Showing ideas with label Blue Prism RPA.
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Context: Mechanism to store encryption key (DB and App server File System) and protecting it from system administrator against misuse. Use case: 1 Currently, encryption key and encrypted data both are stored in db, By virtual of Blue Prism design, encryption key can be stored in database or File System (FS) on App Server. No other option is available. 1. DBA access: We can move encryption key to App server and restrict dba access to app server. 2. Wintel / Blue Prism administrator access: They would have access to App server FS, wherein they also have access to Blue prism database (limited access though) for maintenance activity. This is causing issue. Requirement:The requirement is to store encryption key in any other tool (like IBM PIM - Product Information Management), where administrator should not have access to. Use case 2: When user navigates to encryption key using Blue Prism user interface, the log is also not recorded. Requirement: I believe this is essential for any audit compliance.
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While you may be able to simulate this via Custom Data options, it would be useful to have a simple, out-of-box option to send data such as work queue items processed, status, exception reason, etc. through Data Gateways for analytics.
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Not Planned
Submitted on
07:04 AM
Submitted by
07:04 AM
Right now, licenses are added up and shareable for every Runtime Resource, but it would be nice to be able to control of assignment of license to specific Runtime Resources via schedules because sometimes schedules conflict with each other and it would be better to make sure the assignment of licenses to some schedule.
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Not Planned
Submitted on
05:15 PM
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05:15 PM
In the system settings of the Blue Prism interactive client there is an option "start a personal Runtime Resource on this machine when users log in to Blue Prism" It would be great if we could just right click on a process in control tab and would have an option like "Run on current Resource". Right now, if a user wants to start a process on his personal Resource he has to lookup his machine in the Resources section. This can be really time consuming.
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Not Planned
Submitted on
11:00 AM
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11:00 AM
Right now, only Session Logs/Published Dashboards/Custom Object Data can be sent to the output by Data Gateways. It would be great if Windows Event Logs of Runtime Resources could be sent to the output because we can obtain and analyze the event logs at nearly real time by, say, Splunk. When the Runtime Resources are Physical Desktops, it would be great helpful.
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Looking out for the ability of automating the Release Package migration (.bprelease file ) in different environment of Blue Prism. Do we have any Utility , API or way we can automate this manual effort of migration.
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Suppose there is a web page we're interested in modelling for an RPA process. we access it via Chrome (because other browsers do not render the page appropriately or consistently) to the naked eye, it contains one or more tables having real-time data. As a result, the tables are rendered dynamically (i.e. the underlying HTML source does not contain the Old School <table><tr><td> tags... but various layers of <DIV> and <SPAN> tags). depending upon various filters used in the business process, the table presentations are not always consistent (the tables won't always have the same number of rows or columns; the columns won't always be in the same order; etc.) the most stable and consistent feature of these dynamic tables (regardless of the current visible manifestation of these tables) is that one or more Attributes of an HTML tag for a cell in these tables describes the nature of data in that particular cell. For example -- if, in a particular table cell, web text is contained by the tag '<DIV column-name="employee-last">' we know the web text corresponds to the last name of an employee AND any other web text in that table whose DIV tag contains the 'column-name="employee-last"' attribute ALSO will be the either the last name of an employee OR the heading of the Employee Last Name column. It would be valuable to be able to include HTML Tag Attribute information in Attributes that define Elements in the Chrome Application Modeller. Currently, we cannot. The next best thing we can do is read data from the dynamic table that we "guess" to be from an appropriate cell in the table, have Blue Prism read the key HTML Tag Attribute and return its value, if the Attribute value corresponds to the value we expect, we accept the associated data... if NOT, we take another guess until we find a cell containing the right HTML Tag Attribute. I had intended to attach a release of a self-contained BluePrism Chrome Object, but the ideas portal considers that to be unsupported for the purposes of uploading to the portal. The object would have contained two actions, "Read From AG Grid Web_ Element" and "Read From AG Grid Expressions and Context." Each action, Launches a different public-facing web page in Chrome... each web page contains dynamic tables built by the owner of the website (each web page has the same owner)... the owner of the website is a commercial enterprise that sells bundles of Javascript Web controls to web developers so those developers can build pages that connect to data sources and display real-time dynamic tables. Reads one of two headings (based on the True or False setting of the Data Stage in brown text above the Start stage of each object) of one of the dynamic tables for its HTML Path, its Bounds, and the value an HTML Attribute of the heading... its "col-id" Attribute, to be specific. Calculates from the Web Path of the heading, a Regex expression which, when used as a Dynamic attribute for a Web Path, SOMETIMES finds data from the rows below the heading that relate to the heading in question. Conducts a search for data presumed to be in the column corresponding to the Heading we read. Confirms whether the data has the same "col-id" Attribute value as the Heading... if so, it returns the value of the Web Text... if NOT, an Index is incremented and another search is executed. Typically, this workaround is such a drag on RPA process performance, it is not viable. In short... the workaround utilizes the HTML Tag Attribute "After The Fact." Incorporating it into the definition of an Element in the Application Model would utilize the Tag Attribute "Before The Fact" -- and much more efficiently. The desired enhancement: In the Attributes section of the Element Details of the Application Modeller for a Blue Prism Chrome Object, add the following Attribute Names: Web Attribute 1: Attribute Name Web Attribute 1: Attribute Value Web Attribute 2: Attribute Name Web Attribute 2: Attribute Value IF Both the Name and Value of Attribute 1 are set to Match: True in the Application Model, then Blue Prism should consider these settings to be related. Similarly for Name/Value of Attribute 2. Examples: Setting {Web Attribute 1: Attribute Name -- Match: True; Match Type: = (Equal); Value: "column-id"... Web Attribute 1: Attribute Value -- Match: True; Match Type: = (Equal); Value: "employee-last"} means "only consider web elements where one of the Attributes of the HTML Tag is named 'column-id' and the value of the 'column-id' Tag is 'employee-last'" Setting {Web Attribute 1: Attribute Name -- Match: True; Match Type: = (Equal); Value: "column-id"... Web Attribute 1: Attribute Value -- Match: False} means "only consider web elements where one of the Attributes of the HTML Tag is named 'column-id' regardless of that Tag's value" Setting {Web Attribute 1: Attribute Name -- Match: False... Web Attribute 1: Attribute Value -- Match: True; Match Type: = (Equal); Value: "employee-last"} means "only consider web elements where at least one of HTML Tag's Attributes has the value of 'employee-last' regardless of that Tag's name"
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Needs More Info
Submitted on
02:38 PM
Submitted by
02:38 PM
Ability to put some icons or colors to the procesess or VBOs. Yes we have the ability to put processes or VBOS to the groups, but put there some colors or icons can help even further to see the statuses of the process/VBOs, or help to distinquisch some additional connenction among the Process/VBOs base on colors/icons. Same could apply to the Groups
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Mark Processes or Objects as Favorites so this will be visible in a Favorites folder on top of the list. User/developer dont need expand the tree, sometimes the tree has hell lot of levels. To keep the BluePrism nice and tidy, this will be helpfull.
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Not Planned
Submitted on
11:38 AM
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11:38 AM
It would be helpful to be able to create and apply templates for user security role definitions in System tab. Additionally to be able to export and import those templates to move from one environment to another. Being able to export security roles in structure format will allow to run security audits on granted permissions (eg discrepancies between template and individual settings). This will support us in our multi team environment with 4 roles x 9 teams (and growing).
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I would like to be able to see the number of successful cases worked and the number of exceptions raised against each session in the control room. This would make it easier to monitor from an Admin point of view - rather than having to check each queue for new additions, or have emails on completion telling me how many of each has been done, I can just look in the control room, see it's completed and the summary of cases worked.
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Access rights management for credentials should be presented in tree view with the structure based on group definition in Studio tab and Resource Management in System tab. Additional group view for security roles would be appreciated in System tab \ Security \ User Roles as well as the Access rights window (both for Access rights management and for group Access rights in Studio tab). Currently, user roles in Access rights management are not even ordered, neither for Credentials, nor for groups in Studio tab. This should enable to grant credential usage to single processes and whole groups of processes (eg all processes of department Accounting when defined as group in Studio).
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When selecting a Business Object from within an Action, it can become difficult to locate the specific one you are looking for if you are in an environment with a high number of objects. It would be extremely helpful if the list items within the Business Object dropdown field could be filtered.
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Not Planned
Submitted on
01:33 PM
Submitted by
01:33 PM
Our users like the calendar view of the Scheduler\Timetables window but it shows all schedules for all resources making it impossible to actually see what is relevant for users who are interested on their own processes. I would expect the possibility to set custom filters (on resource, schedule / process, ...). Further, future enhancements would be to automatically filter the information based on the rights of the user.
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There should be the possiblitity to order Blue Prism internal list views. For example the Manage Access Rights window in which User Roles are displayed randomly. Expected behavior would be, a click on column name alternates sort order between ascending and descending. Nice to have is also to possibility to search/filter in those windows
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In addition to the idea to group and filter environment variables the multi team approach should also be applied here with having access rights on (groups of) environment variables
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Hello! I would love for Blue Prism to be able to remember the current size of the windows I open/close within the application, like the Application Modeller window. Throughout the day I end up opening and closing this a few times and each time I do so I have to re-size it, to see all the information within the window that I need properly. See attached screenshots for a better understanding. Best Regards, Robin Jensen
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I understand that the process and object studio have numerous things to differentiate but what would be more usable is to have some different colors applied to Process and Object studio so anyone can understand in a glimpse that it is process studio and that was Object studio. I understand that most of the time it would be developers who would go to the studio to work on the code but many times we need to show the code to management/Non - technical folks it would be very nice to have there.
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It would be very useful to classify or to filter Environment Variables for example by processes because to handle lot of process and lot of Environment Variables very difficult.
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Since we have multi team setup to control accessing other team's process/object. The same thing should apply to scheduler where a SCM scheduler can only manage/schedule SCM process and FIN scheduler can only manage/schedule FIN process to avoid potential SOD conflict.
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