Showing ideas with label Blue Prism RPA.
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Hi BP Team, It came to our surprise after running our first process in Next Gen that there is no actual reporting functionality and/or ability to export data in some form of structured data. For example if I wanted a report using a data range of certain sessions run. Or if I wanted to export all of the queue items in order to see a holistic view of what was completed vs marked as an exception etc. How would one achieve that today? Thank you,
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Hi BP Team, The ability to select and mark multiple queue items as exception. Not having this option was a bit of a surprise. What happens if you need to mark a huge volume of items? I had to already and it took long. The data provided to the queue was bad so I could not retry and didn't have much of an option. There should be an option to make changes to multiple items on a page regardless of the status. Having to do one at a time when you have a large volume items isn't practical. The items also can't remain in a pending state because then the DW will pick them up. Along with that, an option to empty a work queue would also be nice. Having to then select all delete multiple pages of data, if ever needed, can also be unnecessarily tedious. Thank you,
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Hi Team, Recently we came across a typical scenario where we found some unrealistic numbers in MI utilization Daily /monthly table. Surprisingly this is a known issue and we are having below articles to address it. Why does the utilization of a runtime resource exceed a maximum of 100%? : However, I found below point need to be considered for further enhancement. > There should be a unique combination of process and resource ID in Shadow table . There should not be duplicate session with no -end time to previous one. if so, then its obvious that there is a problematic session which will lead to additional secs logged to the tables. This query helps to identify problematic instances. SELECT MI1.* FROM [dbo].[BPMIUtilisationShadow] AS MI1 WHERE MI1.enddatetime IS NULL AND EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM [dbo].[BPMIUtilisationShadow] AS MI2 WHERE MI1.resourceid = MI2.resourceid AND MI1.processid = MI2.processid AND MI1.sessionid <> MI2.sessionid AND MI1.startdatetime < MI2.startdatetime AND MI2.enddatetime IS NOT NULL ); ASK:- Could you please modify the select query to an update query and add it to utilization stored procedure with parameters like Use feature - Yes/No if yes , Then what is the action:- Delete - Delete problematic sessions Update- Update problematic sessions with a standard endtime (Ex:- add 15 mins to start time) This should be amended before running utilization Daily & Monthly stored Procedures. happy to support and clarify further queries. Appreciate your time to consider and FastTrack.
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It would be good to have the option to check/uncheck a selection of processes or objects being imported through a release. For example a change went into production recently which had a bug in it but a backup of the process wasnt taken from production before the new one went in causing an issue in rolling back the change. As a rule we take a full production back up at the end of every week so we could import this release but as it includes EVERYTHING it meant a good bit of time during the import where we had to select whether the process/object was to be imported or not imported, since we only needed one process imported it was a real hassle. If we had a check box to select/unselect all we could select only the ones we need to import without having to go through the drop down selection for each process and object.
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In Blue Prism, this functionality would be implemented as an action within a business object that allows jobs to "release" their digital worker licenses when a higher-priority job is pending. Essentially, the action would enable the job to place itself back into the queue, allowing more urgent tasks to be processed without disruption. Having transitioned from UiPath to Blue Prism, I’m bringing a feature I previously custom-built in UiPath, which I found to be immensely beneficial. In our previous framework, we had a system where low-priority jobs could run throughout the day, but if a higher-priority task emerged and required a license, the lower-priority job would temporarily give up its license and return to the queue. The code would do this checking every time a new queue item was picked up. This behavior was seamlessly integrated into our framework, allowing our processes to communicate dynamically with the control room. The ability to manage this flow, where jobs could intelligently pause for higher-priority tasks, ensured better resource allocation and process efficiency without needing manual intervention. This feature enhanced our automation framework by offering flexibility in job scheduling.
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Each version of Blue Prism should display tooltips and highlight new features when installed for the first time. This is a common practice in many tools, as not all users will thoroughly read the release notes or actively explore every new feature. It is the responsibility of the product developers to incorporate such tooltips within the software to ensure users are informed and encouraged to try out the new features.
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Hi I see few Blue Prism VBO's like (MS Excel VBO, Utility - Collection Manipulation etc.,) has empty/missing description in input/output parameters. This VBOs are downloaded from Blue Prism Digital Exchange. It would be good if the description is available in BP provided vbo's as it will be helpful on how to use it for any solution designer. Regards, Praveen
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It is possible to start schedule, delete schedule, report on schedule... but there does not seem to be a command to create or retire schedules, which would complete the functionality for CLI commands for AutomateC.exe
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I understand it may improve user experience when they can chose their own language and see Blue Prism UI and log entries in their native language. However, in an international environment with more than one language, this seems to be contra productive as each user creates log entries in their own language with the result of some people see texts in non-native language nonetheless. I assume most people use English to avoid exactly this situation. Other users do just ignore texts they cannot read. It becomes more tricky when trying to report on DB level when date format may differ from row to row and instead of one keyword to search for, all possible keywords might have to be considered. Normally only 2-3 language are needed to be considered. Although some users may 'practice their Spanish/French/Chinese...' and may be missed in Audit log analysis. Example: I was querying Audit logs for event 'A%' to get changes to credentials. Additionally I wanted to extract the credential names by taking everything after the keyword 'credentials'. Then I noticed some logs are in another language and I have to search for another keyword as well. I immediately noticed this issues but I could have easily missed it. I guess when using the built in Audit report feature it would be quite hard to notice some records are missing in the result. Even more tricky is the situation when sub cultures are used, eg en-UK vs en-US. The text would be the same in both cases but (according to Wiki) UK uses dd/mm/yyyy and US uses mm/dd/yyyy. It would be great to have one consistent way of representing data in the DB and then only change how this data is represented in UI; not the other way round.
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We cleaned old entries in the BPAAuditEvents table and noticed we lost some version history in studio. Now old objects that have been created over one year ago and haven't been changed since then do not have any history information at all. It would be great to have at least some dates and names left in the history after DB house keeping activities. So those objects don't look like they appeared out of nothing.
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We would like to have more granular control of access rights granted to business objects and processes, where a user can be allowed to execute a process or business object and be able to update the 'Current Value' while in DEBUG mode without the possibility to save Initial Values or the process itself. This is currently only allowed through the 'Edit' permission which would defeat the scope of granting execution permissions only to first line of support.
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Hello, We would like to have a Search Bar for the Queues and the Sessions similar to the Resources. This would make our work a lot faster.
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I wanted to quickly submit this as a possible bug or future improvement. Please let me know if the below information is not clear enough for reproducing the issue. Today, we encountered an issue with negative priorities on queue items in a Production automation. We will be adjusting the automation probably to not use negative priorities anymore. I just wanted to be clear that this is not or at least soon will not be affecting us anymore, but it would be good to add this to the Blue Prism Dev backlog if it's not already there. Blue Prism versions tested: 6.10.1 & 7.3.1 -- Same behavior observed in both Description of the issue: Most people only use priorities of 0+, but there are times that you may want to increase the priority of a specific work queue item to be higher than the average queue item. The only way to do that above a priority of 0 is to go into the negative numbers (or redesign the automation so that the initial priority is something like 100 or 200 etc.). What we discovered is that you cannot use the Work Queues Internal Business Object's action "Set Priority" to set a priority of -1. The error you get is "No priority specified". This is the same error you get if you use this action without providing a number. However, you can supply any other (at least 32 bit) negative number such as -2 or -200, and it will set the Priority just fine. Along with this, you can use the action "Add To Queue" and provide any negative number INCLUDING -1. This is the only way I have found to be able to use negative one as the priority is if you set it when initially adding the item to the queue. Thoughts: I don't know what Blue Prism's opinion is on this. My suspicion is that negative numbers were not intended to be allowed. But if that were the case, I would think there'd be an input validation on Add To Queue and Set Priority to require that the number is at least 0, but neither of them have such a validation. So, my request is that these two be made to have the same functionality. Either make them both not support negative numbers, or make them both support all negative numbers including -1. The problem with the first option is that you could be breaking automations for customers that rely on negative numbers in some way. The second option is probably the better solution, and the only change required is to the Set Priority action so that it handles the priority in the same way that Add To Queue does, allowing for -1 to be a valid input. Steps to recreate: To recreate this issue, create a queue item using Add To Queue. There will be no issues at this point no matter what priority you use. 1, 0, -1, -2. All of these work. Next, in some way, get the Item ID of the item you just created. It will be in the output collection of Item IDs when adding to the queue. It could also be retrieved from the output of Get Next Item, etc. Next, using the Item ID of the pending item, use the action Set Priority and give it a Priority of -1. This will fail with the error "No priority specified". Next you could try -2. This should succeed. For BP personnel: Same content submitted in Ticket #299379
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Introduction of new functionality in BluePrism enterprise that uses latest GenAI models to assist in the development, training of RPA processes and objects to accelerate development time. Taking this further at runtime using GenAI models to generate the process and object code based on a set of instructions or procedural documentation etc..for the automate.exe to then execute.
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Currently during the import process about non information is available, like target groups or what are the items causing conflict. It would be great to have some type of preview window showing the contained items and structure similar to what is available in Releases tab. Also nice would be the creation date of the package being part of the release file. Currently the 'create' date shown in Releases tab is the date assigned by the local client, either date of creation when creating a new package or the date of import. This means when moving a release to another environment the creation date of the package there will be different to the creation date of the originating environment. It would make more sense to have creation / modify date static as part of the release and maybe add another column (eg release date) for when the package was last imported/exported.
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In Blue Prism UI, opening tab: Releases, in the main window named Package Overview, several columns with information on existing/known releases and packages is shown in list view with columns: name, created, created by and last release. The provided information would be much more valuable if the columns could be sorted and maybe even filtered. I just imported a release file, not knowing if the target is an existing group, a new group (and what it's name) or if it maybe was done as adhoc package. Being able to sort columns would greatly increase the chance of finding the package.
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Needs More Info
Submitted on
07:02 AM
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07:02 AM
Hi everyone,
I'm Emmanuel Katto from Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE), I’ve always found it a bit cumbersome to update a value in an environment variable, especially when you need to scroll through a long list, locate the variable, and then manually update it.
For instance, if a member's email address is used in multiple environment variables across different processes, and that member leaves the team, is there a way to easily replace or update all occurrences of their email address in one go—perhaps through an action or code stage that automates this in a single run?
If that’s not possible, wouldn’t it be beneficial to have a search feature that allows you to filter environment variables by their values? Currently, you can filter by variable name (as in v7.3), but it would be great if we could also search by value to make this process easier.
Just a thought I wanted to share with the product team! Any insights or suggestions are welcome.
Emmanuel Katto
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It would be a great addition if it where possible to see the changes between processes/objects that are part of a release in the Release Manager Windows. Currently, there is no way of seeing the contents/changes of a release while importing it into the Prod Environment. When importing a release you go through a number of windows, such the logging information and the overwrite questions. I would like to see an additional step here. Similar to comparing versions of a process/object in the studio. It would be helpful to have this option when importing a release. I understand that when importing, the actual process/object is not in the DB yet en and Compare function works by comparing to versions in the DB. However, I am sure it should be possible to works this out, for instance by importing it, then give the release manager the option to view the differences and then actually commit them. If they choose not to go trough with the release the imported version should be deleted.
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When importing an object or release and this asset already exists in BP repository, the import process shows a screen to decide on how to resolve the conflict, with options like: overwrite, new name new ID, ... It would be helpful to have folder/group information, ie the path of this asset in the repository. There are numerous reasons why a conflict may occur and currently only the name of the object is shown. If I would also see the path (eg 'Objects\tmp\' 'Processes\My Private Sandbox\') this may help to decide on the resolution. Although I am not sure how this works with 'linked' assets. Those assets those names are shown in different location in the folder structure but all pointing to the same asset. I didn't check but is it possible to have even different names for those linked objects?! That would make the conflict resolution quite confusing anyways. (Why is there the distinction between 'associated products' versions when submitting ideas? It doesn't make sense to submit an idea to just BPE v6 anyways. And how should I know if this idea will be relevant for BPE v7 only but not for BPE v8?!)
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Hi Team, Evaluate the usage of Blue Prism Login agent with Azure Cloud PC with Entra ID using Microsoft Entra joined devices. Current Login agent doesn't support this functionality. Need this feature to work without using ADDS or AD Connect.
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