have ability to suspend BUT they can use the suspend feature to take work out of quality by Suspending and then having an activate status that wakes up in a different queue. Essentially bypassing quality. We would like the suspension feature to have additional access to restrict the activation status option or ability to add an activation status as addtional resource. Thank you
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Provide for the ability to record text and images in a single place (e.g. worksheet) to record the information used in the human thought process in arriving at a decision e.g. Claims assessment. The following are the key requirements: The ‘worksheet’ must be able to include text and images e.g. a screen capture of a section of a document. Note that most documents are many pages long so its essential that key parts can be extracted and included in this worksheet The ‘worksheet’ is a living a document but must have the ability to lock down previously captured sections of text and images at key stages e.g. when they decide to contact the client. The ‘worksheet’ should automatically record the person, the time and date each update is made and present the information in chronological order The ‘worksheet’ should be laid out in sections e.g. a template with sections for specific text and images. The ‘worksheet’ and sections of the 'worksheet' must be access controlled.
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We have commissioned a client-facing portal which is being built using the UX Builder and it has been noted that there is no option for a user to log out of the system. We would like to have the option to add a "Logout" button or link to every page in the system so that users can terminate their session as required.
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We have commissioned a client-facing portal which is being built using the UX Builder and we require more complex client-side validation than is currently possible. For example, if the user were to enter a policy inception date (PID), a policy expiry date (PED), a claim event date (CED) and an insured date of birth (IDB) then we would want to validate that the IDB was prior to the PID, that the PID was prior to the CED, that the CED was prior to the PED. We would also want to check that the IDB did not make the insured person impossibly old or too young to have a policy. These dates are just one example of client-side validation that exceeds simple data typing - we would like to see configurable complex validation rules in the UXB, some of which will depend on mixed data types (e.g. if _this_ dropdown have value "A" then _this_ amount must not be zero).
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We want to secure access to our Blue Prism by requiring MFA for users. We have users in our system that have access to sensitive data. If hacker get access to our user and password, they can log in to Blue Prism and access these users and their password. We would like to prevent this by requiring MFA logon to Blue Prism.
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Currently in Interact version 4.7 , When we raise/submit a submission from interact API, Rules set to fields are not getting triggered while this feature is working from Interact UI.
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Work items which are stuck in infinite loops impact Chorus BPM system performance, and in some cases system stability. This issue impacts both hosted and self-hosted clients. When we see high CPU utilisation on the application and database servers, we query the WA2 BI event table to find work items which are stuck in a loop. This reactive step allows us to identify the work items which are impacting performance but doesn't address the root cause. We could like Chorus BPM design studio to identify potential infinite loops as part of process validation. The beta process test automation framework was able to identify loops. Maybe this code could be used as the basis of a solution?
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From the Processor tab, the BA WT Status search is part of base functionality. Currently, the results are not displaying consistently. Usually the oldest work item is displayed first, but not always. The problem for my Users is that older work items should be worked first. When some older items are found lower on the list it may impact SLA. I created a ticket and was informed the search results are displaying as designed with no order by. My request is to add a sort option on the results page for ascending or descending in base searches. May be used for sorting dates, policy #, etc.
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As BP 7.2 is moved to 64bit, could you please move Java version on Data Gateway(logstash) to 64bit Java. Currently there is no option to choose latest version on Data Gateways. So please make configuration more robust for updating the version on Java. This will allow to refer any latest version of Java(64 bit).
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Introduce functionality to filter timeline events based on designated points, allowing users to view only events that occur before or after a specified event (e.g., show the journey after a letter X is issued). Without this feature: users face difficulties isolating relevant parts of the timeline for analysis, leading to slower insights, increased manual effort, and a less efficient user experience.
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Add visual markers or color-coded highlights in the timeline to indicate where filter-triggering events occur, enabling users to quickly identify and navigate to these critical points without manual scanning. Without this feature: currently Users have to manually review each timeline to locate trigger events, leading to inefficiencies, missed insights, and reduced satisfaction with the tool. Goal: enable faster and more accurate identification of filtered events, improving user experience, boosting adoption, and accelerating decision-making.
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The request would be to add screenshot (full-screen and within a specific pixel range) to one of the existing Core Functionality VBOs. It seems to me that it could fit in either the Utility - Environments (where you can obtain the screen resolution), or in the Utility - General. We, as I think it true of most customers, have a custom object that covers this, but it seems like a fairly basic action. I would love to be able to get rid of one more custom object. Thanks, Red
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