Good morning, guys, I hope you're all right. So... Recently I've been talking to some colleagues and we discussed how Golive is done today from automationin productions, we exchanged some ideas and arrived in CICD, So we had the idea why the blueprism doesn't have a native, configurable CICD? This would certainly help in the day-to-day operation and would give more robustness to the tool
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A Quality of Life suggestion. Take, for example, the humble 'Item Data' collection, after getting an item from the queue. There could be any number of fields in this collection that will be referred to constantly throughout the rest of the process. Each time you need to refer to one of them, you have to type [Item Data.Field Name], being very careful with your typing. It would be much simpler to instead co-opt the fields that are returned from the queue and have them going forward as pre-defined fields that you can click on via the expression editor.
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Under Consideration
Submitted on
02:29 PM
Submitted by
02:29 PM
Keeping up-to-date with the latest version is Blue Prism is sensible. However, this does cost time, money and effort on enterprises. Being able to apply patches over existing installations would be beneficial. For instance, the with Google Chrome's frequent release pattern it would be great to apply a patch that accommodates the changes to allow integration rather than going through the full upgrade process.
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Request to have CSS and XPath support added to all browser spying mode, so that element identification (or highlighting) can be achieved using any complex CSS or XPath selector. CSS is widely used in web development and is often the way how modern websites use to implement many UI features via JavaScript. Often a web element can be identified uniquely by the use of a single expression without the use of any other attributes. It can be a much faster way in narrowing down to an element on a very large web page with thousands of elements. It may also bring benefits to pages that are dynamic in nature, e.g. an element may not always appear in the same PATH hierarchy. I am aware that a user may specify XPath expressions against "Web Path" attribute when using Google Chrome and Firefox plugins. XPath however is not being supported by the IE mode.
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Web services provided by other systems can be integrated as actions to Blue Prism. This integration provides status code and return values... but only when the request was successful. In case the request fails no information is available but exception details only. Information such as status code has to be parsed manually from the exception details text. The idea is to not raise a critical exception when the request fails but utilize the existing action return values (status code, message, ...) to pass through the information coming from the web service. An option is to add a flag similar to what is available in File Management VBO that either have an exception raised or 'ignores' the error and provides the structures response of the service provider
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The process on Importing a package, where you have to click twice on each item drop down arrow in the ‘Resolution’ column, is maddening! 90% of the time I only want to overwrite the Process and not touch the Objects. Alternatively (and more safely) it should default to 'Don't import'
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When you have a larger application model and you're browsing through the element tree it would be nice if the application modeller would highlight the elements on the target application as you select the element. That way it would be easy to find the correct element (if you're not sure of it by the "should-be-self-evident-element-name"). You select the element on the tree, see the details on the right pane and the red rectangle on the application automagically (without pressing the Highlight button). If there's an error in the element attributes, the application modeller could highlight that by changing the element red on the tree view. If recognized, it could also show the conflicting attribute in red. BUT not pop yet another popup that needs to be OK'd before continuing. There's too many popups already in use. 😉
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When doing an Undo to reverse a newly made change in a process or object, the focus remains on the current page rather than moving focus to the page where the Undo is executed. This is very confusing when doing a number of Undo's in a row in order to reverse a list of changes made. When executing an Undo, the Studio editor should move focus to the page where the Undo will be done. Happy coding! Paul Sweden
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Please add button to clear unused dataitem through out the process at the time of development. Some time for big process flow development we left some unused dataitem in the process itself, it will be helpful if there is some clear option in the process studio for unused items.
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Currently Blue Prism WSDL import only supports primitive data types.
If a WSDL/XSD contains groups the result is methods without input/output parameters. I have uploaded example WSDL, XSD files.
As a consumer of the service I have no authority to have the service modified to flatten input/output parameter structure. It should just import and work.
This forces the use of HTTP VBO to create custom service.
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When selecting a Business Object from within an Action, it can become difficult to locate the specific one you are looking for if you are in an environment with a high number of objects. It would be extremely helpful if the list items within the Business Object dropdown field could be filtered.
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The reset FQDN feature currently only affects runtime resources but not workplaces. When resetting FQDN for a specific <host> the value in FQDN column in BPAResource table is deleted but the line for <host>_debug stays untouched, thus preventing any debug sessions on this workplace. Please enhance the Reset FQDN feature to remove FQDN values for both: <host> and <host>_debug records.
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When an item is deferred while waiting for an update or a response it would be much more useful to wake the item up earlier than the defer date. As an example, a case comes in and needs a human to verify some details - we need to defer the case so that it will be captured in an output file of the number of cases worked so the case would be deferred for 24-hours to ensure it gets reported. The issue that then happens is that if the return from a colleague is before the defer time ends you are not able to pick the case back out of the BP queue. In most common work flow systems you can pend/defer cases for a set period of time but also wake that case back up sooner if the required updates have come back so it would be much better to allow BP to do the same
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Currently tasks only provide the status: completed / failed that can be used in Schedules to control the process flow. Branching the execution path can only be achieved by creating artificial termination / fail status. It would be nice if the Scheduler can fetch the process return value (output variable) and then apply simple comparison.
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After some time processes might not be needed anymore, because have been replaced by other processes, they become obsolete or maybe it was a one time activity only. It would be helpful if a deployed release could be rolled back (ie removed / deleted) from an enviornment. In case of complex business processes, several BP processes and VBO might have been needed for its automation. Those dependencies between BP processes, VBO, queues, environment variables, schedules, ... are packaged into one release file and deployed into production. When this buisness process automation is not needed anymore, the environment should be cleaned from not needed objects and configuration. Currently this has to be done manually, for each object individually. It would be much more convenient if there would be a rollback feature so all objects that are part of a release package could be removed at once. Of course with dependency check and warnings if necessary
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The current data item does not have a dictionary type (Associative array) . A single-row collection type can be substituted in some cases, but a smooth conversion to a JSON object can be difficult.
For example, if you try to convert a Blue Prism data item to JSON using Utility - JSON::Collection to JSON , only one data item can be represented as a collection data item, so the converted JSON will also be an array type.
There are many opportunities to map Blue Prism data items to JSON data when performing WebService integration, so I think there is a great advantage to introducing a dictionary type data structure.
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We have different Business Areas who like their users to get different amount of work while they use get work (work select). Currently this is a global setting. We like to have the ability to set the count per work group or Business Area/WorkType. Another setting is release on log off that would be helpful to follow similar path.
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The 'Web API Services' setting allows for specification of custom headers for a REST call. Being able to do this in the 'SOAP Web Services' setting would be very helpful for our use case as we use custom headers to call all web services through Datapower. As of right now, we need to create custom VB code to call SOAP services with custom headers. This would save a large amount of development time on our end to use Blue Prism's built in web service capability.
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Client and consultants need the ability to create a custom data source from the client's REST service. We can create custom data sources from other services and even within the current service at a nested level, but unable to create a custom data source from the highest level of the array. We would like to see this included in 22.2.1 AWD-46886/ CS0014801 - Lincoln Financial Tickets created for this issue.
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Needs More Info
Submitted on
03:33 PM
Submitted by
03:33 PM
We need a convenient way to get a report about the utilization of our resources (virtual machines). The report should guide us in the planning of an optimized resource utilization. For example it can give us the time where the most machines are working in parallel (peek) and the time where are the most machines free and lying around (lazy time). With the report we should be able to plan the schedules in a more balanced way.
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