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Currently, actions in Studio are auto-named in the format VBO::Action, such as "Utility - Date and Time Manipulation::Format Date". However, it is less readable, especially when multiple actions from the same VBO are used in the same process. All actions appear similar at first glance. By changing the auto-naming convention to Action::VBO, for e.g., "Format Date::Utility - Date and Time Manipulation", actions would become more distinguishable with minimal effort. This reversal ensures that the most relevant detail (the action name) is displayed first, reducing friction when scanning through multiple actions in Process Studio.
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The comment section in the comment bubble window is not able to be expanded when entering your comments, resulting in only being able to read a sliver of the notes you are typing.
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Currently, When we select inbox option in interact form [ version 4.7]- Auto mail is getting delivered . there is no option to customize this email. i am looking for this feature to add in interact form so that our business partner can receive customized mail. BP ticket reference - 297330
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This idea is related to feedback received by our executive staff regarding the HUB/Interact authentication landing page. Users are finding the authentication landing screen confusing specifically the picture of the doorway. In many cases, we have been advised that users were unsure where they landed and if they were in the correct website for Interact. We would like the ability to add branding to clearly communicate that the site is for HUB/Interact and allow customer/company branding to prevent user confusion.
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Now a days data extraction from a web page or web table is very easy by all other RPA tools. It is available separately in all the tools. I have raised it earlier as well to add similar kind of feature in BP. Now the way BP is extracting data from web page or web table, it's very very difficult. As I see there are lot of feature being added in recent version, please consider this one. Data scrapping is a missing feature in Blue Prism. Blue Prism Enterprise v7
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While working on a process and object, when a user puts any new item onto a page, the stage font and size always is set to be Segoe UI with 10 pts. Typically, to change this you could select all and set a new font and size. What would be GREAT is to be able to set this default font and size somewhere in studio settings so that you would not have to constantly set it within a process or object when working.
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There is no option to undo in classic forms on Chorus. Please can we have an undo "Ctrl z" functionality? This will save time when creating forms and be a HUGE help for the overall user experience. Every time the users move something by mistake they can't easily take it back, leading to a lot of frustration as this action is common in most applications, especially design. Although the UX builder is coming there are still a substantial amount of historical forms designed in classic thus this feature is still required for small changes in a lot of businesses, and shouldn't be overlooked due to the UX builder.
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Allow the user to select font, font size, and font color in Processor Workspace view history. Our clients complain the current text color is too light and small to read easily.
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Currently, in Decipher there is no option to see the submitted batches, which can be helpful for what the user has verified and helps to understand if there is any mistake done by the verification user.
There should be a tab available in Decipher with all the submitted batches and once we click on the particular batch it should show the data as like the Data Verification screen with 3 panels for that batch with Page overview, fields, and mapped/verified data. The batches should be grouped with that specific unique identifies for the template as like if it is Purchase Order then it should have to group with the Document Type and then if the multiple PO templates from customer 'ABC' then batches has to be grouped with that customer name with the timeline of the batch.
From this we can achieve the machine learning capability of the Decipher to train that particular document type and update the way of document training through verification.
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As part of accessibility standards, users navigating by keyboard (using the tab key) should be able to move sequentially from left to right and top to bottom through the focusable elements on a page. They should also be able to see the tab focus. Tabbing in Processor does not meet this standard. Users should be able to start at the Workspace menu and tab across (to User profile) and down (through function cards Worklist, Search, Create et cetera, and Quick Creates), then tab through their open cards and minimized cards.
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We are on Chorus version With this version of Processor, we are noticing that children of a case are ordered by the date the child is associated to the case, with the oldest children at the top. As a result of this single order (on date), various types of children -- Transactions, Tasks, and Paperclips -- are scattered throughout the list of child objects to the case. Our users would love to see Transactions grouped together (sorted by date), Tasks grouped together (sorted by date), and Paperclips groups together (also sorted by date). This would allow users who are looking for a specific TYPE of child to be more easily find it. As a further improvement, it would be nice if an option was added to the User Preferences page that would allow the user to determine which of these groups (Transactions, Tasks, Paperclips) were at the top, middle, and bottom of the groups.
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With Search forms and potentially and Chorus form designed for work processing whether UXBuilder, Dynamic Forms, or Traditional forms the ability to denote a one of these are required. My thought on implementation would be to contain the fields within a group box and mark the box with a css class of oneOfThese. There could be multiple group boxes with independent oneOfThese markers. This was implemented as custom javascript on a Search form that required a hidden text input that was marked required that the custom javascript managed inputting/clearing to get the Search button enabled/disabled appropriately.
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Hi This is Hongjun Shin working at Blue Prism Korea. One of our BPK customers manages 50,000 batches. With 50,000 batches, trying to view the history of a batch on the DecipherIDP web page takes a very long time. In addition, a lot of data is stored in the DB, and there comes a point when DB management is required. I've opened a global ticket about this, Currently, there are no query statements to manage DecipherIDP's DB. Also, when I submit batch files to DecipherIDP, if I submit a large number of batch files, it uses up all the transactions on the DB server, preventing other applications from using the DB. Therefore, I would like to have a feature that allows users to set a quantity limit when uploading batches to Decipher. I also asked the global support team about this, but they told me that there is no such feature at the moment. Do you think these two features would be an improvement? 1. Decipher DB cleanup query statement 2. the ability for users to set quantity limits when submitting batch files to DecipherIDP
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Suggest improvements to Interact: Please make it possible to add line breaks to paragraphs in the Interact form and freely set the font type and size.
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The ROS plugin, when activated, automatically opens two windows which are visible to the user -- Word and Excel. Users can accidentally close one or both of these windows, resulting in errors. Can the windows open invisibly in the background?
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It would be beneficial to designers integrating with REST services to natively provide instructive messages for connectivity exceptions. OpenApi/Swagger describes http response codes but not java exceptions outside normal http flow. For example this exception is captured for connection errors: com.dstawd.processengine.model.flowobjects.AutomatedActivityFlowObject.executeService(ProcessInstance, String, String, Element): Service failed to execute. Error: java.lang.IllegalAccessException: The response object is, not an fastrequirementsapi.ApiException Service Error Stack: It would be beneficial for these types of errors to expose the actual java exception or a friendlier message to the designer. This information can be found in log files that typical designers do not have access to.
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Add a user preferences section to allow user to customize the case data that appears as the title of the Comments bubble page. The comments bubble page currently uses 3 pieces of case data, but it would be helpful for users to have an option in their preferences to swap these out for different case data values.
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Can we spotlight, tag or favorite a document we want to see at the top of the list? Every time user opens a case to review a particular document, e.g. Worksheet or Payment Summary, they have to go through many non-relevant documents. Request to provide a way to bookmark a few documents on the case, which is visible to all the other users as well.
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When a user creates an item using the Create Work card, the work item doesn't show the current step of the item. It only shows the first step for that process. The user has to open the item or search for the item separately to see the item move through the process.
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In order to fully implement multi-team environment, it should be possible to have access management for Work Queues, as for Processes and Objects. Currently, every team in one environment have access to all Work Queues.
It would be very helpful to manage accesses to Work Queues, so that teams only see their own Work Queue, in addition to control this by User Roles. Ex. Admin roles should be able to see all Work Queues, but the HR team should only see Work Queues relates to the processes for the HR team.
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