Showing ideas with label Blue Prism RPA.
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We should keep audit history for any changes done to Environment variable and Credential manager. This can help us to track down any changes made to variables and credentials.
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Under Consideration
Submitted on
10:33 AM
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10:33 AM
Hi, Right now, when I import VBOs, they are automatically imported on Default Folder. It would be helpful to be able to choose target folder.
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Not Planned
Submitted on
07:25 PM
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07:25 PM
Blue Prism has frequent releases with very little gap between releases. To add to this agony the releases are not backward compatible. BP 6.7 client cannot talk with a BP 6.8 App/DB Server, it is also vice versa - BP 6.8 client cannot talk with a BP 6.7 App/DB Server. While we can understand a compatibility issue between BP 5 and BP 6, compatibility issues within a major release (BP 6.6,6.7 with 6.8) exposes poor product architecture/design. Request to consider the following: 1. Have a fixed release pattern - twice a year with 6 months gap in between gives ample time for clients to plan/prepare 2. Redesign the product so that there is backward compatibility. Without these two, clients will not be able to keep themselves abreast with the product innovations eventually leading to moving off to other RPA tools. Uploading BP 6 Release dates for reference of frequency.
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Under Consideration
Submitted on
11:01 AM
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11:01 AM
Hi, as we have multiple instances of Blue Prism in our enterprise with various license keys, i would be good to have a single license server to manage those keys easier and get a better utilization of the existing bots.
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UIA mode performance needs to improve. As we highly dependent on UIA while doing Browser automation. Because in browser other than browser mode only UIA works. So it's performance needs to improve. We should able to highlight quickly using UIA mode.
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Submitted on
12:44 PM
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12:44 PM
After maximization i would like that the columns are automatical adjust to the screensize
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Needs More Info
Submitted on
01:29 PM
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01:29 PM
When a schedule is started and the resource is offline it is not shown in the reports. (Not in the list.) Would be great to have a all planned executions, and a red (X) on a schema even though the reason was not the scheduler.
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Needs More Info
Submitted on
02:50 PM
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02:50 PM
I would like to suggest the implementation of a built-in code scanning tool within Blue Prism. Currently, we face challenges in identifying bugs or vulnerabilities in our Blue Prism projects, as there is no dedicated code scanning tool available. While we attempted to integrate with SonarQube, it did not yield satisfactory results.
The primary issue we encountered with SonarQube is its treatment of the .bprelease files as XML, which leads to inaccurate analysis results. The tool primarily focuses on detecting code smells, which are not applicable or relevant to our specific requirements.
Therefore, I kindly request the development team to consider incorporating a native code scanning tool into Blue Prism which can scan code stages like C#, Visual Basic, JavaScript . This tool would be tailored to analyze Blue Prism's unique code structure and provide comprehensive feedback on potential bugs, vulnerabilities, and any other code-related issues specific to Blue Prism processes.
By having a dedicated code scanning tool within Blue Prism, we can streamline our code review process, enhance the overall quality of our projects, and ensure compliance with security standards. This tool would greatly contribute to maintaining the integrity and reliability of Blue Prism solutions.
Thank you for considering this suggestion, and I look forward to the possibility of a built-in code scanning tool being introduced in Blue Prism.
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Note from Michael Lowe @ BP: This I not really a problem with wait stages as Blue Prism naturally iterates through the DOM repeatedly looking for the element (for the allotted period of time). However with reads, writes and navigates it will only attempt it once (throwing the classic element not found error if the element doesn’t exist). Possibly having these stages try a couple of times automatically would resolve this issue, but that’s not the way the product works right now. I will raise it as a product suggestion which will get considered for a future development. This was in response to our continued problems with Invocation errors on Edge/V6.9
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It would be nice to see improvements on: - Out of the box dashboard/reporting capabilities (withing Control room) - Make dashboard configuration/customization user friendly
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When spying web applications, it is quite useful to have access to the application navigator. Unfortunately, this feature is not available when spying on an application that runs on google chrome. I see now that several companies are moving away from explorer as their standard browser, which means that we have to re-spy a lot of existing objects. This would be much simpler if we had the application navigator available.
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Currently Blue Prism can only be deployed on an MS SQL Server instances, and the recommended version is Enterprise which comes at quite a high price tag, making it expensive for smaller deployments, and/or smaller companies wanting to use Blue Prism. As the times are changing and a lot of non-enterprise companies are looking to streamline their operations and automate their processes, a high deployment cost (and maintenance) for infrastructure is often viewed as a blocker. This being said... can you please add support for PostgreSQL as well as MySQL databases for the Blue Prism DB Server?
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I would like to be able to change the order of the fields in a collection just like you can in aa Multi Calc stage. Currently when you have a collection and you add a field to it it will always be added as the last column. Even is you add a field in between existing fields, when you close and open the collection again the new field is added at the bottom. With big collections used for reporting it would be a lot easier to have the ability to change the order without having to rebuild the collection
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Needs More Info
Submitted on
05:14 PM
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05:14 PM
Just like it is possible with process logs, it would be great to see an option to added to archive off work queue items. It could be as simple as a tickbox within log archiving to include queue items or (even better) as an entire separate archiving subrouitne, so it can run on separate schedule.
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Consider following improvements to the Chrome Extension: 1. Detect frameworks used by the page being spied. Adjust spying in accordance with the Framework 2. pull images from CSS and add them as a spying attributes. Other browsers will benefit from above as well.
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There should be a way to create/modify schedules in Blueprism Control room via API or command Line (AutomateC), preferably via API.
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Submitted on
10:59 AM
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10:59 AM
Would be good to be able to stop all schedules from running so that if you want to halt the system (upgrade, urgent service window) you can stop all schedules from running rather than having to go through them all one by one stopping them. Allow them to end gracefully and then be able to restart them all rather than having to start them individually as well.
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Submitted on
04:30 PM
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04:30 PM
It is better to have web based dashboard to avoid installing BluePrism client in every interested party.
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Submitted on
02:03 PM
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02:03 PM
We want a kill button for schedules (essentially the equivalent of immediate stop on a process). A button which would stop BluePrism from doing any further connection attempts, retries, or anything related to an instance of a scheduler run. And just mark that run as terminated. This would help when there are issues with VDIs. For example when a VDI loses connection and BluePrism continues trying to run a schedule on a VDI that it can't connect to. In some cases the schedule can even get stuck on running state for multiple days, despite nothing actually running.
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Under Consideration
Submitted on
01:39 PM
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01:39 PM
Hi, I would like to seperate how a System Exception (SE) and how a Business Exception (BE) is shown in control room. Today a BE have the same icon as a SE (a purple flag), I usually like to see a BE as that the automaton have "completed" it from a robotic point of view. I understand that the concept is that its an exception is needed to be handled manually. And i also understand that there can be several different types of exceptions (Internal, Login Failed ect), So my suggestion is that on the Exception Types configuration (System Tab), we should be able to set the icons that is shown in the work queue in control room depending on the Exception types. As an example, set an green flag instead of an purple one for BE?
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