Showing ideas with label Blue Prism RPA.
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Secure Active Directory queries using gMSAs instead of password-secured service accounts
Since 7.1 the only option for querying active directory domains that require authentication other than the account running BP Server is to provide the details of a service account in the Active Directory Domains configuration section in Sign-on settings
Our security policy requires that password-secured accounts have passwords that expire daily. This is unmanageable in 7.1 as it would require us to update the stored passwords in Blue Prism immediately after the passwords have changed
Ideally, we would be able to secure the Active Directory queries with a gMSA
Also, add an option to create gMSA user. Currently when we try to add AD user it only list/search the AD accounts, it is not searching the Managed Service account (MSA/gMSA). -- Get-ADSServiceAccount This will help to run the runtime as gMSA account.
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Hi Team, I think we should be having the community version of the product as it will increase the interest of the new developers/students and also good to test the latest/existing features before directly moving for Upgrade. This feature is provided by most of the RPA tools and Blue Prism should also think about it.
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Submitted on
10:13 AM
Submitted by
10:13 AM
Essentially, users should be able to delete any useless and unreferenced data items/collections with a single click. This option can assist decrease the amount of code that is superfluous. In a large automation project, this could be a high-value component.
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We need to spy a web based application, but it uses a shadow DOM. Therefor we can't use the Browser spy mode.
Using the UI spy mode might seem like an option, but this method is considerabely slower.
I've read on the forum the method of injecting Javascript, but this option doesn't work in our case.
We have investigated the issue further and found out that a small change to the Chrome Browser extension could fix the problem.
There are two following elements in the source code of the Chrome extension which need to be changed:
· getHtmlSource.js - with case Node.ELEMENT_NODE the outerHTML is called.
· The outer HTML consists of only the 'regular' dom-elements, but not the shadow dom-elements. Could this be adjusted so that the shadow dom elements are also being serialized?
· main.js - in several places the getElement functions of document are used like 'getElementByTagName' etc. These functions only scan the regular dom; could they be replaced by functions that also scan the shadow-dom?
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Currently Blue Prism can only be deployed on an MS SQL Server instances, and the recommended version is Enterprise which comes at quite a high price tag, making it expensive for smaller deployments, and/or smaller companies wanting to use Blue Prism. As the times are changing and a lot of non-enterprise companies are looking to streamline their operations and automate their processes, a high deployment cost (and maintenance) for infrastructure is often viewed as a blocker. This being said... can you please add support for PostgreSQL as well as MySQL databases for the Blue Prism DB Server?
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While creating a new schedule ,the tool should show possible conflicts between two schedules , if they both share same resources and kickoff timings . Something which we see in ServiceNow if two CR are scheduled at the same time and for the same application
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Hi at the moment anything you do in BluePrism you are connected direkt via AppServer to the Database. So you always have a kind of live connection for everything you do. That makes BluePrism kind of slow in Studio. It would be great in Studio to have the option with database and without database. If the developer is done it just needs a button like publish to database and everything is okay. During development he should have the option as well to save under C:\Temp for example. Later with the publish function process is saved in database. Be aware iam just talking about Development Enviorment.
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Note from Michael Lowe @ BP: This I not really a problem with wait stages as Blue Prism naturally iterates through the DOM repeatedly looking for the element (for the allotted period of time). However with reads, writes and navigates it will only attempt it once (throwing the classic element not found error if the element doesn’t exist). Possibly having these stages try a couple of times automatically would resolve this issue, but that’s not the way the product works right now. I will raise it as a product suggestion which will get considered for a future development. This was in response to our continued problems with Invocation errors on Edge/V6.9
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I believe that there could be a button to recover the user's password in the blue prism itself, even if it is through answers to security questions already pre-defined by users previously, this would make life a lot easier!
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I would like to contribute an idea for improving the scheduler to check if the schedule is in an executable state before executing it, and if an execution error is detected, to automatically wait until the schedule is in an executable state and execute it. As a concept, I expect the functionality to be able to control the schedule execution by First-In First-Out as well as work queue. Currently, considering a solution for when a schedule execution error occurs for some cause, we have to manually maintain complex schedule operations such as periodic schedule settings in order to detect it, allow time for it to become executable, and then surely re-execute it. I am sure that this will not only reduce the workload of administrators, but also improve the utilization of digital workers by avoiding execution errors.
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Please add a Local flag to the ToDateTime conversion function (as already exists on MakeDateTime). This would be a huge help, to get over the frustrating issues seen during BST (and presumably for installations working across multiple timezones), when you would like to for example, Defer a Work Item to a specific Date Time. eg: If I want to defer a Work Item to 9am tomorrow, whilst in BST, I have to currently do something long-winded such as break down the desired date into dd MM and YYYY, so I could use MakeDateTime (with the Local flag set to True), or build in a decision stage, to allow subtracting an hour from the time when in BST.
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Not Planned
Submitted on
05:07 PM
Submitted by
05:07 PM
We are able to make use of the SOAP Web Services wizard to consume web services which use Soap 1.1 , however the wizard fails for web services which use Soap 1.2 since BluePrism does not support Soap 1.2 entirely. Would request BluePrism to add SOAP 1.2 capability natively in the SOAP Web Services wizard in a future release.
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Not Planned
Submitted on
01:50 AM
Submitted by
01:50 AM
There is a security risk because there is a way to view passwords, depending on how the current credentials are obtained. We have this security risk in robot creation. Based on this, I would like to propose the following measures. 1.If the data item containing the authentication information is not of the password type, the acquisition of the authentication information results in an error. 2.Prevents casting from password-type data items to text-type data items. 現在の認証情報のデータ取得方法によってはパスワードを見る方法が存在するため、セキュリティリスクがあります。 我々はロボット作成においてこのセキュリティリスクが問題になっています。 このことから、以下のような対策を提案したいと思います。 1.認証情報を入れるデータアイテムがパスワードタイプでなければ、認証情報の取得はエラーにする。 2.パスワードタイプのデータアイテムから、テキストタイプのデータアイテムへのキャストはできなくする。
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Hi there, with the AND and OR operators currently available the following expression throws an error when a flag data item is not set. IsFlag([Flag Item]) AND [Flag Item] Returns Error: ... right-hand-value is empty. If Blue Prism would support conditional logical operators like && and || in C# repectively AndAlso and OrElse in VB.NET the expression in this example would be valid. The evalauation of the expression would stop if IsFlag() returns False becuase the whole expression couldn't be True anyway. We could use a single decision stage only and could use this kind of expressions in choices. Currently there are two options: - always set a default value for flags - break the expression mentioned above up in two decisions and execute the second decision only if IsFlag() = True With choices this cannot be handled easily.
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When you have a larger application model and you're browsing through the element tree it would be nice if the application modeller would highlight the elements on the target application as you select the element. That way it would be easy to find the correct element (if you're not sure of it by the "should-be-self-evident-element-name"). You select the element on the tree, see the details on the right pane and the red rectangle on the application automagically (without pressing the Highlight button). If there's an error in the element attributes, the application modeller could highlight that by changing the element red on the tree view. If recognized, it could also show the conflicting attribute in red. BUT not pop yet another popup that needs to be OK'd before continuing. There's too many popups already in use. 😉
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Currently when an element within application modeller is cut and pasted in any node of the Element tree, a new Element ID is generated, invalidating the previous Element ID and all references pointing towards it. When that happens, the following error is displayed by the validation tool: Page: ABC Stage: XYZ Type: Error Action: Validate Description: Failed to find referenced application element in row 1. Element ID is 87188755-42bf-4433-bcaf-33a4f152aeff Repairable: No The only way to fix this is to manually re-point the element within all the affected stage properties. Additionally, this also invalidates the application modeller in all of the historical versions of the affected Object(s) in version history. Given that this can potentially mean several hours of re-work, not to mention serious frustration, please change this to work as follows: - When copying and pasting an element within Application Modeller and the pasted Element ID already exists, generate a new one - When cutting and pasting an element within Application Modeller, retain the pasted one This has been tested on the following versions: 6.4.2 6.4.4 6.8.0
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Hi, I am wondering why after so long why is BluePrism doing the auto conversion of Date & Datetime to UTC. It is definitly the most annoying thing in BluePrism. It is literally frustrating to work with anything Date related in the software. Why not give the ability to deactivate this conversion that it always does? Even when your datetime is already in UTC time, it will convert it anyway, making your date so out of whack that it doesn't make sense anymore... and don't get me started on collection with date where you need to loop in the collection. You can get them converted a lot and making your process a lot harder to develop because you need to account for those instead of just doing that yourself if you need to. BluePrism should never touch any variable automatically without the dev actually doing something. using DateTimeKind works for the first time when you output but BluePrism clears that after that point so it doesn't really matter what kind it is. Please let user do their things. I know I am not the only one having trouble with that. I saw in another company devs that were using SQL query to get the "Now()" date instead of Blueprism cause it was more reliable. That's not normal to have to do workaround like that for anything. I've been working with BluePrism since version 4 and this is by far the worse thing that has been following us since then. regards,
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It will be great to add a feature for Browsers to read the "Item Value"(DOM Value) of the selected item in an HTML combo box?
Please find the example below:
I want to read the Item value(DOM Value) which is "/m/02gsvk". This will help in many scenarios where value remains same and the selected text changes according to the local language setting of the site.
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Under Consideration
Submitted on
08:09 AM
Submitted by
08:09 AM
When adding a Calc stage directly connected to another Calc stage, often they belong together and, in hindsight, would have been a MultiCalc instead. Changing to a MultiCalc however, requires copying the Calc properties to the MultiCalc, adding your new calculation to the MultiCalc and removing the 'old' Calc. Wouldn't it be nice if you could convert a Calc stage to a MultiCalc stage by Right-Clicking it and select where you want it to go? Obviously, when you have a MultiCalc you might want to convert it to a Calc stage or stages in the same manner.
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Not Planned
Submitted on
03:20 PM
Submitted by
03:20 PM
It would be great to have the ability to debug (i.e. stepping line by line, setting breakpoints etc.) inside a code stage. This would make it easier to identify where the errors occur and would save us a lot of time when developing objects with code stages. If we could see the variable values while debugging in a code stage (like in i.e Excel VBA) that would also be very useful.
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