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When we run the Process 24/7. We often see exceptions. Some of which are in-frequent in nature but can't be ignored. We know any bad data, dynamic screen elements, pop-ups or slowness etc. can trigger the exception. But the root cause analysis require logs to be enabled and/or WebEx monitoring when logs are not enough.
Enabling stage Logging or WebEx are not an easy option for monitoring in-frequent issues as they demand more storage space and other approval/justifications depending on organization protocols.
However, having some sort of listener that can monitor the exception and provide series of screenshots for work flow 'Just Before' exception to occur can really speed up the root cause analysis process and make it simpler. We could achieve this by creating external listener that keep an eye on blue prism running session and exception flow. It would be great to have something similar in Blue prism itself.
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HI Team,
I want to export work queue data for a particular work queue using BP work flow not by exporting it manually.
I have tried the internal VBO work queue object --> get report data option in it .It is only giving the item id not the entire queue export for the given work queue to the collection.
Kindly guide me in this and if any pdf is there then please provide me.
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Hello! When building objects and processes you sometimes realize you missed to place an action. The intuitive way for me to add an action earlier in the object/process:
Select what needs to be moved to make room and move it.
Place the new action where it is supposed to be.
Configure the action.
Draw new connecting line.
Step 2 is not possible in the way the tool works right now. If you drag a new action and place it on a line between two other actions, it simply disappears. Currently I place the action next to the line. Then drag it on top of the line and then finish the steps. Please allow us to place actions directly on top of the connecting lines.
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Hello! As a developer we get conditioned to save ALOT and typing a comment every time means a distraction from the thought-process. I understand this is due to the commits to the DB behind BP. A feature to Quicksave (ctrl+s) to temporarily save the changes locally without a comment would make developing alot smoother. That way you could test objects until they work the way you want them to, and then commit them to the DB. The same way most developer tools work these days.
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There should be a way( may be a tile/dashboard) to see % of license used for past months also. this will help in doing the forecasting analysis for license. Currently what we can see is "at the moment" license usage in dashboard.
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A Dashboard which will be much easier to configure and use as the current one. And as a feature it would be really nice if you could display in a external confluence. So that everybody can see the values and not only the person, which have installed bp.
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Moving processes/objects from one group to another (given that we have hundreds of processes/objects), is the most painful process ! he original method, way back in v4?, where you moved them under Process/Object Management option on the System Menu, although not perfect, was much easier. It could really do with a bulk option too.
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When in a process/object and use the 'Find References' to see where the item is used, the results show processes/objects that have been retired, BUT, it doesn't highlight them as being retired. It would be really useful if it did this.
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When saving logs, I have to select the file format in which I save them. After I've done this ("html," for example), I then have to manually type ".html" on the end of the file name. If I don't do this, Blue Prism removes the file name and path that I've typed so that I have to type it again. I feel like Blue Prism should be able to add the extension automatically based on my file type selection on the page before naming the file. Essentially, it's forcing me to select the file type twice--once via radio button, then again via text box. This is a quality of life or ease of use improvement request, definitely, but one that would prevent frustration when you're constantly having to save, send, and review logs.
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Session log viewer to have filter option to filter specific columns filters, so that's easy debug through log identify. I know search option is available but it's good to have in-built filter to show only filtered data.
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The personal runtime setting is on the same screen as the global settings.
The screen can be locked to individual users who do not do not have access to the system – settings user right.
Can this one setting be separated out so that users who don't necessarily need to change global settings can disable their personal runtime?
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There should be a queue showing which schedule is currently running and which tasks have been processed or are still being processed. Running schedules should be able to cancel. Currently only server service restart is the only option to kill running schedules
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Blue Prism client/studio should be able to handle interrupted network connection. We are working in a mobile environment moving with our laptops from meeting to meeting and to the closest working area. It happens that your laptops are changing network, going into sleep/suspend mode when closed asf. When Blue Prism loses connection to application server, numerous .Net error messages are displayed (and lock each other so only killing the BP process helps). Furthermore the event log of the application server is spammed with error messages, which might cause wrong alarm in monitoring tools
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Problem statement: if there is a change in the application layout as part of an upgrade the RPA process which was built on the previous version will fail. Now it takes a lot of effort to identify the changes happened to the elements that are identified previously.. idea: Application modeler should have a built in functionality to compare previously captured element and new element and highlight the differences option to Calibrate the previous version of elements with introduced changes.
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Currently, the fact that a process is exposed as a web service is not a part of the release package. As such, it needs to be changed manually on import to a new environment. It would be better if exposure status was stored within the .bprelease file itself, in the same way the "process published" flag is stored within the release.
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The BP API dialog box builds html pages for each object selected from the dropdown. This is based on object contents. I suggest BP builds an API website (perhaps hosted on the local server) with foldering to match the Object studio folder structure, and have it automatically update documentation upon save/import of objects. Including referenced components in API (or allowing further customization) would be a plus, but a self-updating API website would be very useful especially for larger/federated teams.
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When retiring a process there should be a warning if the process is referenced by a schedule. When using the find references function on processes the referencing schedules should be shown.
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Need to add the feature to allow people to add special weekend days as working days in the calendar. Currently, you can only set the recurring working days and holidays in the calendar. Every year the Chinese government will issue the special arrangements for weekends adjacent to some public holidays like the National Day and Labour Day. For those holidays, the adjacent weekends will become working days in exchange for a longer continuous holiday afterwards. It is called 调休 in China. For instance, in 2019, the National Holiday is Oct 1-7, while Sept 29 (Sunday) and Oct 12 (Saturday) are working days. Missing this feature makes it difficult to manage working days for companies in China. As a workaround, they may need to manage two calendars to calculate the correct working days.
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It would be nice to have more options for scheduling. Accounting requires different schedules for different working days in the month ie. workday 2 or 4. Currently, I can only schedule on the first or last working day of the month.
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Hi, it would be good if the schedule functionality could be amended so that there is no need to wait for all machines to finish a task before moving onto the next task. I believe scheduling would be improved if once any machine has completed a task that machine will move onto the next task.
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