Since developers should spend time to create Environment Variable descriptions in Control when they are defined (and/or updated) - it would be helpful if that definition was pulled into Data Item stages once the Environment Variable is selected in the Data Item stage. This would reduce the number of times developers must describe Environment Variables when a definition already exists in Control.
The description could be carried in as editable text in case a developer wants to edit or augment the description if required to make their logic clearer.
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I think it would be useful to be able to validate the schema of work queue items before they get added to a work queue. My thought is an XSD validation string or or some such mechanism could be associated with the work queue. The Add to Queue action could use it to validate that the data being added to the queue is valid before proceeding. The advantage of this is that processes that use the work queue would be able to safely assume that any data entered into the queue is valid. Further, it would mean that exceptions due to invalid data would happen at the time that data is being added to the queue, as opposed to when the data is being read from the queue. On a practical level, this may not happen often since users should be testing what data is being added into queues before going live with it. However, this would still be a gain because it would be one less thing that you have to think about while building processes.
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It would be nice to have a Schedule or a process easily run again with right click -> start again. The question is if the same parameters should be used again or a pop-up window to provide new ones should appear. I guess it would not harm to have a pop-up window pre-filled with the previous values. Something similar for Schedules, but the additional info to which schedule the executed process belongs to would be nice (having a column with the Schedule name would be a great improvement regardless of the re-run feature). Sometimes, in our cases often, the process fails because of a minor issue that can be resolved quickly and the process can run again. In an environment with lots of groups, process, resources, ... it is a little cumbersome to do exactly the same steps again just to start the exact same process.
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This is a issue which i faced a lot personally and i feel others for sure had. Getting a response to batch file is for sure a way around but it will be great if we can create some activity or something to have it as a output parameter from CMD.
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I would like to see a search box for data items . For ex in calc/ Decision stages.
I am sure no one would like to scroll the whole list and expand the categories when you have hundreds of data items/ Collections in your process
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When hovering a Stage, some of its properties are shown. At the moment they are: Name, Expression Description. Quite a strange order as the Stage properties window shows Name, Description and then Expression. Can the order of the hover information be the same as in the properties?
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Hi everyone, As a best practice, we always add Wait-Check Exist right before Write,read or navigate action. If the wait stage timeouts, we throw an exception. Detail of this exception contains the element which is in Wait stage. It would be great, if there will be an "Element" variable (name of element/s as text or collection) to use in wait block. This feature will reduce development time.
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Not Planned
Submitted on
03:02 PM
Submitted by
03:02 PM
I enrolled for a couple of training long time ago but never managed to even start most of them. I just kept adding them as I thought they are interesting. Now when i look at my courses I see two pages of courses that are already archived by the system but are shown as 'in-progress' or 'enrolled' to me. It would be nice to have the option to delete/remove courses from my My Activities list. I guess it would not be so relevant to see if I attended a BP training two year ago anyways.
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Could Blue Prism create APIs or AutomateC command line functionality allowing registering & unregistering + retiring & unretiring of runtime resources (VDIs) directly in BP DB.
These would help us work more efficiently with runtime resources while operating with non-persistent cloud VDIs whilst using them as BluePrism robots.
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Not Planned
Submitted on
09:25 AM
Submitted by
09:25 AM
Help is not being updated with newest release functionality updates and examples
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Needs More Info
Submitted on
10:00 PM
Submitted by
10:00 PM
Currently, when a rep selects a shortcut to be inserted into a letter, the rest of the sentence is pushed to the next line. While this is a behavior of Word, a solution to this issue should be developed for Communications to reduce the amount of formatting/modifications a rep has to make to complete a letter.
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To be able to tackle performance issues, the Blue Prism log should take in account the duration of each stage. Firstly, the Blue Prism log should display the duration of each stage in the log, not just the 'resource start' or 'resource end'. And as some stages are unseen given the log settings, the Blue Prism log should include at the end, the duration of all unseen stages, and the total duration of the process. Secondly, Blue Prism should include a setting to display a stage in the log if its duration is greater than a defined value (in the system). For example, all stages with duration greater or equal than 30 seconds are displayed in the log, even if the setting in the studio is none or error only.
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I am using BP v6.3.2 and the Internal Object 'Work Queues' is not having an option to check the state of the Item. As of now, we are only having an Update status option available. I would recommend adding an additional option called 'Item State' without locking the item and filtering it with a given input like Tag/Item Key/Created Time etc. With this, we can see the state of Item like Exception/Completed/Pending. This might be a small concern but it would be really helpful for the developer as well for the support team with this enhancement.
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While opening Excel or while while reading any file we need pass Full file name and path. If Blue prism provides an option to select the file from that folder so that it can take the path and file name automatically after selecting the file. What i mean to say a pop up window should appear like save as window and we should select the file directly from there instead copy the file path and name.
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I would like to be able to create a hidden field which concatenates values entered by the user. This would prevent bridging queues, processes or other means to create an appropriate key. We have a process where the key value is a concatenation of the member number and a contact method. This is to allow multiple requests for the same member but also identify duplicates. We cannot replicate this directly in an Interact form.
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Currently you cannot use Interact Rules with Wildcards. This makes it very difficult to add sufficient validations and rules. I have a scenario where I want to check if a member number ends in 00. If so it will follow a particular rule.
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Currently it is possible to create several references to the same object (process and VBO) resulting in having to 'names' in different locations in the tree view. Following example assume there is one object (process or VBO) XML that is referenced by two names, objectA and objectB This causes several issues:
objectA is in a restricted group preventing any modification but it is still possible to import objectB to another group and will allow to change the XML by changing objectB although this should be prevented by restrictions on objectA. This is a security hole.
It is not obvious if or how many references exist to one object XML. Applying 'delete object' action on one reference actually deletes the XML and all depending references. Deletion of objectA also deletes objectB without warning.
Creating a release adds all references to an object and will be imported accordingly, messing up organization by groups. Assuming objectA is in group projectA and there is this other reference objectB in group projectB. If I create a release for projectA and add the objects from this group into a release, also the other references are added from group projectB. When importing the release for projectA there will also a group created named projectB
There is no distinction if there are X references or if there is only one reference to an object XML. So it is possible to remove a reference to an object in tree view making it inaccessible, although the XML is still in DB.
It is not obvious when a reference is created. For example objectA is exported. Afterwards the objects is relocated to another group and renamed to objectB. The previous export of objectA is imported again which results in having two references to the same object. There will be notification if the object should be replaced during the import but the replacement only refers to the XML but not to the references/names.
In contrast I cannot think of any case to have references to the same object.
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Currently failed posts to Splunk by Data Gateways/Logstash are dumped to the Dead Letter Queue and left there to accumulate. These can be resent using the Logstash API; however, this should be provided by the Data Gateways platform and represents a blindspot in the tool.
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Not Planned
Submitted on
02:41 PM
Submitted by
02:41 PM
Setting up these products are always been a complex task. I'm wondering why are we not merging all the installers in a single package for the user to directly run it. We can also include Rabbit and Erlang in the same msi/exe installer so users can install it easily. When starting the tool the installation itself gives so much pain that users will definitely lose interest in the beginning only before using the tool. And it is not just with Decipher. Try Hub, Interact, BPD, all of the setup steps are extremely complex and high chance of facing a variety of errors. Just to set up Decipher user needs to run 7 individual installers! I agree we have proper guides and videos for each component but installing and configuring these many items are really not user-friendly. For e.g. To install Blue Prism Enterprise we only run a single package likewise I believe each of the products should have a single and straightforward installer to make life easy for everyone. I've raised this before in one of our roadmap call with the product team last year in 2022 but new versions are coming up with the same installation steps and framework. Hence raising these here as an idea and to know how other users feel about the same. Thank you
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When dealing with complex and dynamic HTML pages, it's not always possible to use the Path attribute to identify elements on the page because the path structure can change based on other elements displayed before the field we want to use. Often those HTML elements don't have an ID property (which would allow to spy them quickly) and the use of other attributes combination doesn't always perform well. This could be solved (not always but in many cases) if we could modify the HTML source adding an ID property to that specific element. My suggestion is to provide an action that executes a search&replace on the HTML source in order to give the developer a way to add an ID property to an element and then retrieves the PATH of that element (i.e. “/HTML/BODY(1)/DIV(4)/DIV(2)/DIV(6)/DIV(3)/DIV(1)/DIV(1)/H2(1) ) that can be used afterward with Read and Write stages. I uploaded a screenshot with a possible example of the action parameters. In that example the action would retrieve the PATH string of the element before the label "Popular Broadway Shows".
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