The display language for the Chorus Portal has always been tied to the language set for the browser - the suggestion would be to make this a "user preference" instead, picking from a list of supported languages.
The challenges with tying to the browser language are as follows:
Browser language selection is often wildly inconsistent between users, as is not often locked down by network administrators. We often find that even if a specific browser language is officially mandated, this mandate isn't always adhered to
The user can have a browser language set that isn't supported by Chorus, requiring a fallback to en-us. If instead the user is presented with a list of supported languages this no longer becomes an issue/consideration
Making language selection a user choice also means that the selected language will persist if the user switches to a different browser, e.g. from Chrome to Edge. We sometimes find that users have (say) Chrome set to "en-gb" but Edge set to "en-us"
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