Showing ideas with label Blue Prism RPA.
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Not Planned
Submitted on
02:19 PM
Submitted by
02:19 PM
I really wish i was able to import a .ics file into the calendar function so i could better control the holidays that is not built in. I would even be satisfied with the possibility to create a custom calendar and only mark the days a process should run, instead of now marking everyday it should not run. For the particular process in mind, i would have to mark 353 days as holidays, to get the desired option.
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Submitted on
07:33 AM
Submitted by
07:33 AM
As of now, to manage the code and versioning the inbuilt functionality of BP studio is being used. With that approach it is quite difficult to do an end to end DevOps. It would be great from the software cycle and project management perspective if there was an integration between BP studio and Git hub or svn
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Currently everything resets whenever your close a window or navigate around in Blue Prism. It would be great if windows remembered what I resized them to. It would be great if folders remembered which ones I had expanded and which ones I had collapsed. It would be great if the session log remembered which columns I had added and how much space I had given each one. You probably get the idea 🙂 It would be great if Blue Prism, on a per user basis, remembers our user interface settings, so we don't have to spend time constantly adjusting to our preferences.
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Not Planned
Submitted on
01:15 PM
Submitted by
01:15 PM
Currently Blue Prism doesn't seem too sleek when it comes to navigating the application. It feels "stuttery", and I suspect that this is due to how the graphics of the application is handled behind the scenes. Whether it is being caused by having to talk to BP-server constantly, or running single-threaded I don't know. My suggestion is simple - Take a page out of the game developers book, and implement a separate GUI that runs on its own thread regardless of what is running in the core of Blue Prism, such that our GUI is responsive at all times. This is probably not a small task, as it would alter the way the application is built from the core and up. But it would help increase the quality of the product I think vs. your competitors.
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The idea is simple. Add wildcard functionality for numeric application elements, such that we can have more flexible elements which can take wildcard numbers in for example ordinals, ancestor count etc. Currently you have to add an explicit setup for numerical elements, limiting you when invoking the element. If for instance you need to be able to search for just the name of the element most of the time, but once in a while would like to be able to use the same element with a specific ordinal, then you currently need to have 2 different application elements, and along with those two elements you need to duplicate the code handling these elements. It would be much easier if we could wildcard these numeric elements and then the function-invoker could determine whether she/he would like to use the numeric element or not. If they supply a * character to the element, then it's the same as ignoring it, as it could be any value, and if they give it a specific value, then the application modeller will only match against that specific value. Sounds like something that should be simple to implement, and at the same time make all our lives easier in the process - Cleaner code for all!
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It would be really useful for the BP application server to refresh the active directory links within an organisation on a regular basis. Currently, in order to 'flush' through changes to AD e.g. addition or removal of people from groups, you need to click on the 'Apply' button within User Roles. This can cause confusion and delay and is another unnecessary manual step with on boarding / maintain security groups. Thanks
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Hi, I'm in platform control team, sometime we encounter issue process overrun (hang no response), so we need make a command line to automatically 'immediate stop' process. any suggestion?
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Presently, you can only influence the request URL through variables. There are web services that have a very dynamic capability to their URL query parameters. Being able to execute a section of code to build the query parameter string, similar to how we can execute code to build the body of the request, would be very beneficial.
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Under Consideration
Submitted on
08:17 PM
Submitted by
08:17 PM
Allow users to create 'zones' (shown in the image below) without having to use Blocks. By using Blocks, if there is an error in any of those actions, it will be messed up. By allowing 'zones' or 'frames' for only visual purposes, it allows the user to easily manage their actions/outputs.
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Under Consideration
Submitted on
09:38 AM
Submitted by
09:38 AM
When handling DLL's for a codestage, you have to unpackage nugets and add them to the BluePrism root folder for each VDI. It would be great to either have a Nuget manager like in Visual Studio (and UiPath as well) or be able to reference DLL's from a Network drive. With this functionality it will be a lot easier to handle versions.
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In Blue Prism 6.4 for Object MS Excel VBO, actions Open, close and save Workbook, have hardcoded timeout value of 30 seconds. However, it has very little point to keep this value hardcoded. Instead a better approach would be to have this value as input. In case no value is passed, a timeout of 30 seconds can be initial value.
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Under Consideration
Submitted on
12:19 PM
Submitted by
12:19 PM
Collection in environment variable will be a life changing experience in Blueprism World. Environment variable for a whole process can be defined in a single collection. this reduces number of environment variables to be defined
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After speaking with Blue Prism support I found out that they only have 32 bit installs of blue prism. This means that it can only use a max of 2/3GB of memory. This has been causing a problem with archiving larger data files from the Blue Prism logs. While building we have all logging active which means some of the sets of log data can be quite large. When trying to manually or automatically archive this data, the process fails due to not enough memory, even though more memory is available on the resource running the archiving. My suggestion is that in a later update of Blue Prism, a 64 bit process install should be available. This would allow more memory to be used, and stop our Robotics team having to rely on a Data Base Admin to archive our data for us. If anyone has any other suggestion on how we can get around this I am happy to discuss.
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Submitted on
08:45 AM
Submitted by
08:45 AM
Currently, it is not possible to store output from JSON which has got repeatable element in collection when using Web API. It triggers an exception. I see this as a serious limitation of product functionality as usually you want to store the output in collection with many rows when querying some REST API.
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Submitted on
02:03 PM
Submitted by
02:03 PM
We want a kill button for schedules (essentially the equivalent of immediate stop on a process). A button which would stop BluePrism from doing any further connection attempts, retries, or anything related to an instance of a scheduler run. And just mark that run as terminated. This would help when there are issues with VDIs. For example when a VDI loses connection and BluePrism continues trying to run a schedule on a VDI that it can't connect to. In some cases the schedule can even get stuck on running state for multiple days, despite nothing actually running.
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Needs More Info
Submitted on
01:29 PM
Submitted by
01:29 PM
When a schedule is started and the resource is offline it is not shown in the reports. (Not in the list.) Would be great to have a all planned executions, and a red (X) on a schema even though the reason was not the scheduler.
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Hi, Current scheduling options are quite limited (static) when it comes to allocation of resources. We would like a schema to be able to allocate one resource in a pool and execute all tasks in a sequence. Adress: Overlapping schemas on the same resource. With a larger pool we could cut the overhead needed to secure robot processing. Also, a crashed/stuck robot would not affect the following schemas. (Security reasons imply usage of different robot accounts for different processes.)
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Under Consideration
Submitted on
07:41 AM
Submitted by
07:41 AM
A way to disable scheduler without killing all current sessions. E.g. Sending a command to BP server: "Finish all running executions and do NOT fire new schedules in next 6 hours" It would allow to perform server maintenance, without breaking Blue Prism platform (given company has 2+ application servers running).
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Needs More Info
Submitted on
03:13 PM
Submitted by
03:13 PM
It should be possible to apply restrictions not only on folder but on their parents / root of the folder hierarchy. Currently it is possible to create folder and apply restriction but user are able to create their own folders. Those folders can lead to quite uncontrolled environment (who can read/modify for which team). At least it can keep some people busy to remind users and clean-up the structures.
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Not Planned
Submitted on
03:07 PM
Submitted by
03:07 PM
Currently it is possible to import an existing object into a different folder by using the overwrite option. This should not be possible if the user does not have modify rights on the existing object. Scenario: An object is located and read-only folder. A user with import rights can import this object into another folder (eg there is a release file with different structure, single object import targeting into default folder). When he chooses the overwrite option during import, the existing object content is replaced but it seems to be still in the original (restricted) folder. The user can now change his object in his folder (bypassing original folder restrictions). Since the overwrite option created another reference to the original object, all changes will be applied to both objects in both folders. These changes also include delete that removes both objects (even in restricted folder)
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